Chereads / Before Light / Chapter 21 - Before Light - chapter 21

Chapter 21 - Before Light - chapter 21

Author's note : There is a piece of music for a specific scene in this chapter, here is the link on youtube , feel free to have a listen while having a read :

<ⅩⅪ >

The wind howled above the Chelavita,

Where Neo stood on top lookout,

His Starchild armor humming,

Contemplating on what he just heard.

" Neo Kun..."

Neliya came to her Leader and love of the world

" You heard what Yuri said——— The SKylord is using us, and he will destroy our home !"

" It doesn't matter."

Neo concluded after long brood

" We do as the Skylord orders."

" But what if....."

" She is with Demons !"

Neo cried indignantly to all his followers

" Yuri cannot be trusted either. We do our part, for the rest of us."

And Neo lead his group down, gliding in their Starchild armor towards where Yuri went, hiding while moving in the dark clouds.

Yuri followed Archdemon Death on Elsa's back with Lima, and Varium, for two nights they ventured across the tattered old world, across cement ruins of the post Earth Century.

" So..... It turns out that you are the chosen one."

Varium smirked, sounding dissatisfied by the outcome

" All day and night, the Demons begged for the Herunis CArna to reopen its miracles. But instead of going back, you refuse with unbearable ideas of Future ! You don't deserve that privilege of the Chosen One !"

" The past is destined of failure. And again the pains and loss you will bear."

Yuri debated

" But there, in my mother's eyes.... Of what she sees in me, and what I see in my child...There's always something ahead, something to look for, Something to Hope For ! ! !"

" There's Nothing for us To Hope For ! ! ! !"

Varium shrieked back angrily

" All we have is our Vengeance !! Our Revenge !

The past is all we got, all we want !

You thought everyone's got happy lives like you ?!

You ignorant slut ! You say things of forgetting the past because you don't fully Remember them yet ! You don't feel the trauma like us !!

Hah ! You're just too afraid to face it. You coward.

Why would the Herunis Carna choose You in the first place !?!?"

" It never chose me."

Yuri replied, strong and calm, putting her hand to stop the angered Lima from slaying Varium on the spot

" You are right, I haven't fully regained all my Memories yet. And I won't doubt that the past is very important to you. To all of us. I understand.

But answer me this, Varium,

What will you do, if we went back to the World Before all this, Before the Light ?

What will you do ?"

" Of course !!.... I'll, I'll save my sister ! From... Form....."

And Varium remembered.

The Nano Scourge attacked their School that day,

But The defence systems went off too early.

The Infra-Sound.

Killed them all.

She, and her sister.

" I'll... I'll go back ! And stop them....! Stop the attack..... Stop...!!!!"

" There's nothing you can stop, Varium."

Yuri spake solemnly

" You have done all you could. Let it go."

" No.... No ! You don't understand !! How could you ?!?! You've got no one to Love, But I Love My Sister !!! I love my Sister....... .....sniff....damn it...."

And Varium wept quietly, knowing how helpless they were, and how there's nothing She could do. Anyone in that time would feel the same.

It was the tragedy of the Times.

All Varium wanted,

Is to stay with her sister again.

To go back, to those Sweet times,

That will never return.

Finally, Arch Demon Death stopped at the foot of a huge mountain over an abandoned fallen city.

In that mount, a great cave, which entrance is sealed by fallen rocks and broken machinery. Too huge to move and the path is a dead end Agatram.

Archdemon Death moaned and roared deeply, and left them there.

" Wait ! Where are you going ?!"

Yuri asked the Arch Demon serpent.

And Death so replied

" You have arrived at where you seek.

This is the reality of your Herunis Carna, Sealed, Locked away from our world forever.

Never to be seen again."

" But... It can't Be !!!"

Yuri tried to argue, breaking the huge rocks blocking the path but more and more rocks there were to hinder her.

The Arch Demon gave a deep moan in disagreement

" Child, the path you seek is beyond your reach. The Future is unpredictable and never a promising Hope.

Even this, you are still determined to walk this path ?

Or join the Dark, to end All Memories."

" End... All Memories ?!"

Yuri asked in surprise.

" What?!?! End the what now ?!"

Varium too was surprised

" What are you talking about, Death ?! Do you not want to go back ?!?! And destroy all that had wronged us ?!?!"

" We are the Souls that can never be free from the agony of the happened. We cannot Decease. But we seek eternal slumber.

And only through destruction of Memory, Of Light, can we all be relieved of our suffering.

That is Our Path, as an Arch Demon.

The other Arch Demons may have different Paths of their own, but mine is not to go to the past.

We wish to Rest,

No more regrets,

No more Sorrow,

No more Guilt.

You have your own path, Child of Herunis CArna, which is locked behind despair.

The Future you seek still holds the sins of Doom of Humanity. Devastation still will occur.

Even this, you choose to move on,

With Unrest ?"

Yuri silently thought about the Arch Demon's words,

And finally nodded

" l will choose to move on."

Yuri replied with determination

" And with the memories, The Sorrow, the Guilt, The regret with me, I'll take them forward, so that the Future can learn from those Sins.

I was given a Chance to Live,

And I cannot deprive that chance, from my Child.

I will Go On."

" Then this is where we part."

Archdemon Death swam away to the night skies

" Soon, all our paths shall collide.

And only one Can prevail. You have my respects."

Yuri nodded solemnly, watching Death leave the horizons.

