Chereads / Mixed Personal Collection 2 / Chapter 113 - 1439-1453

Chapter 113 - 1439-1453

Chapter 1439 Take Out Stat Crystals

I didn't leave any leading contestant behind. These were considered the cream of the crop from all the lots taking part of this quest.

As for my apocalyptic trial, I met two dudes from the Hescos who came from there. And they just kept their side and silence, only standing behind Toramos like he was their leader or something.

Dudes… Cheer up, your leader is working for me, and that made me your leader as well.

"Now it's time to return to my zones," once I finished doing all this, rescuing all the eighteen groups successfully, I decided to return.

After all, there was a grand meeting waiting for me with a change of plans.

"What about here?" Toramos was the only one who was used to speaking directly with me. As for others, no matter which race they came from, they kept their distance from me.

"I want one contestant to take over the entire zone battles here," I paused before adding, "I left behind portals leading to each zone, and others linking these zones with one of mine. Who is going to take this task?"

"Is that dude required to fight in my zone?" Toramos moved his eyes around, looking at others who simply kept their silence.

No one but the two of us and his own nineteen teammates knew about how scary that battle was.

"I'll personally lead that battle," I ended that debate before it even started, "the one leading this war will just handle the zones except for yours."

"I'll take this task then," one of the Hescos spoke up. He was one from my apocalypse, and it seemed this dude wanted to see how scary and capable I was.

If he led my entire warriors here, then he'd end up getting to know lots of secrets. I didn't care, as I reached a stage that wouldn't be touched by others no matter what.

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If I had to deal with scary dudes like the ones who came from ending apocalypses, then I'd get to worry.

"Fine," I slowly nodded despite reading what this dude wanted to accomplish here, "I left enough force to clear all the hostile forces inside the shields I created. After cleaning the hostels there, try to test the enemy out at each zone. If there is a weak point, use it, but don't over do it."

"Ok," he seemed not convinced with my words, however I was the only one here with rich experience about how to deal with these enemies.

"What about us?" one of the contestants who came from other races than Hescos asked.

"You'll come with me," I paused before adding, "the gates to the twenty worlds will open. You'll lead my armies and get into these worlds. Explore and report back to me what you found. As for Toramos…"

I turned to Hescos with that weird feather on top of his head, "you'll get to know someone, and you two will lead the entire operations going on everywhere."

"I like that," he nodded before I left the one who volunteered behind.

[Come back with everyone] once I arrived at ground zero, I sent a message to Lily to bring everyone back.

[Are we going to start the invasion?]

[Bring everyone back, there is a change in the plans] I closed the chat with her, before starting to take out tons of warriors and left them the gear sets I recently acquired.

"Take out stat crystals," I didn't plan to carry them without taking something back, "give enough for my warriors to feed on."

"Are all of these your warriors?" Toramos was expressing the great shock everyone felt.

Since the first moment they all saw me, all I did was to take warriors out without showing an end.

I didn't even show any sign to feel troubled with doing this. And that was indeed true.

I got tons of warriors, enough to take them and watch them die without feeling any pain.

Instead, I'd feel pain if I lost full state warriors, thanks to the loss of stats they used.

So it went without saying that by making them take such useless stuff to them right now was doing a great help for me.

I wouldn't need to worry about doing this again. And when I saw them order their followers to do this task, and watched these dudes take an endless stream of stat crystals, I felt true jealousy towards them.

Could I force them to sign contracts with me? Or should I kill them and go and rob their inventories?

Wait… There was a dude who got eaten by a worm before. I'd go back, find that damn worm, cut its belly and take one tenth of the inventory of that jerk.

I wasn't the one to kill him, so I wouldn't get fifty percent. Yet seeing how casual they were while taking tons of stat crystals made me crave more to go back there and get my loot from that dude.

How many stat crystals would I get from him? I didn't want anything else but stat crystals, if that was even possible.

I waited for almost half an hour before my generals appeared one by one. The moment anyone appeared, they got shocked to see the myriad of different races on my side, and the others on my chariot got shocked as well.

"I thought you were human," Toramos couldn't control his shock and muttered in disbelief.

He got all the right to feel so. After all, many of my generals were humans, but there were too many as well coming from other races.

"I'm not a racist," I shrugged, welcoming my generals over my chariot with a wide smile, "I'm a democratic one, not a tyrant!"

"That means…"

"Anyone with abilities in any race I conquered has a chance to rise up and even be my right handed man or woman no matter what origin he came from," I used this moment to engrave such belief inside his heart.

If I could leave such an impression behind, then the first step to steal such talent from the Hescos would be a success.

Chapter 1440 Toramos Joined The Team

"See her?" I pointed towards Lily, "she is the grand general leading my forces here, the one I told you about before."

"A woman?" He seemed a bit surprised by this.

"Like I said, I got nothing against anyone," I shrugged before the last one joined our meeting. It was Legend, the one I held high hopes for his future.

"Now, let me introduce everyone here first," I started with my team members, explaining things about their origins in brief words. After that, I explained the identities of the new dudes here, telling everyone a brief of what they experienced, before adding the most crucial piece of information.

"... They are going to help us in the upcoming war. Toramos is a capable Hescos, and he is going to help Lily in leading things everywhere."

"This…" Lily got the meaning behind my words, "does that mean I didn't need to go to a world?"

"No, you'll stay here," I stressed over this point, "you'll turn this zone into a grand central headquarters for the entire operations."

"You got enough generals this time," and before anyone would say anything, that jerk spoke up, "now can we go and invade the remaining enemy homebases?"

"Who is he?" Toramos asked, and I could inwardly sigh.

No matter whom, the jumper got such talent to get on the bad side of anyone he'd meet. Even if he just met this Hescos, he managed to irritate him!

What a guy!

"Don't mind him," I shrugged, "he is a human, but a troublesome dude."

"I see…" Toramos kept his silence while the jumper didn't care about what I said about him.


"I got enough indeed, but can you survive there on your own?"

"What about you? You got enough to stay behind and do nothing but watch," the jumper was still trying to control his tongue, and yet his words came quite inappropriate.

"You know this isn't going to work," I paused before adding, "I have an important war to fight next and won't be free."

"What war?"

"My zone's war," Toramos felt something was amiss between me and the jumper, but he kept his curiosity to himself. And I liked such an attitude, "I got access to the angelic world."

"What is so important about that?" the jumper frowned, "we also got access towards there."

"No, we don't," I paused before delivering the bad news to everyone.

"That…" the jumper couldn't find any words to describe what he felt. And I got what he was truly feeling as I also felt the same.

This dude… He was indeed quite an unlucky bastard!

"What do you plan to do then?" Lily asked, ignoring the stupefied jumper.

"I'm going to fight the enemy there solo."

"Take me with you then!"

"No way!" I instantly refused what the jumper asked, "like I said before… If you got the ability, then go alone towards any of the enemy homebase and show me your might."


"If you can't, then focus on helping everyone in securing the nineteen worlds. They aren't that easy to begin with. And we have to secure them before focusing on the deadly fight in the last angelic world."

"You think the enemy will focus mainly on a single world?!" Toramos was surprised, "they will try to stop us everywhere!"

"They will," I slowly nodded, "and we will crush them. But no matter what, they will try their best to keep the angelic world away from our grasp for different reasons."

"This…" Toramos looked around, and everyone on my side just remained silent as if they used for me to speak in riddles about this part.

"Do you know why?"

"I don't," I shook my head, "and I don't care about any reasons. All I care about is to get this quest done and free those entrapped for endless years here. This is our quest, and it will be our win in the end no matter what."

The newly joined ones gave me weird gazes. They used to be the leaders, the ones who inspired others and raised their morales.

But right now the tables flipped around, and that came from none other than a weak human.

Compared to them, I was indeed weak. But that didn't mean I was powerless. In fact, considering all the big shots standing here, I was the only person who did his best and prepared too much for this quest.

I was the only capable and most powerful person here. Without me, none of them would have remained here for this long, or even managed to keep their lives intact.

"Time to start working," I paused, looking at the two I already selected as grand generals, "devise a plan together, with everyone, and be ready to move at any moment. As for others…"

"We know," one of the contestants who came from a weird race with a weird name that I didn't get to memorise yet said, "you need us to provide your warriors with stat points… However…"

"I won't give anyone anything," I said in straightforward, while reading what this dude was thinking about.

"Warriors are limited by one's level of apocalypse," Toramos seemed to have the same thought as well, as he tried to convince me, "giving them to us will bring much scarier forces than you."

"Thanks," I shook my head, "I know what I'm doing, and I'm not lacking in terms of my warriors."

They got a point, but how come I'd give them such hot cake here for free? Even if they'd bring the best out from these warriors, why didn't they bring their own warriors like me with them?

