Chapter 14 - The fight begins

Master Zoh : Welcome Jis,Tuk and Mith.I hope you slept well in your new rooms yesterday.

Tuk : Sir, I ate a little too much yesterday .Iam feeling some problems

Mith : I told you to control

Master Zoh : Akhand give it to them

Akhand brings out three apples and three and gives one apple and card to.each one of them.

Akhand : Hold the cards straight in your palm.

They did what Akhand told.them.

The cards dissolved in their hands .

They were surprised.

Akhand : Iam glad It worked . Now use your meditation and focus on your aura and try to project it to a distance to the cardboard dummy targets.

Akhand looked really tensed.

They three started focussing and with closed suddenly they punched in the air .

The area was quickly filled with a little tornado And nearby dummy cardboard targets were destroyed.

They opened their eyes and were really happy they did it.

Akhand was relieved

He thought ," Yes this is it."

Master Zoh looked happy too.

Master Zoh : You were really incredible.You see mixed a hidden magical target in those targets but you seem to have no problem with it .

Jis Tuk and Mith were shocked and happy

They couldn't believe what they did.

Master Zoh : You will now learn the use of energy

.It seems your aura power has emerged .I hope you were chosen by the Universe for a good reason. You will definitely become one of the greatest curse destroyer trios .

They looked happy

Tuk : Master Zoh ,I have a question.Are all SGN people from outside.Can we ever return home.

Master.Zoh : You are here for purpose we don't know yet.Once your purpose is done you can leave and SGN has a history behind it. But it's knowledge will not be of much help to you.

You should be focussing on your power skills.

You will now go on a weak curse hinting mission along with Akhand. I would have send you with Cardcrow but he is out for a.mission.

Akhand : Yes sir .

Jis Tuk and Mith :

Yes , Our first mission.

Akhand watching them and thinks ," I believe you guys ."

to be continued