" What did it say ??"

Lima finally asked, unable to hear the Demons conversations aside from deep roars and moans.

" Destroy Memories my ass."

Varium spat

" Death has become weak. My Vengeance towards Caesar Skyman and StarBreakers will never change ! I'll find my sister !"

" Come, Lima. Let's rest."

Yuri hugged Lima down from Elsa Beeg Wolf's back and they set a campfire, and slept for the night.

" Hey !! You not seeking your Herunia right now ?!"

Varium barked like a angry Doge

" Caesar Skyman is coming for you and you just sleep ?! You weak !! You lame !"

But Yuri and Lima hadn't slept for days and the two friends were in soothing snores in no time, huddling each other as they pass through the night.

" Chii... Fine."

Varium sat down before the fire, remembering old times, Times Before the Light, where she and her sister would huddle together too to keep warm.



Back in Sky World, Caesar Skyman seeks audience, and his Royal Calvary of StarBreakers came to see him, in the dead of the night.

" Caerlia, Yuri the traitor has been detected. Go forth full speed on the Arphamaegedon, Remember, we need Yuri Alive."

" Yes, my Lord."

Caerlia Lansara Suprima obeyed and went to position.

" Wait, Carrie !"

Her Exaltedness' General, Solo came to Caerlia

" Are you not carrying, your Bradinn Armor with you ?"

" Ooh, The Star Saber huh..."

Caerlia thought for a moment

" Nah. I won't need that. That's too Big a Saber to cut down this traitor."

She chuckled, clearly underestimating situations, but she isn't afraid, because she has the privilege to.

Solo silently watched her leave, a strange feeling arousing inside him, of foreboding.

" Solo."

Caesar Skylord called his general Solo.

" Yes, my Lord."

" You will guard Sky World, alongside my new General."

Caesar Skyman then introduced a huge bulky StarBreaker, with two tall slanting tablet like missile launching packs floating on both sides.

It was David.

Late Captain Delprim Jargo's StarBreaker, the Starbreaker Hunter !

But David is now deformed and reconstructed into Caesar Skyman's sadistic vision.

" Call him not David."

Caesar Skylord introduced

大 威 武

" Call him, Dalvedan.

He will guard my Ships, while you, Solo,

You will guard The Light."

" ...Rest assurred, I will."



" Varium, Wake up."

" Huh...??"

Varium snorted and sat up slowly, to see Yuri and Lima wide awake with their StarBreaking Armors fully armored

" What the Park ?! What's happening ?! Bradinn ???"

" Hiiish !!"

Lima hissed to shush the Dark Unerva down.

Varium joined them in her Dark Unerva armor on quickly.

But all she saw was dark,

The darkness over the ruined city under the mountain.

" There are people down there."

Yuri whispered

" But not Demons."

" Not StarBreakers either."

Varium observed, smelling the scent in the air with her Beeg dark hand tentacles

" What is it ???"

Suddenly, Elsa gave a loud bark, turning around.

" It's us."

And Lo, The Starchilds all Appeared behind Them !

Varium cried out, spooked.

Twelve of them, came out of the shadows and stood, on the other side of the campfire.

Varium laughed

" Hee hee ! Puny!They are just Androids——"

" We are not Androids."

And The Leader Starchild opened his visor and it Was Neo ! ! !

" Yuri. We will bring you back to Sky World."




And Neo remembered the Words of Caesar Skylord

" Good, Neo. But remember,

If you let Yuri go,

Or let her know about anything back in Sky World.... "




" Why ?! What are you doing ?!?!"

Lima yelled angrily at them

" Yuri is trying to save us all ! Save the Earth's Core !!"

Suddenly, one of the Starchilds came out from behind Neo and opening the visor, crying out

" Yuri姉さん!It's us !! It's me Neliya ! We, We are————"




" ...I will extinguish all the Light of your friends, and Nia's also."




" Silence!Neliya ! ! ! ! ! !"

Neo roared and yanked the frightened loli back to her place as Neo pulled out his Star Sword

" Yuri ! You are with Cahoots with Demons !

You betrayed us first..... Now we Bring you down !"

" Not So Fast ! ! ! "

Lima shouted with rage and pulled out her Light Saber !

" Neo ! You don't know what you are doing... Stand down and leave !!"

" No... Lima ! IT'S YOU who doesn't know anything !!! We Must Stop Yuri NOW ! ! ! ! !"

And Neo with a cry of battle, called out to all of his Starchild friends, and they lunged down on Yuri from every corner of Dark.

But Yuri, with quick evade, shielded herself with her StarBreaking Grappling hooks and stepped away.

" I will not hurt you."

Yuri spake

" You are all my friends, and The Future, Is Also Yours ! ! ! Come with me !"

" Nyaaaarghhh ! ! ! ! !"

Neo meant to say No, but his rage and fury made him shout and he pranced forth with Super agility, cutting Yuri's elbow joints ! And Yuri bled out shining blood !!!

Her friends, none of them believed her.

Yuri could beat her way out of this.

But she wished to explain, to let them know.

But they wouldn't stop !!!

Yuri had to fight back.

And the Starchilds began to fight, fighting Lima, fighting Varium, and Neo and Rio especially, went to fight Yuri.

Neliya stood by, terrified by the children fighting children.

This is wrong !

This is Doom !!

Lost Children, Hand in Hand, face obstacles together !