I heard words like: We should have brought warriors! If we knew how important they'd be, we'd brought more! We should have bought lots of these warrior tokens before coming here!

Such remarks and others spread like fire between them. But I didn't care. I decided to leave them at the chariot's of my generals, and left things over to Lily and Toramos.

Chapter 1441 The Weird Acting Jumper

As for me, I kept taking warriors out for one more hour. Others kept taking out stat crystals until they formed a grand series of towering mountains all over the place.

Even with my insane speed of taking out warriors, even after taking more than a billion out, I never felt these mountains were getting smaller by time and my warriors.

In fact I felt like they were increasing in height and number! That was insane! How rich were these exactly? How come such filthy rich people failed to not bring warriors with them like I did?

Damn! What went wrong in their minds to not focus on using such wealth to buy warrior tokens like myself?

Don't tell me they all got their hands over stat crystal mines! That would be quite insane!

[Attention! The doors to the worlds are going to get opened in few minutes]

[Get ready everyone! This is it!]

Before I'd sent any message, I saw Lily coming on her chariot, with Legend, the spearhead, the jumper, and Toramos as well.

They got a few others with them, around ten that I didn't recall their names. But among them, three were contestants like Toramos and myself, while others were folks who came with other contestants.

"We are ready," Lily was the first to speak up. And I couldn't help but move my eyes over the bunch of people around here, before stopping my gaze upon the two jerks with them.

"They are here for a reason," Toramos noticed my weird expression over my face, and couldn't help but clear his throat before adding, "this one is waiting for his girl, and that one is looking for his dude."

"I'm not going to babysit anyone," I strictly said, "no matter who he is!"

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"We don't need anything from you but warriors like anyone else," the jumper coldly said. And for a reason, I felt like this dude reached a deal with Toramos.

Something seemed off here. He acted a bit arrogant, just like he used to do back at the apocalypse.

What? Did he get some sort of artefact from Toramos or others that gave him such confidence?

"I'm not going to save anyone's neck," I stressed over this point, "I got my hands full."

"We don't need any help from you," the jumper spoke in his harsh tone again, making me sure he indeed got something from these contestants that skyrocketed his arrogance and self confidence again.

"Fine," if he wanted to try out his luck, then be my guest, "you can do whatever you want. I'll take warriors out in each zone, and you are responsible for assigning them..."

I moved my eyes towards Lily and Toramos. I already added all the contestants and their folks that I saved as friends.

After all, I didn't just save them out of my good heart or my desire to use their abilities in the upcoming battles.

Each single one of them was going to be something later on in their races. And having good ties with them when they were still nothing was the best chance for me.

After the end of the apocalypse, I'd start to embark on the wider stage of the universe. Having such friends in the big races was something crucial for my survival later on.

And if they failed to reach something in their races, my kingdom's arms would be wide opened for them to join me.

I'd not lose anything in the end, and gain tons of benefits in return. And that was what I sat my gazes upon.

I had such a far -sighted vision and long term goals that I started to work upon it from now on.

"Keep me posted about all the updates of everything happening everywhere," I said to these two, assigning this role for them to play.

I wanted to know everything that was going on, even if it was trivial. I knew the enemy would place much importance over the angelic world and the zone that was owned before by Toramos and his group.

This zone was like Achilies' heel for the enemy's grand scheme and plan. But that didn't mean they'd end up focusing everything on these two places.

The enemy would try to use the same tactic I used here, throw out many scary folks with a few words to attract and divert my attention from my important task.

This enemy was so damn hard to deal with, and so I had to secure myself and others by this procedure and precaution.

As long as I kept receiving intel about everything happening everywhere, I'd spot the places where the enemy selected to bring trouble at, and would instantly move to kill their chances in causing trouble to my forces and grand scheme.

It was like a grand board of chess played between two formidable chess masters. One simple mistake, and everything would crumble to pieces.

And I'd never let myself commit such a mistake thanks to neglecting the importance of the information network.

"Leave this to us," Lily said before adding, "I'll leave Legend with you for that."

"Legend?!" It was indeed shocking what she selected for this kid to play.

"We got enough capable generals on our side," Lily explained, "and this kid needs to see more of the world."

I got what she wanted to do here. Leaving Legend by my side might not benefit us in this fight, but would benefit us in the long term.

Seeing the capable figures on each contestant's side seemed to trigger something inside Lily's mind and heart.

I simply nodded, accepting her far fetched vision and plans for Legend.

We needed to use such harsh times not only to seek win, but also to try and train those capable seeds for the future.

"Let's start then," I motioned for them to disperse, and only Legend stayed by my side.

That dude didn't take more than one minute with me before spilling out the beans about the jumper's weird attitude.

Chapter 1442 Taking Legend With Me

As I expected, he traded a few of his things in return for a few artefacts.

Legend didn't know what the jumper traded or what he got. But I could easily tell.

'This dude got nothing of value except knowledge about me,' I got that was the role he played with these dudes. And in the end, it'd pour into my advantage.

That dude didn't know lots of my secrets, and everything he knew was about the time of me fighting in the apocalypse, gaining more forces, crushing various races, and establishing my kingdom.

He knew nothing about my deals with the Toranks, or how I did that in the first place. He knew nothing about how I got my bones, or the different troops I got from the Toranks and other weapons and such.

What he'd tell me would magnify my image of everyone, and that appeared clearly in the way Toramos dealt with me at the last meeting.

He always gave off a higher air as if he was higher and stronger than me. He got a point to think so, but that didn't mean he was quite right.

From what the jumper said, everyone knew how truly deep my background was. They got how truly strong and formidable I truly was, to the extent of fighting on different fronts, against formidable foes, without even feeling a pressure.

And the most remarkable thing was that, all this happened just at the same time. Which was something none of them would accomplish even if their apocalypses were about to end and they were the sole rulers there.

And just as I started filling the zones with my warriors, I received the messages of the opening of the portals to the other worlds.

I went to ask, and got to know where these portals opened.

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Luckily, the system seemed to do something again and the portals just opened in places controlled by my forces.

That was the case indeed in the twenty zones under my control. As for the other eighteen zones of others, things were still quite chaotic out there.

Not to mention the portal to the twentieth world was still closed.

I kept taking out forces, leaving them behind while everyone took care of the stat issue. At the same time, I made sure to leave behind a few million soulers, tens of millions of geared warriors, while preparing myself to not see them again.

I didn't feel that pain actually, or might have felt a little pain for a few moments. Then when I recalled the eighteen rich lands filled with fiends and gears, I couldn't help but grin.

What if I lost these forces? I'd still end up getting more bones, and tons of gears.

In the end, it was an acceptable exchange, a price I should accept to get more gains in the end.

As for that jumper, I didn't care about what he was going to do. It wasn't a surprise when I heard from Legend about him going towards one of the unexplored home bases of the enemy.

In the jumper's eyes, this was a golden chance to invade the enemy's homes and bases. The enemy was trying his best to stop us everywhere, and with the opening of the nineteen worlds, they had to pour tons of force into each world to secure it from our grasp.

Not to mention the grand battle waiting for me at Toramos' zone.

So he believed things would go quite easily by invading the enemy's homes. And I had to admit, he got a point, and yet he underestimated the enemy.

The enemy stayed here for endless years. It would be naive to expect them to have shallow depths, and few resources and forces.

I was quite sure we didn't see the full power of them yet. They'd keep many things hidden until the opening of the angelic world, to come and surprise me with their formidable and scary forces.

The jumper might trigger part of such forces to get revealed if he kept invading their homes one by one. And that was the main reason I let him do whatever he wanted.

Putting more pressure on the enemy to force them to reveal more of their true might was something good. I'd stay behind and watch, just like what the jumper described before, assessing everything and modifying plans for the enemy's hidden aces.

Just like what the enemy planned to do, I also planned to do the same. After all, winning or losing wasn't going to be decided by the one who got more forces on his side, but the one who knew how to better use his assets and hit the enemy where he never expected, where it would truly hurt.

"Let's go," after finishing my task, a thing that took almost ten hours to do, I decided to take Legend and go towards Toramos zone, "you won't stand by the side and watch."

"I never planned to do so in the first place."

"Good," I liked this kid, "I'll start by spreading out my bubbles, and you just lead the forces in each bubble and kill everything that meets you."

"I can do that," he nodded, "but... What about these worms?"

"I have mine as well," I patted on his head, as he was truly a kid even if he was slightly higher than myself, "just take care of other things. And make sure to not miss a single gear back there."

"Got it!"

And just like that, I went to a portal leading to the eighteen zones at my ground zero. And there I found many standing on watch, organising things over.

After asking them, I learnt about the portal leading to the Toramos zone. And then I passed through it, ending up at the deadly hot zone there.

"Time to get a bit serious," and that was the first thing I said when I reached there.

"Holy sh*t! What the heck is going on here?!!!" Legend screamed out in immense shock after standing silent for a few seconds.

