Hate me here …
What an expression !
Hate often leads to despicable things and yet Liam embraced it as if it was a natural thing .
Luna kept looking at him when he was collecting the mess she made, but he was as calm as a lake in June .
She said then :"I hate you even more when you try to hide your true self, I know that you are a devil".
He stood up when he finished cleaning his room then said :" I am not here to make you like me anyways" .
She said angrily: "I don't want to stay here, let me leave, I can't stand seeing your face every time I open my eyes" .
Liam smiled at Luna and said : "We are all forced to do something, to be someone ...we are not free".
"You chose to be a slave !"
"And you were born to be one ! "
Luna shook her head then replied :"Shamans are not slaves, we are pure creatures, we fight demons for God's sake".