Not Fight !!

" Stop.... Stop hurting each other... Feira stop.. Ashoka... Thoka.... NEO, Stop !!!

Everyone ! ! ! What's wrong with ALL OF YOU ! ! ! ! !"

" Hahaha ! ! ! Die, Fools !!!!"

And Varium, with her Beeg dark hand, is about to smash the timid young girl Vena !!!

Neliya shrieked in despair.

The Dark Hand came down,

And Yuri ! ! ! !

Blocked the hand and saved loli Vena.

" Go !!"

Yuri cried to the little girl, but Lo

Lo and Shock,

Vena stabbed Yuri from behind, through the stomach with her Salamandara short lance, a weapon specialized to break through Starbreaking armor.

Vena with tears in her eyes wepy in great sorrow

" I am sorry.....Yuri...!"

Vena sobbed, still piercing the powerful Salamandara deep into Yuri's body, light blood squirting everywhere, but Yuri won't budge

" But.... But The Skylord————"

And Lo ! ! ! !

Neo, in fear the Skylord's secrets slide into Yuri's ears and doom the rest of the children, quickly dashed forth and bashed his Starchild Shield at Vena so hard that the loli flew away, and crashed, tumbling ten or more times until she lay on the ground, motionless.

" Vena !!!!!"

Nassah the tanned skinned loli cried out and came to the limp body

" NEO ! ! How could you....!!! HOW COULD YOU ! ! !"


Neo shouted out in anguish


" Hell no you won't !!"

Varium slapped Neo to the ground with her Dark Hand and Neo too crashed so hard he was badly injured.

" I WILL ! ! !"

Rio dashed forth like a berserker and Lima with her better sword play, knocked Rio to the ground and broke his arm armor unit.

Quickly, While Varium grabbed Yuri onto her back, Lima riding them all onto Elsa, they escaped up the huge mountain, leaving them poor wounded children back below.

But Yuri !!

Her light blood pouring more and more and her conscious fading !!

" We're losing her !!!"

Varium shouted urgently but suddenly, she saw Yuri's eyes began to turn bright with never before seen Blue glow.

" Yuri ! ! ! !"

Lima came to Yuri's glowing body and saw Yuri fall into limbo.

Where her conscious is truly Free,

Free from gravity,

Free from existence,

Free from reality !

Yuri's Spirit had found De way, through overriding conscious and mind,

Yuri has now successfully traversed, to where she seeks,

The Astro Realms of the Herunis Carna.

It was never a place.

It is beyond Reality,

But in the Mind.



Yuri opened her eyes.

She was lying on grassy ground,

Blinding light pierced her vision, cool breeze swept across her skin.

The sky blue, clouds scared, Sun bright and hot.

She had returned.

Yuri sat up, seeing herself sitting in the middle of a wide roof, of a small school.

It was so silent, even the low humming of the nuclear powerplants could be heard.

A metal door opened behind her and Yuri turned around.

" Yuri !"

" Vi.... Vitas..?"

" Come on!You are going to be late ! Math class is starting, Remember ?!"

And the young boy took her hand, pulling her down the stairs, across the long dirty corridors, passing many classrooms.

And Yuri saw, from the reflection of those broken shattered glass windows,

She's a loli now.

She had returned,

To the white castle, the gym below, the playground next to the gym, the garden at the back, and the barren plains outside the walls.


" Yuri ? Are you alright ?"

" I...I am fine."

They continued walking down, hand in hand.

Across the school yard, and finally into the classroom.

Everyone's already there, seated, talking to each other happily.

Vitas led Yuri to their seats and they sat down, waiting.

But sensei never came.

" Where's sensei ?"

" I'll find Sensei !" It is Neliya, she left alone.

No. Don't go.

Neliya never returned.

" I'll find them !"

Neo stood up.

No. Don't go...

" I'll go find them !"

" Me too !"

" Let's go, Vena ! Let's take and walk and find the others."

" Wait ! Wait for me !!"



Don't go !

The children were all outside.


Vitas ?

Yuri turned, and saw Vitas was gone.

Vitas disappeared.

Quickly, Yuri raced down to the yard, across the playground, across the whole fields.

Shouting, to yell them back.

But then the Bells start chiming.

The bells, the bells, of escape.

" It's the bells...!!"

" The bells ! Yuri !!"

" The Bells ! Of Hide and Seek !"

All the children looked at Yuri,

Her friends,

Her classmates,

Old and new,


Lima looked back at her helplessly.

" Everyone, Go and Hide first !!"

Yuri shouted urgently, in hurry

" I Must Find Vitas ! ! !"

And Yuri ran, leaving the children, her friends behind while she should have went to hide.

But She chose Vitas.

And there he was, sitting and leaning behind a rock.

Looking strange.

" Vitas.... Let's hide.... Vitas ??"

But lo, Vitas stood up,

Dark Demonic Nano liquid, penetrating the walls and infiltrated the school grounds, had found it's way onto it's first host, covering half of Vitas' body with dark pus.

" Run... Yuri !! "

Vitas cried in pain, more dark liquid slithering towards Yuri on the ground

" What are you standing there for ?!?!?!

RUN ! ! ! ! GO HIDE, YURI————! ! ! ! ! !"

But she chose Vitas.

No matter what,

Hand in hand.

Yuri reached out her hand,

But Vitas backened

" You must hide... Yuri ! YOU MUST !! GO !!"