Chapter 1443 Brutal Fight

It was pretty much expected to see the entire area inside the shields here to be devastated, filled with holes, and an endless number of dead bodies from my side and the enemy's.

The worm battle ended, and the victor was my worm. Out of what I took out, only less than fifty remained, and they were all riddled with heavy wounds.

"Tsk... I took much longer than I planned," I left my worms and warriors here while expecting to be away for a few hours.

But it took much longer than that. Even if I lost most of my worms, I still wasn't feeling any bad.

"This is nothing," I knew how shocked Legend was, but it wasn't time for that, "this region is already secured. We'll consider this as the main base."

"Ok," Legend got over his shock fast, "what shall I do now? Attack? Or wait for you?"

"Neither," I took out my pillar, "we are going to clear the path outside first," I activated the offensive strike of my pillar, releasing all the stored damage through all this time.

The enemies here weren't aware of my way of doing things. And so they kept hammering and coming at my shields without pause.

So it was expected for the ferocity of my shields' strike to be strong and last for four hours.

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I didn't leave my shields here for more than half a day, and yet the attack showed a strength also shown at shields lasting for days or even a week.

"Now," after the light subsided, "I'll leave enough warriors out for you here. Gather up the gears, kill any enemies that are still alive around, and leave everything here before going towards the far away shields."

"Ok," he nodded, leaving my chariot on his, before I started to take out my warriors. "Go under the ground, secure the area around for twenty miles," I gave this order for my worms.

To me, these worms were as good as dead. I didn't know how to heal all these wounds, and didn't care about taking such trouble in the first place.

If the enemy used worms here, followed what I expected them to do, then they'd bring a huge number of worms here.

Facing millions or even more of such worms wasn't a dream. And so losing these fifty wasn't going to be that bad.

As I left enough for Legend to lead, I started to roam this zone. The area of devastation spread to cover up hundreds of miles, a distance that was enough to make me feel quite satisfied with such an attack.

I spread a few shields around in that cleared zone. However my main focus was to reach the area where the enemy was active at, and start the real battle.

After flying for a few hours, I finally covered the entire distance and reached a zone that started to get filled with different enemy troops.

The enemy seemed to get taken aback with what happened here. They didn't send lots of their forces, and only the headless locusts lead the entire charge for tens of miles ahead from the main army.

I didn't give a damn about these locusts. They were the easiest to kill. As for others, I started to see a few familiar faces when I passed locusts by thirty miles.

I kept flying and advancing ahead without stopping. I didn't start acting until I crossed another one hundred miles. There I found the enemy gathering up tons of their main forces, and even saw lots of worms slithering on the ground.

"Time to show you another trick," seeing my chariot coming was enough to stir up the hornet nest. Everyone started to act, and even the worms tried to raise their heads, trying to take a bite at my chariot.

I'd not underestimate these deadly folks. Even if my chariot's shield was much sturdier than the shields created by my pillar, I wasn't that sure my chariot's shield would sustain a single attack from these worms.

So in return for their attempts, I rose high up, away from their reach. At the same time, I released a few of my bones, watched them fall like raining rocks on the ground, before starting to absorb their energy and gush them inside the cube.

The cube covered up one hundred miles radius, sucked in everything in that zone. Such a scene frightened everyone around, and if they knew that I'd force a contract on all of the enemies I sucked inside, they'd grow much scarier.

I didn't feel any surprise or shock like them, I didn't feel fear but excitement. The enemy forces here were quite dense, even to the extent that having one locust came at the cost of having hundreds of other races and troops.

And so I didn't stand in my place for even one second. I moved my chariot fast, kept using my cube and bones, clearing thousands of miles off the enemy in every direction.

The enemy tried to respond to such a threat using force. However after ten straight hours, they reached the conclusion that clashing against me was futile!

It was impossible to break through my shields using any means they got. And for the worms they had, they might get a chance in breaking my shield, but they got no chance at touching me.

So after ten hours, the enemy started to ask their troops to retreat away from the chariot. And thanks to my previous experience in dealing with such a move, I kept my chariot flying in fixed long routes for hours, without using my cube again.

I gave the enemy the feeling that their tactic was working, and I couldn't get my hands over any of their people.

After doing this for an entire day, and even after receiving messages from Legend telling me that he is already at the edge of the safe zone, facing tons of locusts while being inside the safe shields I left behind, I didn't stop what I was doing.

Chapter 1444 The Cube's Mighty Power

I just told this dude to keep fighting the locusts, driving them to attack the shields, and kill as many of them as he could.

As for the enemies here, I kept pushing them around in places I wanted. Even when I was met with a vast and open space of land, I used my shields to create artificial obstacles, preventing the enemy from gathering around in places they could run away through easily, evading my cube.

The enemy felt more confidence in such tactics and started to send more troops to deal with Legend and the army I left behind for him.

But after doing this for one day, and after covering tens of thousands of miles, it was time for me to close in the grand net and start collecting my trophies.

"Surprise!" I used the staff for the first time since they used their tactic. I jumped back to a spot I already visited before, used my cube and sucked dry everyone and everything in one hundred mile radius.

And starting from here, the real nightmare of the enemy started.

After seeing their tactic succeed, ending up in forcing me to move away without gaining a single troop of theirs, they started to pour more forces to the frontline.

I estimated that hundreds of millions were now fighting Legend at these shields alone. As for the number of forces in the entire zone I covered with my chariot, they would be in tens of billions if not more!

That was a substantial loot for me, especially when the enemy used everything they got.

Worms appeared, friends were like locusts in the air, and the one eyed giants began to show up. Even the high zombies with their scary drums appeared as well.

The enemy used everything they had, even these deadly islands with portals on their backs. When these crazy fellows appeared in big numbers at Legend doorsteps, that dude sent a distress message.

And that was why I started to act.

The shields I left behind might sustain any enemy, not the worms, not the high zombies, not the Exomachines, and surely not these deadly flying islands.

Without waiting any longer, I moved my chariot back, jumped fast, used my cube, captured everything in a few seconds, before jumping again to another spot.

My sudden move scared the enemy, especially when they realised after an hour what I truly was doing in the past day.

Like mad they started to evacuate their forces, however they found the bitter truth... They couldn't escape the clutches of my deep net!

I jumped first at the outer areas I recently visited, gathered everyone there, and cleared a huge stretch of land.

And then I kept jumping at this region, kept myself active here, collecting anyone who managed to run all the way to here.

After one hour from doing so, the enemy started to realise the harsh truth. They couldn't retreat anyone from the inside or else they'd end up getting caught. And they couldn't send any reinforcements from outside as I'd end up collecting them as well.

They tried many times, sending lots of armies from different directions at the same time during the next few hours, and yet they failed. They tried to not do anything for a few hours, and I had to jump inside to collect the loot standing inside, relieving the pressure over Legend.

I asked that dude to slowly and calmly retreat inside, buying myself as much time as he could. During this, I kept alternately jumping in between the inner and outer zone, collecting any armies that tried either to break free or move in to reinforce the trapped huge armies inside.

The enemy kept trying, and I kept stopping them with all my means. In fact, letting armies get inside wasn't that bad, however letting who got trapped to be released wasn't acceptable.

So I had to move back and forth to make sure I didn't miss anyone. And after two days from doing so, I managed to clear thousands of miles, and the enemy seemed to grow tired from doing anything anymore.

During the next day, not a single troop tried to move out or come in. and that told me the enemy already intended to abandon any forces inside.

That meant the enemy had to gather up another scary army like this, not only that, but he had to gather much more than these forces.

After all, all of the captured forces here ended up working for me. Just seeing the endless and different kinds of troops inside my cube made me laugh for minutes from time to time.

I didn't just get billions of forces, but I gained hundreds of millions of terrifying forces. There were the fiends, the Exomachines, the worms, the high zombies' two kinds, the one eyed giants, the Silences, and even the flying suited dudes.

The enemy gave me tons of locusts, numbering to tens of billions actually. I didn't care that much about them. After all, they weren't that sane, wouldn't follow any order, couldn't fly, couldn't defend, and couldn't take down formidable forces.

But they'd do great in the upcoming grand battles at the twenty worlds.

During the time I was fighting here, my forces scattered all over the nineteen worlds and the two enemy home bases were having brutal fights.

According to the reports constantly delivered by Legend, the enemy depended over the fiends as the highest calibre force in the armies fighting mine.

This was quite expected. The enemy would focus at first in stopping me here. And after losing this bad, I expected the enemy to start moving part of the formidable forces at other worlds to divert my attention.

Anything aside from the scary worms wouldn't be that difficult to deal with by my forces. Yet after the passage of five more days, and clearing almost all of the tens of thousands of miles of area that was filled to the brim with scary enemy forces, I didn't feel any threat of using worms against my forces at any time.

