Chereads / My God level Magic System / Chapter 28 - It is just the beginning (1st LB: Ep-8) (Season 1 Ends)

Chapter 28 - It is just the beginning (1st LB: Ep-8) (Season 1 Ends)



"Huh? Where am I?" - Zen

Ash was shaking Zen's body to wake him up.

"Huh?" - Zen

"Woah! What a pretty face!" - Zen

"Ash. She is gorgeous no matter how many times I see her" - Zen

"Zen!!!!!!!!" - Ash

"Yes!" - Zen

Zen quickly got up.

"Thank God!" - Ash said as she hugged Zen

"Ash, what happened here?" - Zen

"You defeated him Zen. The King Ghoul" - Ash

"Whew, when I pass out, I thought it was the end" - Zen

"How long have I been passed out?" - Zen

"It must be at least 12 hours, I am not sure either" - Ash

"Is everyone fine?" - Zen

"You called?" - Lucas and Lilly

They were behind Zen the whole time.

"I guess we all survived" - Zen

"Anyway, thank you guys for putting yourselves in the front to defend me" - Zen

"What are you saying? We didn't even stall him for 10 seconds. I am very ashamed" - Lucas

"It's ok guys. It is just the beginning of our squad. We can get stronger together" - Zen

"Yes, Zen is right. I think we should take our skill to the next level to not hold him back" - Ash

"Zen, you proved that you are the best captain we can ask for. I think it is our time to prove it. We will try our best to make sure we perform up to your level" - Lilly

"Yes, I agree with Lilly" - Lucas and Ash

"Haha, good. Very good" - Zen

"Hahaha. I am not wrong. You guys are best" - Candise

Candise appeared in front of them in her small fairy form.

She was the one who healed Zen when he passed out using her Admin authority.

"Guys, check your levels first. I am pretty sure you guys will like it" - Candise

Everyone checked their level.

Lucas - [Level: 88]

Lilly - [Level: 88]

Ash - [Level: 90]

Zen - [Level: 92]

"Wow, the level went up by 2. What is happening right now?" - Lilly

"Yeah, you are right. We didn't even get one level when we defeated Barbarian King" - Lucas

"Zen, did you know what is happening right now?" - Ash

"Hmm, I know my level will rise but I didn't think you guys will level up with me" - Zen

"What did you do Candise?" - Zen

"Hehehe, praise me you low lives. It is all because of me! I the ultimate system!" - Candise

'Low lives?' - Lucas

'Cute' - Lilly

'Ultimate system?' - Ash

"See, she is cursing us right now. You guys didn't believe me when I first said she has a nasty personality" - Zen

"Shit! My bad habit showed up again" - Candise

"Cursing aside, what is she mean by the ultimate system?" - Ash

"Explain her Candise" - Zen

Candise then explained to them how she was created by the life force of the previous Demon lord and how this system helped Zen to get ridiculously strong.

"No wonder Zen is so OP" - Lucas

"Ok, I understand how Zen got stronger. But how we are also getting the same Level up as Zen?" - Ash

"That is because I joined you guys in the Squad of Zen" - Candise

"With me as the system, I can award you guys more Exp equal to Zen" - Candise

"It is only possible to give 4 people that much amount of Exp with my power" - Candise

"Since you guys exactly match the number. It is perfect for you guys" - Candise

"Aww, Candise-chan thank you so much" - Lilly

Lilly holds Candise in her hands and started to rub with her face.

"If it is like this, then we don't have to worry about leveling up" - Lucas

"Thank you Candise for giving us this chance" - Ash

"Fufu, don't praise me too much" - Candise as she blushes

"Praising aside why not we eat? I am starving right now" - Zen

"Sure" - Ash

"Thanks for saying that Zen. I am also starving right now" - Lilly

"Don't eat too much. You will get fat" - Lucas

"Fat? Me? You bastard" - Lilly

"Hahaha" - Ash and Zen

Then they ate what they packed in their subspace inventory.

When they were eating they discussed the strategy about how they are going to face monsters and Bosses from now.

"Zen, I also want to tank some attacks of the monsters and bosses" - Ash

"Yeah, I feel the same too" - Lucas

"Yes Zen, they are right. You guys have three Melee attackers" - Candise

"They can tank some Big attacks if they use their skills" - Candise

"And also you have the potential to be Ranged DPS also. Since you have Black flame and Air Slash" - Candise

"I know. But I don't know what to do because they have the potential for both attacking and tanking" - Zen

"You got any good Idea Candise?" - Zen

"Why not take turns to tank and attacking?" - Candise

"Take turns? It is easy to take turns with normal monsters. But when facing Boss monsters they are very quick so we will leave an opening for the Boss to attack us" - Zen

"Zen. Did you forget, you have a skill named Blink? Remember the skill description" - Candise

"Skill Check: Blink" - Zen

[Skill: Blink

Type: A teleportation skill

Description: The skill lets you teleport where your eyesight is pointed and it can also let you teleport to whatever place you are imagining]

"Oh I get it now" - Zen

"If I imagine the place of my crewmates then I can swap positions with my crewmates. Right?" - Zen

"Correct, with this you can switch position in battle without worrying about anything" - Candise

"But it still needs some practice to master this skill because your teammates are not familiar with teleportation skills" - Candise

"You are right. But with this, our potential for attacks is increased drastically. I already am imagining some sick plays with this. You really are brilliant, Candise" - Zen

"Fufu, it is to be expected" - Candise

"Umm, can you guys tell us how this skill works?" - Ash

"Rather than telling you guys. I will demonstrate to you" - Zen

"Ash, can you stand 50 meters away from me?" - Zen

"Ok" - Ash

Ash stood 50 meters from Zen.

"Now, be ready" - Zen

"Oh, Ok" - Ash

Ash closed her eyes.

"Skill: Blink" - Zen

Rather than swapping positions something extraordinary happened.


'Chuu?' - Zen

'Chuu?' - Ash

"Not again" - Lucas and Lilly

"Is this a Romcom or something?" - Lucas and Lilly

It was a Lip-lock.

Zen teleported right in front of her and their mouth was connected on the impact.

'Huh!!!!!!!!!' - Zen and Ash