" I won't leave you behind...." Yuri sobbed, staying her ground.

" But You Must ! ! !..."

Vitas sobbed, Yuri sobbed.

Their hands, so close yet so far.

" If you don't hide, Yuri..... No one can !.... It's the rules..... The ghost must hide first..... Then she seeks the others....!! If you don't Go, NO ONE WILL ! ! ! !"

" BUT———!"

But it was too late.

The rest of the children were looking for the others.

None of the children went to hide.

And it was Yuri's fault.

Then came from the bell tower, a blinding light, shooting across the skies, and into all the children's eyes, hearts.

Then it was gone.

" No..... NO...."

Yuri turned to the children behind her

" Don't come.... HIDE !! EVERYONE, HIDE——"

But Yuri's throat turned dry, so dry, and constricted. She began to feel dizzy.

And Yuri coughed, hard, her throat hurt.

Her knees felt light, and soon she was on the ground. She didn't even know she was falling.

Her heart was thumping, slowly.

And she coughed again, and there, in her hands,

Were sticky pure blood, and teeth.

She felt cold.

But everyone, the others.... Vitas ! ! !

They were there, already on the ground,


Yuri felt her hot tears scorching her cold cold cheeks, running down her tapid neck.

She could still hear her name,

Vitas ...

He was calling her.

Again and again.

Again and again....

She must turn around, she must try....


I will be there....

Wait for me........

And her numb body made one last turn, before swaying and tilting to a side,

And fell.

If only she could see Vitas




She was the last to fall.





Yuri stared at the circle of light above her.

Pillars of shimmering metal stood high, lifting more round circular platforms which floated majestically higher and higher.

The Light falling down from above, slowly like snow.

Blue snow. Touching the ground , forming Blue runes that bloomed like flowers and then slowly fade away.

Yuri lay at the bottom, her eyes still at the pale Sky above in the circle.




" There's a place you know very well, Yuri."

" I know now, Mom."

" Everything you forget, only in there it will all stay."

" Should I find it, Mom ?"

" No. You can't find what is already there. It's close to you always."

" Then how do I go there, Mom ?"

" It is you, Yuri."

" Me ?"

" When you finally find yourself, and accepted who you really are,"

" You will find the castle on the hill."

" The clock on yonder gate."

" You walk up the stairs."

" Pass the Trees by the pond."

" There."

" You will see it."

" The Herunis Carna...."




Yuri gazed at the ancient machinations moving slowly around her, sparkling runes of power flashing and fading as the large interconnected rings above spinned and turned accordingly.

Yuri looked, in silence.

" ....So that's what happened...

... Everyone died... Because of me..."

And there she wept, under the falling light.

And then, the circular facility opened, and Lo, more and more pillars across the astral plane of Futuristic machinations, all opening up at the same time.

Like a Sea of Stars extending to infinity.

Yuri stepped out of the first pillar and walked across the many planes over the towers and strange engines humming musically, generating powers that are too high dimensioned to discern.

Yuri began to wonder,

What is this all about ?

What is it's true purpose ?

What can it truly do ?

Why is it related, to me ??

And there, in the center of all the complicated networks where all the Light and power gathered,

A thin beam of blue light, pillared up to the Stars.

Yuri followed the light pillar, and came to it, standing at its base.

There was a Rune,

A Rune of a round disk shaped symbol.

It's a beautiful Rune, carved with marvelous intricacy, like a drawing of pure kindness soothing all that witness it.

Yuri knelt down,

Her tears finally ceased, looking down at the blooming rune.

" This is Airota, the center of all Herunis Carna. The Mother of All Stars."

Yuri looked up.

" Yuno...!"

Yuno also walked up to the thin pillar of light, smiling as she approached

" And All Stars have their Colors."

Yuri was relieved she found someone she knew.

" Yuno ! I have found it ! This must be the Herunis Carna, Right ?"

" Yes. Yes it is."

" Then, we can save the Earth. Save it from destruction... And make this World a better place ! For all of us——"

" Yuri."

" ...What?"

Yuno cleared her throat gently, politely, Amiably

" Yuri, have you heard of the Tragedy of Airota and her Stars ?"

Yuri shook her head.

Yuno smiled, sympathetically

" It's not a tale anyone of this World dimension would tell you."

And Yuno with a wave, opened the Herunis Carnic equations and showed Yuri of many lights and codings and runes before her eyes,

In the middle of all the Light,

Is Airota.

" Airota is the mother of all Stars, and all Stars have their Colors."

Yuno sang in the Herunis tongue that Yuri could understand now

" Airota loved her children, and they loved their Colors from every part of their Mother.

Every alignment night, the Stars would give birth to their own Stars,

Night after night, the Stars now filled the Sky,

But all they see, is their own color.

And when the last Star was born,

It no longer remembered where it came from,

The Airota is forgotten, and the Mother of All Stars, faded it's light, vanishing into the void,

And now the skies will always be dark,

While the Stars are all shining."




" Lima, do you know, why the sky dark while the stars are all shining ?"

asked Yuri long ago when they were still in the school facility before its fall.

Both young girls stood at the balcony, of the school attic, marveling the night starry skies.

" Why, Yuri ?"

" I've heard about a story, from my mother...about the Stars' mother, that was forgotten. The mother was so used to fill the darkness with full light. But not anymore...."

small Yuri fell silent, her eyes gazing the dazzling night.