Chapter 1445 The Jumper's News

-n0ve1,com Just the loot of worms inside my cube was in millions right now! The enemy seemed to be quite careless and very impatient in killing me here and stopping my advance.

They brought such a grand number of scary worms here to take me down once and for all. They got nothing to blame but their own incompetence, their lack of knowledge, and their arrogance in underestimating me.

If they dealt with me like they should, then things would have ended quite better. However they didn't look me in the eye, and that was their greatest mistake.

They trusted their forces more than doubting the abilities of their enemy. As I took in the last of their forces here, I couldn't help but feel more confidence in taking the enemy here down.

This quest… This quest was mine!

I wasn't underestimating my enemy. I knew how strong and formidable they really were, and that was why I was confident in my victory at the end.

The enemy had many weaknesses, which showed clearly in this zone. The forces in the zones seemed to be entrapped and not aware of what was going on outside.

And if I followed such logic, then it was safe to say that the enemies' forces inside each world were also suffering from the same defect.

"If so… Then I got three weeks to clear the nineteen worlds, or at least clear half of them, before the opening of the last angelic world."

I knew it was a golden chance, and I got to move fast and seize it. The enemy was destined to move fast, send fresh troops from the outside, and these might carry the missed intel for the forces in each world.

According to the reports I received, the enemy was already fighting against the locals of each world when my forces arrived. I didn't know if that was part of the quest scheme or that it was a countermove prepared by the enemy thanks to my interventions from the beginning.

After all, the enemy would do such a move in response to my efforts in changing the entire scheme of this quest.

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That meant the enemy forces in each world were already tired and exhausted. They had to fight now on two different fronts, and so they were at their lowest points right now.

[I'm going to leave forces here for you to lead] deciding that, I took tens of thousands of worms, left them to secure this grand zone, [I left behind lots of shields. I will leave tons of forces inside to protect this place]

[Am I going to defend again?]

[Don't belittle this defensive role] I realised he was referring to the long time I asked all of them to stay inside the shields and defend, [This defence here is the key to our victory at the end]

[What do you want me to do?] he was smart enough to read through the hints in my words.

I didn't want him to just defend, I wanted him to do something else.

[Give the enemy here a nightmare] I paused, [Make them too much focused on you. Even if you ended up losing most of the forces I'd leave for you, it doesn't matter! I want to see endless enemies here the moment I come back]

[I got it! Leave this to me!] he got my point, and I started to roam the entire grand zone, jumping around using my staff, spreading my shields and forces inside for long hours.

I lost count of how many warriors I took. And I even took warriors without gears or even without stat points at many shields.

I left lots of stat crystals for them to use. [I'm going back now. Don't forget, your role is to defend, and to attract as much attention from the enemy as possible]

[Got it!]

I knew I could depend on this dude here. If I didn't get him, then I'd have left lots of my newly acquired generals, and I wouldn't feel as relieved as I felt right now.

I jumped back to the central area of this zone where the portal leading to my ground zero lay.

The other seventeen zones were already led by one of the contestants. I didn't truly care about these, and I knew Lily and Toramos were going to do great jobs about reinforcing the armies there.

I jumped back to ground zero, and there I found the once before filled to the brim world with warriors was void of anything.

"Tsk… War really requires lots of wealth, and men," seeing this made me sigh. But before doing anything else, I replenished this zone with warriors again for a few hours.

[You came back?] It seems my actions here caught the attention of Lily.

[I'm just stopping for a few hours] I said while taking out tons of warriors without stats, [I got warriors that need stat crystals. Let others help in that]

[Good! We just emptied five zones from the endless warriors you left behind]

[Oh! That fast?!] It was indeed surprising to hear that.

In each zone, hundreds of millions or even billion warriors were left out by me.

And hearing that five zones got emptied already in such a short time was something quite unexpected.

[The enemy had tons of forces at each world, so we got to adapt, y'know]

[Ok, I'll refill these zones then… Which one are these?]

[Come back to the centre and I'll guide you to their portals]

[Give me three hours then]

After four hours, I returned back to find her standing with the group I saw before. The spearhead wasn't here, and I got to know that he picked up his girl before heading towards one world to fight at.

As for the jumper, he already was fighting hard at the third homebase world we acquired.

He invaded one world in the past week, and could hardly establish a base there by now.

Chapter 1446 The God World

His speed was acceptable, and he was doing just fine in my eyes. It wasn't as great compared to how I'd take down such a zone in much less time if I was there.

I knew what he argued with before was right. The enemy was now focusing on too many fronts at the same time, and he did not have enough support everywhere.

So it was expected for the enemy to lessen the defensive forces at their home bases during such times. After all, their home bases were the mightiest and most formidable defensive places in the entire quest small universe!

If I was the one leading the charge, taking down a base wouldn't take more than a day or two. But it was still remarkable for that dude to manage to control a base in one week.

"Are you going to invade the world now?" When seeing me, Toramos didn't say anything in greetings like others.

This wasn't the time to waste on such silly and useless things.

And that dude was quite smart, enough to read through my intentions, or guess them quite right.

"I'm going to take down as many worlds as possible."

"You want to force the enemy to support the final world?!!" Tormaos seemed a bit shocked when he heard my words.

"Isn't it better for us to use these worlds to divert the enemy's forces around?!" Lily was also feeling the same kind of shock, having the same line of thoughts as everyone else.

"If I don't do that, then these worlds will turn from being their source of distraction to ours!"

I didn't need to explain much, and from what I just said, everyone here got what I meant.

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They remained silent, while the twisted look on their faces told me how they truly felt.

They were feeling conflicted about dealing with such an enemy. The thing they all thought and took as one of our trump cards was actually going to be the poisonous thorn that the enemy planned to stab us in the back with.

If not for my words and actions, the few very intelligent folks here would have totally missed such a great point and scheme, would miserably fall into the enemy trap, ending up in a very bad situation indeed.

"Let's not waste more time," I shifted my eyes around, "which portals lead to the emptied worlds?"

"This, this…" Lily heaved a deep sigh of helplessness, before pointing towards four portals.

"Ok, I will fill them with warriors, and you know what you need to do."

"Giving them stat crystals and such," Toramos sighed, but not in the same way like Lily, "do you need anything from us to help?"

"No, keep the fights going on like usual," I paused before adding, "when there is a chance, push forward, add more forces there. I'll try to create chances for the forces there, and the rest is up to you."

"Got it," they watched me leave through one portal, where it led to another emptied zone.

I kept taking out my warriors, filling these zones to the brim, before jumping in between the zones using the portals at ground zero.

It took me half a day to finish that. And then it was time for me to go and visit these worlds.

[Which world has the highest number of enemy forces?] Once I got done, I returned to ground zero, and asked Lily about that.

[I'm going to lead you there] I waited for her for half an hour, before she finally appeared in her chariot with everyone.

It seemed she dealt with this zone as the headquarters of the entire war, and dealt with her chariot as the brain of such headquarters.

"This portal will lead you to a zone," she pointed towards one portal nearby before adding, "the world there is the one leading to the gods' world. The enemy there is quite fierce, having the most fiend forces out of all other forces."

"Isn't it the nineteenth world?" I recalled this one. It was the world that got the weird god race.

It was one of the few worlds that attracted my attention back then. This race was the ancestors of the gods in my universe. Even the shrines and the way the gods worked using blessing and blessing points were present here.

Shrines were present here as shrine families, and this race supported others in return for blessing.

The world was on the verge of collapsing. It was in the heart of a terrifying black hole, and the members of this race worked to stop the destruction of their world.

But they had disasters from time to time, making their numbers fall, and that was the reason behind their imminent destruction.

I didn't know what disaster befell them, but I could get it now. If each time the golden quests got activated, the fiends sent out tons of forces into their world, then this could be the disaster happening to them.

Or it might be something else, however this was the only disaster I thought about for now.

If that was true, then I could only hope to kill too many of the enemy out there, balance things out.

As for why the enemy focused on that race in such a way, I could guess a thing or two.

From the description provided by the system list from before, this race was able to give anything back for blessing.

Be it weapons, stats, strength, defence, or even treasures… This race could transform the fate of entire armies and races in exchange for that mysterious blessing of theirs.

As for what blessing would actually do to such a race, I could only consider them like stats for me and others in the apocalypse, in the universe.

"This world alone sucked up the entire armies of two zones," Toramos' tone was filled with bitterness and weirdness, "and even with all of that, we didn't get a stable foothold there."

Chapter 1447 Weird World

"Interesting," I couldn't imagine what went out there to make all the warriors they sent not be able to secure a base in that world.

Was that world this vast? Enough to such hundreds of millions of warriors without being able to do a thing there? Or was the enemy this terrifying, killing tons of my forces at a fast pace?

