Chereads / Pericolosa / Chapter 8 - 8

Chapter 8 - 8

There is no need for Tony to be this uncomfortable in the presence of his best friend and the person his best friend wants to kill or maybe there is a slight need.

The room is as big as it looked from the outside. It feels like the temperature is around 100 degrees because there are certainly too many people here and to top it off, all of these people are drinking straight vodka. Alcoholics are built in college, Mia thinks to herself. The night has been worse for Mia than it has been for all of her classmates but she has not drunk even a bit of alcohol. Because she just can't, to be honest. She reconsiders walking inside after the girl with glasses invited her and to think that she took that invitation just because Carys said that she can't do it makes her feel more agitated.

"Carys would you mind starting the game for us?" There is a lot of commotion inside the room. Mostly, the girls are over-excited after Carys walks inside the house to join in their fun. The boys are also a fan of Carys', they don't showcase even a bit of jealousy. Maybe Carys is just a bi-trigger.

"For sure," Carys says and his eyes are fixated on Mia for a second but then he leans back on the couch. He puts his left leg up on his right leg.

Mia has always hated men who think they are the God of the universe they have created, but Carys is different. Carys just acts like the God of the universe that Mia lives in.

Carys then puts up all of his fingers in the air, getting ready for the game. It seems like he is playing the game only to defeat Mia. All of the other people follow Carys and lastly Mia gives in too.

"Put a finger down…" Carys says and takes a pause, "if you were rejected by a guy on the very first day of school." He completes the sentence and raises his eyebrows specifically at Mia.

Mia has never hated men more than she does right now.

She holds up all her fingers intact and stares at Carys like he has asked something that Mia doesn't understand. Of course, Carys knew that Mia wouldn't put her fingers down whatsoever but he has this itch of teasing her however he can.

A burst of laughter broke out in the room after Carys' statement was completed. "Who would even do that?" The girl sitting right next to Mia laughs. There are around fifteen people in the room right now and none of them has put their finger down.

Tony looks at Mia, sensing that something is up between her and Carys but swiftly takes his eyes off her just to not get caught by any of their classmates. David has strictly prohibited the two of them from mingling on campus.

"Now, now, Tony. You're next." The girl who was seen sitting with Tony outside says and all of them shush each other to look at the person in question.

"I don't have a nice one," Tony says and scratches the back of his head. "Come on just say whatever." The girl insisted.

"Put a finger down," Tony tries to think of something. If it was any other party, Tony would have thought about his question way ahead of time but this party was different. He had no time to think about himself when Mia was seated right next to him throwing daggers at Carys or maybe the only reason that he was distracted was that Mia was sitting right next to him. He didn't even look at Carys.

"If you are a virgin," Tony says and just looks down, chuckling.

"Come on dude."

"That's just obvious. You want us to lose points, don't you?"

A series of complaints followed and Tony just apologised lightly. Almost all of the people have put their fingers down including Mia.

Mia was embarrassed to be a part of a party in the first place and now she was playing the lamest party game. When she listened to Tony's statement she rolled her eyes and put a finger down. There's no embarrassment in admitting that you have sex, Mia has had it multiple times but if she goes back and tries to remember any one particular sexual experience, she is at a loss of memories. It feels strange to be not able to recall your sexual experience, Mia is not able to do so. Maybe, whenever she had had sex it was only for the experience, she thinks.

"Mia, you're next." The girl with the glasses said and suddenly Mia was smirking. Carys notices the sudden change in Mia's experience and now he is excited for this part of the game specifically.

"Put a finger down," Mia says and looks at Carys as if she is challenging him or warning him that he can back off now or else he will be destroyed. Carys is not someone who gives up so he leans forward and rests his elbows on his knees, showing up the nine fingers proudly to Mia.

"If you are a trust fund baby." Mia chuckles and raises her eyebrows at Carys. Tony shifts in his seat. Everybody is silent.

Nothing will hurt a trust fund baby more than calling him a trust fund baby.

Carys gives out a chuckle and puts a finger down. The room looks at Carys and the tension is almost gone. All of them are drunk to death anyway so no one is going to remember this attack the next morning.


"I have a good one." Carys interrupts the person who was about to take the next turn at the game. He looks at Mia. Mia knows that there is a counterattack coming so she waits.

"Put a finger down, if your father loves you enough to trust his funds with you," Carys says and other than Mia, there is someone in this room who wants to kill Carys more desperately. Tony looks at Carys disgustedly but Carys is blind to everyone in this room, she just sees Mia.

Mia stands up and looks down at Carys. Everyone in the room is now looking up at Mia. This is definitely a fever dream for some. This doesn't happen every day, no one has the audacity to call Carys a trust fund baby.

"My father's dead, so," Mia says without a hint of sadness but the expressions on Carys' face change. It feels like he is almost regretting his statement. It is too late for the realisation now because Mia is already headed towards the front yard of the house. She is walking fast towards the exit. This is what you get if you go to a party, she thinks.

Carys stands up and walks after Mia. He doesn't know why he is chasing Mia but what he does know is that he needs to apologise.

Tony has also witnessed the catfight but unlike most of the people here, Tony will remember it tomorrow, the day after tomorrow and also for the rest of his lifetime.