She had told Lima about this story long ago.

It was from mom.

" Why are you telling me this, Yuno ?"

Yuri asked, past memories arising

" What does this have to do with all this ?"

" Everything has to do with it."

Yuno smiled, coming towards to Yuri, so close

" We, Yuri, all of us, We are the Stars of the Herunis Carna, born of the One Mother. Yuri. Our mother !"

Yuri backened, not feeling comfortable of Yuno's close attitude and tone

" I have told you that we are the same persons, but in different versions of Worlds.

But we have only one version of Mother.

She had a plan to save the World, and through this saving point, we start. We are all born here.

But like all the Stars, we have forgotten our Mother's wisdom.

We cannot save even our own worlds... We keep failing, and failing, and failing !!!...."

Yuri was becoming scared, of what Yuno's becoming. Yuno seemed not gentle anymore but cold and vengeful.

" Yuno...."

" Listen, Yuri !"

Yuno snapped, cutting Yuri off but smiling,

A smile, that is not of joy,

but derangement

" You don't need worry. Just step back, and let me, Save the World. This time, I know the Way !!"

" What's the Way ?!"

Yuri asked, coming closer.

" You don't need to know !"

Yuno pushed Yuri back from the thin pillar of Airota Light

" Step Back and watch !"

" Yuno, you are sounding strange ! At least, explain what you are going to do...!"

Yuno looked at Yuri,

With such a glance, such coldness

" Alright."

Yuno smiled, forcing herself to

" That is to bring the Herunis Carna, to Caesar Skyman. And let him use it on a different place, a different Planet, Where In A New World, Humanity Will thrive again ! ! ! !"

Yuri was too shocked, and at first no words came out of her wide opened mouth.

Yuno began opening the Herunia engines and after answering the equations, and slowly the whole machination began to shudder and descend, from the Astral plane to Reality plane.

Yuri finally sprang to action

" You can't do this.... All the Children, all our friends will Die ! This Earth will Be destroyed !! All the Memories will vanish——!!!!"

" Yuri, those friends of yours are already dead, but sustaining through unorthodox ways. And this world, it will fall apart no matter what. The best way to save this world is not saving it, but seek another Earth, through the only living true human being that is Caesar Skyman.

Come on, Yuri. Trust me, I've seen more memories die than this."

Yuno smiled back like it's no big deal

" After a certain amount of failure, you will find the courage to excel in the deeds you never once knew you could accomplish."

" That's not courage.... !!"

Yuri cried angrily

" That's Indifference ! ! !"

" And if that's how Mother intended us to save Humanity, isn't it most advisable to stay,

Indifferent ?"

Yuno replied back, calm and cold.

" Mother will never do this ! ! ! !"

And Yuri rushed forward to stop Yuno, but then ! Like a blue lightning, Yuka crashed down from above and grabbed Yuri from behind, restraining Yuri with her combat stance.

Yuri struggled to no avail

" Let me go, Yuka !! Yuno is destroying Mother's World ! ! ! !"

" No... Yuri...."

And Yuri saw that Yuka, though firm her grip around Yuri was, her body was trembling and she was fighting back her tears

" This Is the way.... Not yours ! You conspired with Demons !"

" Demons are Living People ! They deserve this World too !! They deserve a Future ! Like everyone else !"

Yuri argued.

But Yuka won't budge and grabbed onto Yuri with all her might

" Don't tell me Demons deserve a Future Yuri...."

Yuka spake, the tears winning over her now

" I was like you... And I thought they can be trusted..... But They Betray you, Yuri !!

I tried to make friends with Demons too... And they even mock me over my dead body....!!!"

" Don't think we didn't try, Yuri."

Yuno spake solemnly

" We did all we could, to fulfill the ways mother would want us save Humanity in our own worlds. This, is just one of those ways."

" But what if you lose ?!?!"

Yuri asked furiously.

And Yuno thought for a moment

" Well, guess we'll have to find another sister like you, Yuri. Your world will be sacrificed, but Never in Vain. Never in vain, Yuri, my dear Sister. Never in vain !"

Yuri looked at Yuno in disbelief, her eyes turning blank.

" But... My child...!!!"

Yuri said out loud , beyond anger

" What about.....him... ?! Doesn't he have a chance to Live ? To have a Future, Here, in his Home..... ?!?!"

Yuno didn't even put effort for thinking an answer and replied coldly

" For humanity to thrive again, some sacrifices has to be made. That's how things work."

Yuri finally understood, that Yuno had planned this all along.

She used her, she made friends with her, only to use her World as an experiment, to fufill her once failed attempts.

Yuno doesn't care, about friendship, about Memory.

Yuno only wants to save humanity, in the most inhuman way possible.

" That's not how Things work....."

Yuri hissed, and in her eyes, blazing Blue electric bolts began to flash and the whole facility turned cold beyond negative degrees.

" That's.... Not How Things Should Be ! ! !

I will not sacrifice, For Your Obsessions ! ! ! You are saving No one, You are just Saving your own Guilt !!!!!"

And Yuri with a shout of sheer anger, threw Yuka away from behind her, crashing Yuka to the far end of the machine walls.

And with blinks of an eye, Yuri suited up her StarBreaking armor and summoned her Sword rifle and shot a devastating photon beam at Yuno and her machinations.

But the beam bullet just flew straight through Yuno like she wasn't there.

Yuri realized quickly, the midst gathering around Yuno.