"You should be careful out there," Lily said, in one of the rare moments of her showing such worry on her face, "the enemies there are quite strong!"

"They are just like what we met before, right?"

"No, they got weirdly stronger out there," Toramos said something weird. And I couldn't help but think of one crazy possibility.

'They are not that desperate for blessing to support their enemies, the ones who were killing and leading their world into the depths of the abyss, right?'

This was such a scary and crazy thought, but if that race dealt with blessings like food and water, like air to us, then it would make sense.

They would accept blessing their enemies in return for buying themselves a bit more of time. Damn! What a hellish life these dudes were living out there if that was true!

"Stay put and keep things rolling the same way," this was all I could say to them before moving towards that portal, and ending up arriving at another zone.

I could clearly see a towering portal standing ten miles away, and yet it looked so grand even from a far away place.

I went towards it, and my mind was filled with different scenarios about what would wait for me out there in the gods world.

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When I went towards the portal, I saw tons of warriors heading towards it like a flood. The portal was at least one mile in length, covering up a huge area indeed.

I didn't even think twice before passing through that portal. The moment I passed through it, the world all around changed.

I found myself standing in an open place, one that stretched for hundreds of miles around at least.

I couldn't see an end to this land, and all I saw was an endless number of forces, fighting against each other.

Seeing this scene made me realise that what I thought about was true. This world was very vast, enough to swallow tons of my warriors without showing an end.

At the same time, the two sides were fighting on what could be described as a chaotic battleground!

There wasn't a stable frontline that could be seen between the two sides. At many places, I saw groups surrounding others, while they got surrounded with other enemies.

This was indeed very chaotic! And I didn't know what made this place turn into such a state!

Was this the aim of the fiends here? Or did they just send waves after waves of their forces, to meet up the new waves sent by mine?

I threw aside such useless thoughts, took out my pillar, and started to arrange this disarrayed battlefield.

My shields appeared, turning this chaos into a more organised battlefield, or it might be more chaotic for my enemies.

The forces down there mixed together either got trapped inside the shields, or got in between them. After working for one hour to do so, I returned to visit each shielded zone, leaving my soulers down there to do their magic.

The soulers were the best type of troops who could deal unimaginable damage in such situations. As the soulers got released, the enemy started to lose on an alarming rate.

"Keep pushing, step outside and kill!" I took out close to ten million geared soulers, and let them deal with the enemies even in between the shields.

Seeing my shields spread around was like seeing bubbles of soap flying all over the place. I kept doing this for hours, while moving forward at the same time.

After one day, I finally reached a new zone.

"Damn! So this isn't just the surface of the world, but a deep abyss of it!" I saw a grand mountainous wall lining up the zone I came from, filling the entire horizon like it was a sky of its own.

I saw such a scene before, and for a moment I mistook this place to be the world I once used my deadly shield to strike at.

However this was a little different. The wall of rocks extended for a few miles to the top! And the enemy forces built what could be described as forts inside this place.

My forces reached this zone already, to get wiped out without exception thanks to the deadly strikes coming from that wall.

The enemy was ruthless! They didn't care about their own troops, attacked everywhere my forces reached, killed everyone without exception.

The explosions here looked like the weapons I got from my research department would unleash. I couldn't see clearly what type of weapons the enemy used, but I could imagine huge cannons and rocket launchers or something similar to that.

"Tsk! That wall is going to be a problem…" I knew taking down a high ground was always hard and quite taxing on any army.

Not to mention such a terrain, which wasn't only huge, but also got heavily fortified!

I thought about activating my shields' offensive strike, but realised that wasn't going to solve the problem.

"If I activate a dark gold dark realm bone, the fire will be enough to engulf enemies at a grand scale…" I considered doing that, but stopped when I realised the fire wouldn't reach the top of that wall.

I knew it wasn't a wall out there, but the real surface of this world. Without taking whoever lied above, taking the forces down here wasn't going to help.

"Tsk… I have to go up there and deal with the enemy myself…" I paused, created lots of shields around first, making a grand circle of protection and isolation zone that would stop any enemy force or even my fire from trespassing beyond this line.

Chapter 1448 Finding The Enemy

Doing this took me four days. The area was at least a thousand miles in radius, or even more. It was a grand abyss indeed, and I couldn't help but marvel at the long term planning of the fiends.

They had to take lots of time to dig such a place, fortify the walls around, and prepare such a deadly trap for any forces coming here. I knew such a task would take a long time, months even years, even if they used the grand and scary worms to do that.

After doing this, I was almost done.

"Time to go up," I considered using my research department weapons. But refrained from doing so at the last minute.

The enemy knew almost everything about my abilities and limits. It would be worse to reveal such a card they never knew existed.

It might be useful here, but it surely would be crucial to win the battle in the angelic world. So I decided to invest in the future possibilities, keep these weapons lying in my inventory, covered up by dust, for now.

As I went higher, I noticed a black cloud coming from one direction. Then this black cloud turned into a group of black clouds, then the entire sky looked as if they grew dimly lit by these clouds, turning the bright worlds into dark ones.

"Fiends!" my eyes shone when I saw what was coming. Endless number of fiends moved out from the surface the moment they spotted my chariot coming.

Did they recognise me? I doubted that! For a second there, I felt little fear from their endless number and grand formation.

"Tsk! You moved too soon, b*tches!" I didn't hesitate to act next, activating my shields' offensive strike.

The shields stored damage for days. And just by activating them, all the darkness these fiends brought got vanquished by the light.

Even if these forces and fields here got boosts and support from the god race, they would never be a rival to my shields' offensive strike.

I stopped in place, waited for the bright light to end. And it took roughly ten hours to do so.

"Just so so," I shrugged while watching the light fade away faster than I expected. However when the world turned clear to my eyes, I saw the ground down below covered in an endless number of dead enemies.

As for my forces, I already gave them a head up warning to retreat to the closest shields. I didn't give them more than a few minutes to retreat, and so I knew many of them fell under such an attack.

Yet I never felt bad for them. I got nothing more to spend than warriors.

"Take all of the gears out," seeing such a grand treasure trove all over the ground, I couldn't help but drool over it, "gather the gears inside the shields."

I took millions and millions of my warriors, spread them all over the ground down below, and gave them the same task to do.

These gears… Such an endless number of gears… They were mine!

As for the bones, it wasn't the right time to collect these yet.

First, I got to burn those damn bastards up there and lead my warriors up to start the real battle of this world.

After all, all of this was just the welcoming party prepared by the enemy.

pAn,Da n<0,>v,e1 When I moved my chariot to the top, the scene I saw was something I never expected!

"Damn! Don't tell me this entire world is a colossal beehive!"

The walls I just came on top didn't lead me to an open ground like I imagined. Instead, the surface stretched for ten miles, filled with tons of bases, fortifications, defences, and endless troops.

Then the ground would sink, showing a grand and seemingly endless abyss!

This kept happening all over the place! Even when I rose for miles high in the air, I saw nothing else but this weird scene!

The ten miles surface looked like thin lines surrounding circular holes, grand circular holes which would stretch for thousands of miles at least.

I couldn't see the end of these holes, but could expect what this part of the world looked like.

"I hope this won't be the case at the rest of this world," I sighed, and decided to start exploring one of the grand abysses down there.

When I got down, I saw the ten miles of ground open many holes, like hatches, and then tons of fiends and flying suited creatures appeared.

"Tsk! These ridges aren't just simple walls, they are indeed what one would call a real fortress would be like!"

I didn't give a damn about any of them, and simply used my chariot's invincible shield to crush and make my path through these enemies.

As I passed by force, they kept chasing and coming after me like mad dogs!

"Come, I'll see what lies down there before taking all of you out," I went directly towards the nearby abyss, without caring about anything else.

And when I arrived closer, I could see the ground quite clearly…

"This…" seeing the scene that welcomed my eyes made me slightly frown, "this entire hole is filled with enemy forces! Ground troops, training camps, and even forts and few towns and cities for them to live in! Damn! Did I move into a good world, or a friend's world?"

I got confused for a moment, before deciding to do something crazy. If this was a base to train the enemy forces, gather up the armies, and move them to fight my forces or other forces sent here during the entire long course of the golden quests, then it'd be just great to take them all down at once.

What the enemy took trouble to make for all these endless years was going to be used against them right now.

"It's suitable here," After flying for five hours, I stopped, took out one of my dark gold dark realm bones, activated it, then threw it at the bottom.

Chapter 1449 Meeting Gods

"Burn in hell, bastards," I left the bone falling down, turned around without waiting to see the result, and flew high in the air.

The fiends and flying suited dudes kept attacking me nonstop during my escape. These bastards would never guess what was coming at them until they'd be dead.


Like a nuke detonating, the bone exploded once it touched the ground. A terrifying ball of red and orange light appeared, expanding fiercely all over the place, before releasing a mighty tsunami of fire all over the place.

