Hey !
It's me Hikaru. I am 25 years old and from Japan.
I am a singer or you can say an extremely popular singer.
At first i enjoyed being popular but now it's getting too far !
Let me tell you how all this started.
When i was 14 i was so into music and wanted to become a singer just like
Taylor swift AKA my idol. She was my inspiration .
So i auditioned for several companies but unfortunately i didn't got selected.
But i was determined to become a singer.
So after a year i again auditioned at the age of 15 and thankfully i got in !
And I was so estatic .
After 2 years of training i released my debuted sonG "SPOTLIGHT"
at the age of 17. And that song was a HIT!
I immediately gained alot of fame.
I was invited to various talk shows , interviews and parties
where only celebrities were invited and i also met my idol Taylor swift.
And you won't believe i got to perform my song at COACHELLA
the largest music festival. There was a massive crowd gathered infront of me.
I started to sing my song and the crowd AKA my fans also started to sing along with me.
It was so overwhelming . I had tears of happiness in my eyes .
And when i was about to hit the high note , everyone cheered for me by
Calling my name Hikaru Hikaru repeatingly.
After some time i started selling my concerts in different countries.
I was making alot of money too . And i was also enjoying my popularity.
Even my songs appeared on Billboard charts . It was like a dream come true.
And on my 18 birthday i received millions of emails,DMs
And birthday wishes from my fans.
I began to release more songs and i was becoming popular overnight.
At the age of 22 i was world wide famous.
But then my fell apart and that all changed soon....