Yun of the midst walked out of her phantasmic realm.

" Don't believe Yuno, Yun !!!!

Mother would never do this !! Mother loves this World ! She would never want it destroyed !"

Yuri explained in hurry

" Mother would never leave the memories of this world behind———"

( But I want to leave this world behind... Yuri.)

Yuri gasped.

Yun, was angry.

( If only mother could see this world herself.....A world that feeds on the weak, a world that lies and deceives.....A world... That cannot tolerate difference, and will only reside to destruction and slaughter... This world killed my baby... Yuri. I won't leave it, unpunished...."

And Yuri realized, they have all suffered in their own world. In their own versions of Earth they called home.

Yuri tried to persuade them, but she couldn't.

This world, of all the corruption and meaningless destruction,

Is it really, that worthy to be saved ?

Why Mother ?

Why would you create us to save this accursed land ?

Why Mother ??

Why ?!?!?!?!

Yuri fell, leaning onto the cold machine wall and slided down to her knees, sobbing silently.

" Need not worry, Yuri."

Yuno came to comfort the dumbstruck Yuri

" You can join us. If this way Humanity still didn't succeed, let's find another, and another... Until, The Final Blazelight of Airota is found and the Night shall forever be Bright Once Again ! ! !"

Yuno put her hands onto Yuri's shoulders

" What say you, Yuri ?"


Yuno looked at Yuri, who suddenly turned silent, in a strange way.

Yuri was looking down, at the Stars in the glass like futuristic starry clean floor, staring,

As one slow spec of blue snow, blue Light,

Fall down to the starry surface, erupting into a small blaze,

And then fade.

It was like music.

Like a prayer.

The World, coming and going,

The way of Humanity,

All the answers,

Answered in that slow falling light Like Snow.

Yuri looked up at Yuno, Yun, and Yuka, with eyes so wide, as if witnessed enlightenment.

" ... I know the Way...."

Yuri whispered to them all, her eyes regaining color of hope

" .... I know what Mother meant..... I know what she wanted us to do, All This Time !!"

And Yuri stood up once again, pushing Yuno's hand away from her shoulders

" Mother wants us to live, No matter How Hard, how Cruel the World may Be,

We must Live,

And protect the Herunis Carna, from the Wrong Hands, For Our Loved Ones !!"

Yuri then pushed her way to stop the running equations to pull down the Herunis Carna , to Stop the engines that are moving towards the Reality plane.

" That's not even a way, Yuri !"

Yuno argued with spite

" Humanity will not thrive without the Herunis Carna !!"

" No."

Yuri spake, determinedly

" But it will surely end by your hands !"

Yuno angered !!!

" Yuka !"

Yuno cried, and Yuka immediately sprang to action, punching Yuri out of the Herunis equations' way.

Yuri evaded, and the Four of them all summoned their StarBreaker armor, preparing for the worst.

" Don't believe Yuno, Yuka ! Believe in yourself !"

Yuri begged

" Use the Faith in yourself, I beg of you !"

" But.... I don't want to believe anyone !! ANYMORE ! ! !"

Yuka flew to a frenzied rage, too confused to commute what Yuri and Yuno are arguing about.

Yuka was a cheerful StarBreaker.

She was smart, only in her field of weapon expertise.

And not bright, in everything else.

So she relied on people, she believed what anyone said, because she thought they were helping her.

She put too much trust on those that shouldn't be trusted.

She didn't even have the chance to learn where she did wrong after her untimely demise.

And Yuka with all her strength, and reciting all the Powerful Incantations, Summoned a great sereis of photon spears and arrows, a weapon Rain that would flood the world for years and rained it all onto the Herunis planes, the sharp spears falling down , piercing through all the Herunia metal.

But now Yuka couldn't care less, and Attacked everyone on the field.

Yun opened her midst to let Yuri and Yuno and herself escape the falling photon spears and arrows,

Which then subsided.

Yun gasped, giving out a scream.

Yuka had walked out of Yun's evade midst, too early.

And now Yuka lay, in her own pool of shining blood, photon arrows sticking out of her armor.

(.... Why... Why do you get out of it ?!?!)

Yun shouted at her diminishing sister, slowly vaporizing to blue dust.

" Because.... I don't know who is right..."

Yuka stammered, with a cheerful grin, shining blood flowing out of her mouth and orifices

" And... I seem to be wrong all the time..... So.... On how to save this World, this is my answer.............."

And Yuka was swept away into blue stardust in Yun's hands.

Yuri gripped her bow so hard to fight back the tears.

" That's a fair point."

Yuno nodded, content of Yuka's answer calmly

" If she couldn't decide, she shouldn't.

What about you, Yun ?

Are you with Yuri ? Or me ?"

Yun looked up at Yuno,

Very, very angrily

( Whatever choice we make right now, is not going to be the Right Answer.)

Yun spake, in a serious tone, her shy persona diminishing entirely

( Yuno, stop the equations, Now.)

Yuno's thin eyes frowned.

" No."

The equations, in the middle of their standstill, at the same distance to everyone in the facility.

But speed, is Yun's Speciality.

With a zap, Yun dashed to the Herunis equations, but Lo ! A large gateway Sky pod flew down to her presence and unable to stop herself, Yun dashed into the Sky Pod,

Which transported her up to the other end of the gateway Sky Pod exit which floated high above many stories in the air and Yun fell, crashing to the solid machine floor with her own and accelerated speed, mortally wounded.