I moved once I threw the bone, and that bought me enough time to get away from the reach of such terrifying fire.

The fire raged wildly, rose for miles in the air, yet it wasn't enough to exceed the reach of the walls the enemy erected around.

The enemy used such a genius idea to trap any incoming forces, train theirs, and I simply used such a genius idea and turned it into a deadly and poisonous trick to kill them all.

No matter who, no one would escape such hell except if they got enough Exomachines, or high zombies, or both.

And I didn't see any of these here yet, and hoped to not see any of them at all in this world.

"Time to visit another hole," I didn't stick around or wait to see the result of such an attack.

I knew how deadly my bones would be, and I didn't want to give the enemy any room to breathe.

As for the fiends and suited dudes who chased me, many fell victims to the fire, while the rest got away, scared from what I just did.

So during the next few visits, and after detonating almost ten bones, I got not a single enemy to stop me at all.

I started to grow used to the current arrangement of this part of the world. The enemy lined up the holes with fortified walls, filled to the brim with troops, defensive, and offensive preparations, enough to sustain long term war.

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However, facing my fire, the enemy had nothing in their power to do. I was about to take another bone out when I noticed something new about the hole I was going to visit.

This hole looked quite similar to other holes I visited, except it looked much bigger. Other than this, nothing else seemed different.

pAn,Da n<0,>v,e1 Yet when I drew closer, and when I was close to take one dark realm bone out and activate it, I got shocked by what I saw.

"At last… I found you!" I was inside a world that looked more like a homebase of the enemy rather than a home of the god race.

All I saw was evidence of the enemy, even found many settlements they used to live inside.

But right now I found the first evidence that this world belonged to the god race.

I saw giants, true giants, not like the Bulltors or Hectors, these were really giants!

Each single one of them was at least twenty metres in height, with strong looking bare bodies that were quite similar to humans in general.

They were moving around streets, in what I could call a grand city of this race.

The entire hole here surrounded a single settlement, with buildings that towered for hundreds of metres. Just seeing this from afar made me feel tiny compared to these giants.

Everything I saw about them was big, their streets, their homes, even the vegetables and fruits they planted all looked huge.

My sudden appearance seemed to attract the attention of those down below. They looked up at me, and I saw two pairs of big rounded eyes without any eyelids looking at me.

Seeing this made me clear my throat, take out my horn, and started to speak to all of them.

"I'm Hye, a human race descendant. I came here to save all of you…"

Just before I'd say another word, something weird happened down below.

Like they saw something or someone they feared, they ran in a chaotic way, running around, even hitting a few of each other in the middle of this.

I watched such chaos in a weird way before most if not all vanished inside their homes.

And the once filled to the brim streets got emptied in a few minutes!

"What's going on here?" I felt weird about that, before I noticed a few rays of light coming from far away.

These looked like little stars, heading towards my direction in fast fashion, while leaving behind long trails of coloured smoke.

I stood in my place, not feeling any pressure while watching such formidable looking dudes coming towards me from different directions.

It seemed like I stirred something that I shouldn't or what?

I felt weird. I came here to rescue them. And instead of welcoming me, they ran away like they saw a plaque or death.

But as they sent what looked like their leaders, I couldn't help but wait until they arrived.

And when these dudes came closer, I felt much weirder.

The gods I saw on the streets down below were all giants, true giants. But the ones coming at me right now weren't that huge at all.

In fact, they just looked like normal giant races I met before, like Hectors and such.

"Who are you?" and when they stood in front of me, a gathering of close to one hundred, all wearing gear and such, one of them stepped forward and spoke.

He was the only dude who got a helmet covering most of his face, only showing his eyes and nose in the gaps appearing in this helmet.

"I introduced myself already," I knew how capable my horn was. Even if they came from far away places, the news must have reached them fast enough in one way or another.

"Human race Hye, isn't it?" that dude kept speaking to me, and that told me he might be their general leader or boss or something.

"Yes, who are you?"

"I'm Clatinberg, the acting leader of the pit number one million, two hundred thousand, and five."

Chapter 1450 The Funny Hector General

He gave me such a weird number, and that told me this entire world was covered with these pits.

What would such a world look like from space? A giant ball with endless holes like someone got a needle and pricked it as a game or what?

"Hi Clatinberg," I said in greeting, "can you explain what's going on here?"

"Before that," just as he said it, everyone else seemed to get a hidden mark or something. All took out their weapons, and seemed quite vigilant and ready to start a big fight.

"What's the meaning of that?" I calmly watched their unexplained moves, and added in the same calmness, "I came here to help and save all of you. Is this how you express your thanks?"

"We heard lots of liars like you," Clatinberg said, "we got tricked and ended up in such a way thanks to people like you. You dirty liar and criminal, what do you take us for? Fools?"

"Indeed you are," I didn't get what went wrong in their minds, "I came here in a quest to save all of you. You are trapped, and you are helping the enemies who trapped you in such a hellish place."

"Stop spreading your poison around," I said these words while holding my horn, saying all this to everyone down below, "we won't get tricked by people like you ever again! Our ancestors told us the real stories about what happened, how they got tricked by people like you, ending up without any blessing and reaching such a damn place you are calling hell!"

I looked at his eyes, at everyone's eyes. These fools… They got outplayed by the enemy!

"Then why don't we make a bet?" I knew trying to speak with them wouldn't do any good.

"What bet? Want to trick us to bless you and get nothing in return? You damn criminal! We shall kill you and avenge our ancestors, avenge ourselves… Attack!"

The next moment these one hundred groups attacked my chariot with everything they got. And I got to give it to them, they were quite formidable and strong.

However no matter how strong they were, they weren't able to leave a single mark over my chariot's shield.

I remained silent for ten minutes, watching them use many and different weapons and even artefacts!

The best result they got was to spread a few shallow cracks over my chariot's shield. In the end, Clatinberg stopped attacking, and with him everyone else stopped what they were doing and retreated a little.

"Are you ready now to talk?"

"We won't talk to such a dirty criminal like you!"

I sighed, turned around before pointing towards a direction, "see this place? See this light? It's a fire that I released," I got that they mistook my actions as my inability to attack.

I got firm defences, but lacked the right offence to take them down. That was what these fools thought.


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"You can fly, there is a hole filled with enemies nearby. Let's go there and watch me burn everything," I didn't even stand in my place after saying that. While I was coming here, I spotted two holes with enemies nearby, ones that I decided to take later after taking down this hole.

However I met with something I wanted since coming here, met the real gods! But these dudes were much more stubborn than the Berserkers, even more annoyingly stupid than my jumper!

I moved, and after a few minutes of hesitation, I noticed they came after me.

Their speed wasn't that bad. In less than ten minutes, we arrived over the space of another pit.

"These are our allies! Don't…"

Before Clatinberg would say his warning, I interrupted him with my actions.

I already got a bone out, and activated it. It was a mere fine gold grade dark realm bone, and it was enough to activate it during the time I took to arrive here.

As I released the bone, it exploded, and the entire world changed in their eyes.

I made sure they'd stay out of harm. After all, it wasn't my intention to kill or harm them, I just wanted to scare them and teach them a lesson.

I, Hye, the human kid, wasn't someone that could accept insults without paying them back double!

"If I wanted, I could have killed your entire people without even you noticing or having the chance to defend against my attack," I turned and gave them such a gaze, like a real god looking at mere mortals.

And from the look of horror over their faces, I knew I got the result I wanted.

"I didn't want to do it this way, after all I came here to save all of you. But as you already have such bullshit deep in your heads, let me show you the truth with actions and facts, not mere words."

Without even saying a single word, I looked up, spoke to the air as if I got mad or something, "Open a portal, one that leads to ground zero of mine."

[Right away]

The one standing on the other end realised what I wanted to do. Or that dude was already shocked by how I did things and decided to follow me blindly without any question.

"Come," a portal opened, one that led to my ground zero, "let me open your eyes over the truth, and wipe clean all the sh*t you heard since your birth."

I didn't turn around while moving my chariot through the portal, "if you didn't come, I swear I'd go back and wipe out your entire race," and to force them to follow, I left such threatening words before vanishing through the portal.

I got to make them follow me one way or another. When I returned back, I made sure to tell that dude on the other side of the system to keep this portal open until they made up their minds.

"I'm going to follow you alone," and when I thought they'd not come after a few minutes, Clatinberg flashed out from the portal.

"Fine," I knew he feared taking down all of their top leaders if they followed me. In fact, I didn't need to do any of such low tricks.

If I wanted them dead, I got endless ways to do it that made me lazy even to think about them.

"Where are we right now?" I asked, while looking around, trying to recall what portals Lily pointed at that led to zones with portals.

And when I failed to recall anything, I decided to pick one and pass through it.

"I don't know, might be the base of your dirty people who came to invade and exterminate us!"

