Chapter 6 - Warriors

As soon as the creature jumps towards Cardcrow he attacks the neck of the creature with a chop.The creature growls a little before disappearing.

" Everybody move to a corner so that I can Put my protective shield on a common point instead of scattering and translocate you all to a safe place in one go before some other creatures appear.The portal is not yet closed. Move quick."

Tuk : I will be with you

Cardcrow : It is not the time now Tuk.Shut up and do as I say.

Everybody gathered at the corner of the resturant.

There were only few people in that resturant that time. Cardcrow throws a portal at the people preparing to transfer them to a different location.

Just then another creature appears out of the portal . This creature had the head of donkey but much bigger with its eyes completely red and the body of a Yak. Cardcrow mumbles something in his mouth , moves in hands in a co ordinated manner and within seconds his Body seems like it is burning in fire with fire like waves appearing to come out of his body . The donkey looked realy angry.He opened his mouth and released a black beam .Cardcrow countered this by releasing a fire like beam of his own screaming " Take my fireball Donkey ".The collision of the beams were so powerful the whole building collapsed . Thankfully the building was empty that day except for that room.But all the people in the resturant fell down but felt no pain thanks to Cardcrow's protective Shield . The creature seemed to got some damage.It was trying to recover a little.Taking advantage cardcrow pointed his hands at us and

Suddenly everyone reaches an almost empty island. Two fishermen who were fishing there got scared and ran away screaing " Ghoooooosts".

Cardcrow : hsck What a bad day for such a cool resturant.I should have never fought them here.

If only the portal was not open I could have transferred this donkey elsewhere.Wait this is the not the time for thinking , I have to focus on Beating the donkey.The donkey recoverd fully .It pulled its leg on the air and slammed it on the ground.

A black beam of criss cross pattern seemed to come towards cardcrow through the Ground.He jumped and tackled it but it returned backward again towards him.Cardcrow looked angry at this.He slammed his own beam on the ground and the ground there shattered and both beams disappeared .

Cardcrow : What do you say donkey ?

The creture looked angry at cardcrow and started running towards Him and as it was running it turned into a huge black ball giving negative vibes even to Cardcrow.

Cardcrow : That is what i call desperation mr intelligent curse .

Cardcrow puts out his hand in the air catches the ball and disintegrates it. He then uses his beam and destroys all the parts. Just when he thinks its over one remaining part of the ball tries to attack cardcrow from behind but Cardcrw manages to notice that part quickly destroys that too .

Cardcrow : Now I have ro find a way to.close this portal.I have to use the Portal crusher.Oh man its really tiring.

Just when he was going to that thousands of dolls

attacked him out of nowhere and jumped on him.Cardcrow was taken by surprise.

Suddenly 100s of Rat like creatures aroused out of the portal .They then joined to form a single body.

"Iam a creature of darkness" , the body said.

"You really are fighting well and that fiery aura of yours is really impressive.I guess it increases your power. I would like to enjoy some more of your attacks but you know I have to finish this up quickly. If you want a peaceful end tell me the location of your higher ups , I have to finish them too . Unfortunately Your journey ends here. I wished to see some more of you but i guess i will see it in the afterlife of darkness . Well my friend you will now mingle with darkness and don't worry my friend it will be much more peaceful than you imagined .It is actually much better than this life. I would have appreciated if you helped move this world in the dimension of peace but don't worry my friend .I will do it anyway . If only you people were not so Stubborn this could be done With a huge farewell Celebration in a painful world "The body sat down saying . "

Cardcrow was struggling to get rid of the dolls as they were crushing him.

" You defeated my two curses with ease. Lets see how you survive this ."

Cardcrow : Oh man I really am struggling against these .They feel like a lot more powerful than before. They are crushing me and it feels with time their power is increasing.I have to use my powers but these are not giving me any room .

Cardcrow struggling to breathe

Cardcrow : Ah ak ah ahak ...

On the island

Jis : Hey man look at these men .They have staryed enjoying the beach.They are not even thinking about Cardcrow let alone worry about him.

Mith : Don't worry . Cardcrow will be alright You know how powerful he is .

Jis : I hope so .

Tuk : Hey Jis Mith come out here .Why are you sitting here ? This island is amazing . It has many different types fruits here some we have never seen before .

Jis : Tuk you idiot (Angrily)

Tuk : (Confused at first yells angrily) What ?

In a different location the shadow masked man siting on his throne in dark location.The throne was radiating black coloured dark curse.

"How's my mission going?"

Two creatures having face like a cat answers

"Its gping as planned sir. Today we destroyed another planet filled it with curse and mixed it with our dark Universe. And we have also sent little amount of curses to different world."

The dark masked man : Any strong opposition form curse user or Curse destructors

His Generals : No sir but we captired one man who fought really hard and didn't die even with many cursed attacks.We captured him alive.

The masked man : Bring him in quickly. I was tired of fighting weak opponents. I want to have some fight with him.

The man is brought in.

The masked man : I have just two for you.Do you want to join me and enjoy peace in this or fight with me and die .

The man : You idiot you have taken everything away from. (He says emotionally)My friends , my family everything you have taken away from me.

The masked man : So you will fight

The man : yes .I will kill you .(Angrily and in pure rage).

His body suddenly becomes fiery.

The masked man : You delusional warriors of light.How sad ? Remove his chains so he can use his energy.

The masked man stands up

The man is freed by two soldiers who took him there.

Becoming free the Man attacked with a fiery beam and killed the two soldiers.He then shifts his attcak to the masked man and throws a purple beam at the king .The king(tge masked man) remains unaffected. However after few secinds he notices that his throne has fallen and the curse radiation from the throne has stopped.

The generals went to stop him.The masked man signalled them with his hand to backoff

The masked man came near the men and attacked him with his sword . The man stopped his sword attack with his hand as energy could seen flowing everywhere . Everybody was shocked .

The king pulled back his sword . "Go and return more powerful .Even after so much suffering If you are still so powerful I want to see your true form and face your most powerful form."

He ordered his generals to make preparations to send to him to another dimension.

He said to the man ," Gather your forces in another dimension becomes more powerful and attack me again.I am to hoping to see you again."

Everybody is shocked.

One member there tried to protest the decision but had his neck cutoff by the king.

"No suggestions now"

The man :( laughing and then in a confident tone) You coward .Why didn't you come to face me back there when i was anhilating and crushing your powerful soldiers like little ants ? If you are really planning to do this You are just saving your ruthless death . If Iwas at my full power your parliament would have been finished by now.The only reason we lost was because every person there can't use Destructive Energies.Still fought hard and died like brave soldiers unlik you .You coward will die a Cowardly death.You will get no forgiveness.

The masked man : I like this rage and confidence .

The two generals suddenly put a curse on him that prevented him from using any energy as well as restricted his movements.

The generals were taking him out of the location.

The man said ," This is your biggest mistake.I will come vack and destroy you without giving any chance.It will be a ruthless scene.Remember my name Rohust "

Suddenly the man disintigrated into pieces.

The generals were shocked.

The masked man goes near his disintegrated head and says : I will try my best to remember my friend.I have heard this same thing from so much persons but don't worry about that. Curse manipulation is really interesting , it never fails to amaze me.

(Starts laughing loudly )

Goodbye friend .I will see you again in the afterlife of darkness. You fought well for your ideals.

- to be continued