Yuno didn't even have to move and she had nearly defeated Yun.

Yuri saw that it was her turn to fight her way to the Herunis equations, and stop Yuno.

" You have no idea who I was, back in My World."

Yuno's threatened, with a deadly smile of sadistic intentions.

" It doesn't matter here, in Mine !!!!"

Yuri shouted powerfully and dashed forth to stop the Herunis equations.

All the Sky pods hiding all around them flew down in ambush and started firing laser beams at Yuri, but Yuri quickly shot them sky pods all down, either through her grappling hooks or her rifle.

But then Yuno with remote commanding powers used her Sky pods as physical offence, crashing and slamming onto Yuri like catapults with just waves of her hand.

Yuno still, haven't moved a step.

Yuri cut her way through, but there are too many of them, Yuri couldn't pass !!

Yuri leapt far away, and held her weapon at the middle and turning it into a bow, and pulled the string wide open, setting a powerful StarBreaking photon arrow which she set free, an Arrow that no evade could escape, dashing through the gaps of nearly all the Sky pods and nearly, nearly shooting through The Herunis equations.

But Yuri's arrow flew in to one last Sky pod waiting close the Herunis equations, that caught it, and tranported the arrow up above Yuri, which came shooting straight down in triple accelerated speed, yet not aiming at Yuri,

But aiming at Yuri's Backpack. At her egg, her child!

Yuri froze, and tried to leave.

But her own arrow, accelerated with more strength and speed, unable to evade, is futile to escape.

Yuri turned around, decided to save her Child from the impact and wistand the arrow herself, but someone had already shielded Yuri and her baby, and with a loud bright explosion of light and flesh, the arrow had passed through its target.

" YUN ! ! ! !"

Yun sank to her knees, the photon arrow ran straight through her chest, leaving a dreadful large orifice in the middle of her thorax.

Yun breathed, her last breath, and smiled, before dispersing into blue stardust

(......Protect this all cost....for your child.....)

Yun had no friends.

And was taken advantage by the Vitas of her world.

He used her for demonic desires,

And she relied on his company.

She was like Vitas' slave, doing anything anyone tells her to.

But the world she obediently obeyed betrayed her,

And she was left with nothing.

At least,

She had made her own choice, and saved a tiny life here. For Yuri.

Yuno already knew of this outcome.

Either Yuri kill herself out of grief, or Yun sacrifice herself.

Her plans to use Sky pods to block Yuri's path worked, super effectively.

Like all her machinations.

" It's over, Yuri."

Yuno smiled sadistically

" I got the Herunis equations."

But instead of answering her, Yuri pulled out her Saber, and marched forth to confront Yuno.

Yuri swore silently to the Mother that gave birth to her, that she will Smite this deranged Sister out of her World.

Yuno smiled back, her eyes wide and insane under shadow.

Troops of smaller Sky pods surrounded Yuri and began raining down laser beams.

Another troop of larger bladed Sky pods came crashing onto Yuri.

But Yuri, instead of evading the attacks, parried and slashed and punched her way through all of Yuno's schemes.

Getting closer and closer to Yuno.

" Yuri, you are rash and inconsistent."

Yuno began to taunt Yuri to decrease her moral

" Don't you know how many Sky pods I have ?


Every Sky pod in this World, Is Me !! I am the eyes of Caesar Skyman ! I am the foundation of Sky World !! You can't possibly defeat ME ! ! !"

And Yuno watched as all the Sky pods went in to engage, crashing and exploding all around Yuri, leaving a long pile of scrap sstarbreaking metal behind Yuri's fury path.

Yuno sneered and waited,

And waited,

And waited.

Yuno's smile began to fade, as time passes, Her Sky pods began to decrease,

And Yuri isn't stopping.

She won't stop, She Can't Stop.

And as the last Sky pod was pierced through by Yuri's saber,

The whole Herunis Carna turned silent once again.

Yuno, her whole collection of Sky pods,

All destroyed.

Yuri panted, shining blood and sweat all over her scorched shattered armor.

But still she prevailed. Coming closer to Yuno, who stood her ground, backening not.

And there they stood, Face to Face.

" Stop the equations, Yuno."

Yuri panted, warning one last time

" It's your last chance."

Yuno sighed, smiling at Yuri sympathetically

" Why so obsessed with Earth, Yuri ?

Think of Humanity. Think of all the possibilities out there. Hope, Yuri. Isn't that what you like most ?"

" If we burned our roots."

Yuri panted, angrily

" Then we've truly forgotten Mother's ways."

" There's No Way as mother's way !!"

Yuno shouted back furiuosly

" Something that nobody knows or remembers is nonexistent ! Anything on Earth, is destined to fail."

" It doesn't mean it's not there."

Yuri spake

" All things change, Earth falls.... Something new takes its place, Evolution, Transcendence...

Failure is not the end.... Humanity will not be destroyed entirely, it will rise up again, If You Give Them the Chance ! !"

" Perhaps, there's no way we can ever have an agreement."

Yuno stepped away from negotiation

" None of us are correct, but we are both doing what we think Is Right."

" Then I have to stop you."

Yuri concluded, bitterly, reluctantly.

Yuno smiled back sadistically

" You Can Try."