That dude was full of bullshit! "I will take you to a place, a world, one that has their people held captive by the ones you are calling allies," I said before moving towards that portal, "follow me. And make sure to not stay far away, or else you'll get killed."


He was still sceptical about his earlier decision to come. And if not for my threat, this dude wouldn't have moved and followed me.

Such a race… It seemed they lacked any speck of curiosity, not like how humans acted at least.

I appeared at a random zone of mine. I found a giant portal in the distance, just like the one that led to the world of gods.


"This is part of the small universe you and other nineteen races are trapped inside," I paused before adding, "soon enough you'll see the truth. Follow me."

"What are you trying to let me see?" he followed, and at last his curiosity triumphed over his hatred and enmity towards me.

"I'm going to take you to visit another race world, one that's trapped in here like yours. I'll make you watch the ones you call friends and allies kill others, try to destroy others' worlds… I'm going to open your eyes to the bitter grand lie you and your ancestors were victims to."

I knew my words wouldn't leave a mark in his soul for now. All he saw was the grand number of my forces going towards the same portal we were heading towards.

"Lord, you came?" and just when I got closer, one of my generals, one that was picked by Lily before, was standing next to this portal. "This is…"

"Tell me, what world lies on the next side of this portal?" I asked, while ignoring the part related to the origins of this Clatinberg.

The latter stood his distance away from my general, seemingly feeling a bit weird and conflicted about what was going to happen.

I ignored him, totally focused on my general.

"This portal leads to the world of Aerisheons," he paused before adding, "the enemy is killing them like killing weeds! We are trying our best to stop such massacres, but the world out there is quite vast and a bit problematic."

"In which way?" I didn't get why this dude was still standing outside and not in there to lead such a brutal battle.

"That world is covered entirely with water!" he said, in some sort of defence in my silent accusations coming from my eyes, "I don't know how to swim."

"You…" He was one of the Hectors, and it just was unbelievable that he didn't know how to swim!

If a word would get stuck with Hectors, then they were an aquatic race. And yet that dude here seemed to be an exception for that.

Chapter 1451 Exposing The Truth

"Go back then and ask for Lily and Toramos to find someone to replace you," I waved my hand without showing any care about his complaints and struggle.

If I lacked generals before, I didn't lack any right now.

"There is no need," he took my words as an insult to his pride, "there are already five generals from the zones you rescued before helping and leading the forces inside. Plus I got a job to do."

"What job?"

"They made me here to filter any forces that can't swim," he said in pride, and I couldn't help but blink twice, and decided to ignore this dude.

"Good luck then," I said while moving towards the portal.

"Who was that?" and as Clatinberg followed me, he couldn't help but ask in surprise and doubt.

"One of my generals," I knew it might look quite embarrassing, but I wouldn't at least lie no matter what.

I passed through the portal and appeared at the next side fast, not giving him any chance to say anything.

And the moment I arrived at the other side, a grand scene welcomed my eyes.

The world was just like what that dude described, filled to the brim with water. There was not a speck of ground all over the place, for tens of miles around.

The world was covered with cyan coloured fluid like water. But from many spots, one could see tons of dark red colour, telling too much about what was happening down below.

Aside from that fluid that could be called water, the entire world was filled with fighting forces.

There were forces who came from the portal. And these fell to the water and fought against the enemy from air and underwater.

The enemy came in different ways, either boarding huge rafts that got made of weird ores and wood, or flying in the air like fiends, or moving under water.

Just imagining those locusts move under water, swim freely and fight like crazy made my scalp numb.

I realised why this dude back there acted in such a way. If he couldn't swim, then he'd be in endless danger.

Aside from these common forces, there was a new one.

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These dudes had slim bodies, covered with fine scales, fins that appeared in the places of their limbs. They got four fins, and many of them got the ability to fuse these fins together to form some sort of wings.

Each one of them got at least four pairs of limbs, or fins. They were fighting desperately against the enemy forces, while they got separated from my forces by a grand line formed by the enemy.

It looked like the enemy forces a thick line that stretched under water, above water, and in air, stretching all over this planet, to separate any incoming forces from saving or helping this weird new race.

I looked for a few minutes, while Clatinberg stood by my side, flying in the air, watching all this massacre in silence.

"Do you see that? This is what the enemy truly looks like," I pointed towards this carnage and spoke in a cold tone, "and as for me, as for everyone who came from outside, we are all here to help and not to harm you, any of you!"

I waved, and in the next instant, tons of my full geared soulers appeared. I got millions out, and kept taking more millions out.

This world… I hated it! This wasn't a battle, but a massacre!

I don't recall what type of disaster this world faced, but it seemed they had to survive this onslaught from such a long prepared enemy.

The enemy forces were fighting in organised fashion. Even when they were fighting on two fronts, they didn't feel any pressure at all.

My main goal for now was to clear a path, open a route in the sky and kill all the fiends around. Using any of my usual tactics wouldn't work here, or else I'd end up harming the same race I wanted to save.

"Attack the enemy," I simply pointed towards the thick line the enemy formed, "spread all over this world, kill any enemy in the air or underwater. Leave none alive, and don't show any mercy no matter what!"

I didn't like what was going on here. And even if I randomly selected this world to show Clatinberg the real colours of what he considered as his most trusted allies, I didn't want this world to keep suffering such massacres.

The enemy… This enemy… Was the type of enemy I hated the most!

"What are you doing?" Even when seeing the truth glaring in front of his eyes, that dude couldn't help but comment in a reflex way.

It was quite expected. After all, he and others lived their lives on a huge lie, fabricated by none other than their enemies, the same ones they should kill and not befriend and defend.

"What else?" I shrugged, "I'm going to save the innocent race here and kill those damn bastards…"

I paused, showed a very serious look on my face, "and if you wanted to stand on their side, I won't care about your origins, won't care about the mission. If you can't make up your mind, then I'll kill you as a traitor!"


He got scared, instantly scared. And he should feel so. After all, with a single wave of mine, I released tens of millions of scary folks who just needed to flash through any of their enemies to kill them.

Even those scary fiends flying everywhere couldn't survive flashes of my soulers. They started to fall down to the surface of that cyan looking waters, looking as if a grand bomb just exploded here.

My soulers… They were killers! They moved unhindered, killing and sweeping the air all around without caring about anything. Just in the first few minutes, they managed to clear a gap in the thick line formed by the enemy.

Then part of them started to move to the side, while another started to dive down. I didn't know if they could swim or not, but it seemed they could.

They vanished under water, and then the calm surface there started to churn and change. It was clear evidence of how brutal the fight down there was.

I didn't do anything, kept standing in my place like a real lord of war. My forces kept fighting on all fronts, and with the help of my soulers, such a battle that looked disastrous changed dramatically in my favour.

And as for the enemy forces fighting those weird race members in the air, they were also attacked by some of my soulers. I watched, and seeing all these fiends fall to the water was indeed a marvellous sight to feast my eyes upon.

The enemy… They deserved this, deserved even more than this!

And just as I watched all this, the gap my soulers created started to widen and spread all over this world. I planned to leave the soulers behind, come and pick them after a few days.

Even if the world was so damn vast, after a few days, and with the help of my soulers, the enemy would find their backs facing the walls.

However, just before I intended to return through the same portal I came through, after the passage of almost one hour, many started to flash from the direction of the far away weird race side.

I stopped as I saw tens of thousands fly in a big way towards me. They kept grouping themselves together along the way, ending up forming a grand gathering of tens of thousands of flying army.

"Thanks for the benevolent mighty person for saving my people," and when I thought I'd be faced with another round of interrogations like I met when I went to the god world, these dudes knew their places quite right.

One stepped forward, leading everyone to deeply bow towards me midair. The entire army of tens of thousands repeated the same words, and that created a loud banging and thunderous chorus.

I stood in my place, watching such warm treatment that told me how deeply they treasured my help. Then I couldn't help but turn my gazes towards Clatinberg.

"Can someone explain the entire situation here to this dude please?" out of their expectations, the first thing I said was this. I pointed towards Clatinberg, and asked for them to explain things over to him.

"He is a dude, one who belongs to one race like yours. Yet unlike yours, the enemy who kept killing you lied to them, convincing them that they are their friends and allies."

"Bullshit! They are friends! They are no friends, not allies! They are our killers! The ones who did all this to us! They killed tons of us, and they did this regularly with utmost pleasure…"

One dude, the same dude who stepped forward and led such a grand salute to me, exploded into the face of Clatinberg, scaring this foolish god.

The foolish god realised how deeply wrong they were. And the more that flying dudes with fins spoke, the more this god felt shaken.

At the end, Clatinberg couldn't control himself anymore and his body kept trembling, retreating slowly as if he was afraid from facing the real truth.