And Yuno stood back and with her arms to the skies of the Herunis Carna, she began to chant her Incantations of Grand Power, summoning the skies with a shout that penetrates the skies

Yuno Soro · Kairodias · Enma

" 雲ノ域 · 天蓬爆雷 · 星極 ! ! !"

Yuri looked up as the whole of the Herunis Carna as If answering Yuno's call, moaned and twisted slowly all around them, turning into what Yuno so visioned.

Yuri looked around vigilantly, Anticipating a whole pack of Herunis sky pods go crazy on her, but no.

Not a sky pod appeared.

Yuri looked at Yuno with visible confusion, But Yuno was so pleased.

" I told you you'll have no Idea who I am back in My World."

Yuno gleefully raised both arms towards Yuri

" I defeated all the Demons, Every, Spec, Of Them, Degenerate Foul Entities !!

I cleansed My World, and I will yours, With My Grand Strike——— The Herunis Carna itself ! ! ! ! ! !"

And Oh no,

The Herunis Carna itself is now Yuno's Sky pod, and the huge Mechanic pillar swung down pointing at Yuri, and began to hum and gather light so bright like Blue sun, turning itself into a Huge Cannon.

And not just one pillar.

All the Pillars and Machinations of the Herunis Carna, Now turned against Yuri into Weapons of Immense Destruction.

And the first pillar let go, a Howling Beam of sheer Blue Light bashing across the universe at Yuri's existence, nearly wiping Yuri all out of Yuri had not escaped in grappling hook on time.

But another pillar already aimed at her escaping route, Shooting out another devastation Light, evaporating Yuri's grappling hook weapon entirely from existence.

Yuri fell through the air, and another huge beam was already heading towards her!!!

Yuri threw another grappling hook to escape !!

Another beam broke her path !!

Then another !!

And Another ! ! !

Yuri fell to the floor, and all Herunia pillars towering before her, pointing their humming death beams at Yuri, while Yuno stood on top of all.

" I can Save worlds !! And All of Humanity !"

Yuno cried out at the Yuri in the floor

" But even this.... Even all I can do, This is not Mother's way..., Humanity won't let me Save them !!!!"

" Nothing is safe from your deranged Beliefs, Yuno !!!"

Yuri shouted back

" No matter how many times you try.... Your ideas will never Protect Anyone !! Only Yourself ! ! !"

" Then What can Possibly be a better way ?!"

Yuno shouted angrily.

And this, Yuri answered

" Leave the Herunis Carna away.... Far from Humanity. Let them save themselves, or fail, and try again, to evolve, To Fly, To Transcend ! ! ! !"

" No..."

Yuno won't agree.

Her mind, due to her Power and unbeatable strength, had become rigid and cruel.

Yuno never admits defeat,

Therefore never changed.

" Why lock Herunia away....?! Can't you See ?!

I Am Saving The World ! ! And Humanity ! ! ! ! "

" No...."

Yuri breathed, and let blue Stardust of Herunia join her in one

" The Herunis Carna is never meant to save the World and Humanity,

It's meant to Protect It !"

" Protect from You And Demons ! ! ! !"

Yuno cried and Lo, All the pillars of Herunia shot their terrifying beams onto Yuri, all the Light running through that one joining point where Yuri stood.

Yuri believed.

Yuri believe what her mother had chosen,

To give her a world,

A chance,

No one can take that chance away, from her Child.

And Yuri accepted the light,

The heat,

The Transcendence.

And the beams faded, and Yuno, for the first time staring with wide open eyes,

Looked down at the Yuri !!

Well and unharmed.

Yuno looked carefully

And saw that Yuri's got Evade Midst !

But Yun is deceased !!

How ? ! ? !

For Yuri has become one with the Herunis force, and her Light, resonating with all lights from their Mother, All Lights From Airota.

Yuno was outraged

" That's outrageous...! It's Unfair !!!"

Yuno cried and made the pillar fire at Yuri, But the pillars no longer move at her favor

" How could you..... How could You not save Humanity, And Be Part of the Herunis Carna ?!?!?!"

And Yuri made an Air punch, sending out rains of water arrows and spears, all at Yuno, which Yuno tried to summon Sky pods to shield, But No Sky pods left !

And Yuno was pierced through many places.

Yuno with a cry of defeat, fell to the starlight floor, and took a seat.

Yuri with a wave, pushed the pillars away back to secure positions instead of destructive ways.

And she came to her mortally wounded deranged Sister.

" Your ways are too far from Mother's love.

You have become the one thing We, and our Mother had swore to destroy."

Yuri spake gravely, her sword in hand

" You have tread on a path Humanity can no longer follow."

" They will have to...."

Yuno smirked, even before vaporizing to blue stardust

" See...? The equations..... They are complete.

Herunis Carna.... Now belongs...

...To Caesar Skyman..."

And Yuri with a devastated gasp realized that the Herunis equations has finished caculating and had pulled the whole facility down to Reality Levels, and the skies, now skies of Earth, filled with sounds of Chaos.

The Whole World wanted to snatch the Herunis Carna, for their own Good.

Yuno had won, even to the end.

And dispersed into stardust.

The air above began to moan and swirl, dancing in frenzy chaotic sweeps.

Yuri bit her lips.

It's coming.

The Caesar Skyman royal airship Arphamaegedon.

And on top of the royal airship stood,

six crooked photon rifles hovering close by,

Her Exaltedness, the Lansara Suprima herself, clad in full Starbreaking armor,


[........To be Continued]