"And you dare to call them friends? Allies? Allies my ass! They are killers! They are the criminals who imprisoned us and many other races inside this hell! And this… This venerable being came all the way here, sacrificing tons of his people, just to save us! What do you have here in your head? sh*t or what?!!!"

Chapter 1452 I Can Solve Your Blessing Problem

"Thanks," I knew that dude said more than enough already, "I'm going to leave my forces here to help. I'll make sure to come back in a few days to see things and check on your situation."

"Thanks venerable being for the help and care," unlike the explosive tone that dude spoke with towards Clatinberg, he spoke in a gentle and humble way towards me, showing his utmost respect.

He told me his name, and it was so damn long and weird to remember. I decided to call him the flying fin leader, referring to his place among his people.

"Did you see?" and when we exited the portal back to the zone of mine, I turned to Clatinberg, asking him a question that I didn't need any answer to, "come with me. We got your race and your people to save. And it's your task to convince them to help."

"I don't need to convince anyone," and when I thought he got crazy or something out of his immense shock, he got something out, his helmet, "through this, all the god race people in my world saw and heard everything that has happened since we first met."

"This…" It was such an unexpected move, one that I didn't even anticipate, "good. Then you heard and saw the truth, knew what that damn enemy did to all of you…"

As this helmet would have such a magical and miraculous effect, I didn't stop in my words, speaking as if I was standing on a stage, speaking to an endless number of audiences.

"There is… There is a big problem…" And just as I ended my long lecture about my goals, what I wanted from them, and how I'd save all of them, Clatinberg spoke in shaky tone, one that I couldn't tell if it came like this thanks to his shock from realising the truth, or from his struggle and hesitation.

"What problem?"


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I didn't get what he meant. I even didn't know what value such a thing even was to these folks.

And when he saw my puzzlement, he added, explaining it in a slow way.

"Blessing is like the source of our power. We can become very frighteningly strong, we can control the power of nature, control the world itself if we wanted. But this all comes on the price of blessings… And…"

"You got none, right?" I got what he meant, especially when I recalled the giant naked folks I saw when I met this race, "tell me, how can you get blessing?"

"We… Need races, others to support and grant them things… Like wishes… And in return, we can get blessing points based on their degree of satisfaction. But, we lived our entire lives, our race lived for so damn long, listening to such legendary tales about times when we were the lords of an endless universe before…"

He was struggling to sort out things in his mind. After all, he lived like others from his race, on a lie.

And the truth was simply the total opposite from what they believed! Everything was wrong! Everything that happened to them was because of those they considered their allies!

And I knew the reason behind such a deep and treacherous scheme from the enemy. They feared them, feared what this race was capable of doing if they just got in touch with an outsider race.

"Don't worry about that anymore," I didn't speak just to him, but to everyone listening and watching me through this magical helmet, "I got nothing else but endless folks, and they will ask you for wishes, and will grant you the highest assessment thanks to your help. You won't be hungry again or run short of blessings… Prepare yourselves, your time to shine is about to start!"

I wasn't bluffing or exaggerating in my words. The enemy feared this race thanks just to their ability to change the fate of anyone.

Giving wealth? Giving gears? Increasing one's strength? What else would anyone dream about in such a hellish universe we were living in?

As for my promise, I wasn't lying. I got tons of warriors, and they all came from races in the universe.

Just taking the soulers for example made me crave to make this deal on the spot!

The soulers were cursed, and couldn't live their lives without consuming souls. That limited their abilities greatly. What if these god race members could solve such a curse? What if they could make them survive without the need to daily consume souls?

It'd be like giving snakes wings and turning them into dragons!

"Come," I opened a portal to lead us back to the central area of this zone, "let's go back to your world and people first, and then I'll let you see how sincere I'm in saving you."

Clatinberg didn't say anything, kept silently looking and followed me back to his world.

I was too lazy to return back to ground zero and use the portal there to go to the zone leading to the god world.

"Open a path for us," I asked the system dude, and he complied as usual.

When I returned back, I found things had greatly changed!

First, the system dude brought the two of us back to the place where we left from. There, I found an endless number of naked god race members coming out from their homes, standing in the streets, looking up at me in silence.

It was such a heavy silence that spoke without words about their feelings and immense shock.

And yet that wasn't the only thing that changed in this place!

From the holes around, the ones I didn't yet visit, I saw tons of dark clouds flying and coming towards here and different places as well.

"These are…" from my side, Clatinberg saw this and realised what I got.

The enemy seemed to know that their long time lie got exposed, and so they started to take action.

Chapter 1453 I Got Wings!!!

"I want something from you," I held my horn out, "I will take out a large number of forces, but I can't cover up the entire world in a short time. Is there a way to solve others who are far from here?"

"We have our means," Clatinberg spoke in such a heavy tone, "each hole has a defensive shield. But that won't last forever."

"No problem, all I need is enough time for me to visit the entire planet here," I confidently said before waving my hands, and the next thing happened was for tons of warriors to appear.

"Listen, the folks down below need our help. Ask them your wishes, be it to be strong, to have stronger defences, to even fly and have a second life… Ask them for anything and everything, even gears and weapons, ask them for all you want and then give them the full credit and assessment."

I took out in the first wave millions of my warriors. They were just normal ones, without a single stat point.

I wanted to see how capable these dudes down below were. Clatinberg stood by my side, didn't say anything or even move.

Others, even those one hundred leaders who came with him, all moved towards the warriors I got out.

And during the next half an hour, I watched what miracles could be!

The warriors that I took out were simply weak and powerless. But when they met the gods down below, things changed.

Wings started to grow from their backs, strong scales covered up their bodies, even the giant ones started to grow bigger and stronger.

Their bodies that were covered with thin layers of gears got covered with layers upon layers of fearsome looking gears.

Then different coloured auras started to ignite all over their bodies, resembling the fire that appeared around my souler generals.

The few million warriors I took who would be considered as useless fodders in my eyes changed to be on the same level of my mighty and formidable geared full stats warriors.

They even started to emit dangerous air around, looking much stronger and far more dangerous than any warrior I got, even stronger than my soulers.

And that didn't just happen to my people. The god race members down below showed ground shaking changes.

First their huge bodies started to grow smaller, like they shrunk in size from being colossal to become giants like Clatinberg and his people.

That told me how these one hundred leaders got their bodies smaller and different than others. And I could only guess why.

"These fiends… They used such lies to not only bind and keep these gods entrapped, but also used them to gain more strength and gears."

I got how treacherous such a scheme was, and truly admired whoever came up with such an idea. I sighed when I saw these looking weak and naked colossal gods change into what I used to see in my apocalypse from giant races.

Their naked bodies started to get covered up with gears, strong and scary looking weapons appeared in their hands, and the air they emitted changed.

They became truly frightening, and that was just by blessing these few warriors I got.

"It's not enough," I knew they would do miracles given time, but they just were few in numbers, and didn't get enough time to bless all of my warriors.

"We can only bless a limited number of people in our entire lifetime," from the side, Clatinberg seemed to read through my mind. I couldn't help but turn and gaze up at him, and he slowly nodded to confirm what he just said.

"Besides, the limit of our abilities is limited by the potential of the ones we are blessing."

"These folks aren't weak, they are strong but they got just unlucky like you."

"I know," he sighed, "if not, then my people won't have reached such a level of strength in such a short time."

I got what he meant. But that wasn't the time to worry about any of that.

During this half an hour, the far away enemy forces were getting closer to here. I estimated that in one hour or two, they'd arrive here, arrive everywhere.

"Did you inform your people to activate their shields?"

I asked, and he pointed at the helmet, referring that all of the god race here saw what I said and did through his helmet.

And that reminded me of something. That dude didn't move like others, not thanks to his lack of interest in gaining blessing, but because he had to stay behind.

He was the only one here who got such a helmet, and he had to remain behind and deliver what was going on for others to see.

"Come, bless me with something," as he didn't get such a chance, then I'd give him the privilege of blessing me.

And when I said this, his eyes shone, as he realised what I wanted to do.

"What do you need?"

"Everything you can offer," I shrugged before adding, "be it increasing my strength, defence, healing abilities, speed, gears, weapons, even blessing my chariot and my weapons… Anything is good."

"Then I'll bless you with all!" he seemed to grow excited when he heard what I said. In the next moment, his eyes shone brighter before I felt weird changes happening to me.

I felt like my entire body got bathed in lava or something! It was quite painful and hot, and yet I never cared about any of that.

My body started to swell, change, and grow bigger! Humans were always considered dwarves compared to other races. However, right now, my body has grown to be equal to any other race.

I checked, and thank god he didn't miss my little boy down there in blessing. If he didn't or couldn't do it, then things would turn out quite bad!

At the same time, I felt something like piercing needles or stabbing swords at my back. I extended my hand and then felt like something just grew up from there.

"Wings… I got wings… Hahahahaha!"