Chereads / Moon Cured / Chapter 20 - Chapter Nineteen

Chapter 20 - Chapter Nineteen

Alcmene Argent

The next morning, I wake up early still smashed against my mates feeling extremely hot and not in a good way. I pant and try and pull myself out of their grasp but that only makes them hold me tighter and the effort makes me sweat.

At this point it feels like I decided to wear a parka to southern California in the middle of July and I am seriously debating shifting into a dragon and smashing them. However, as appealing as that might sound right now it may cause problems with the aliens if I destroy the room and if I broke the window that may cause some health issues.

So instead, like any sane person I bite Eli savagely and without vampyre fangs so it will actually hurt.

He wakes with a start before grinning at me and rolls his hips into me so I can feel every inch of his erection.

Stronzo, he knows exactly what I was trying to do and didn't even pretend it hurt.

I narrow my eyes at him before turning over to Qamar to which I find giggling at my interaction with Eli.

I huff at them angrily before flipping over and kneeing Elijah in the crotch. He rolls over in pain and mumbles an apology. I huff again before standing up and leaving to go to the bathroom for a shower to cool off-literally and figuratively.

When I get back, I find them still in bed but sitting up against the headboard.

I go and sit on the couch and stare out the window fully ignoring them and I hear Elijah letting out whines and I can practically feel Qamar's puppy dog eyes.

Just as I almost break and go to them I hear a beep come from the ceiling.

"Attention all passengers we are approaching our destination prepare for landing in an hour. Get ready to finally go home."

Then they both race to me and grab me with the distraction and they pull me into the bed.

After some snuggling Qamar starts the conversation, "The aliens that have captured us haven't even seen this place nor their parents they have been searching for so long after it was taken over by other aliens much worse than them be prepared for all out war when we get there and be careful, I have a feeling we aren't seeing the worst of the aliens."

He tells me in a hushed, worried tone and I feel and uneasiness in my gut.

Then the doors open and we meet everyone else. After making sure everyone was okay, we talked about plans for this place and what we had heard but none of us had any idea of what was really going on planning very hard to compose.

Then a group of large alien men in uniforms barge into the room with deadly and painful looking weapons.

"By the order of the Great Khalzar, you are to come with us or face the consequences." One of the alien's booms.

We all freeze before gathering together and following. I briefly thought about fighting back but after finding myself weaponless with nothing to make into a weapon and seeing the claws, fangs, size, weapons, and more on the aliens surrounding us I give up on that idea pretty quick.

They bring us into a room where they shackle our hands behind our backs made of silver effectively cutting of all of our magic because of the material of lack of hands.

Then they attach us to each other and turn off all the lights.

Suddenly we drop my stomach flying up to try and escape through my mouth and for a second, I am weightless, then Boom! A sudden halt as we hit the surface of our destination shaking everything and causes us all to crumble to the ground hard.

We hear a whooshing noise before the lights turn back on and the doors open.

Bang! Bang! Strange guns are being fired all around hitting people, walls, ships, the ground, and literally everywhere.

Kaboom! A huge explosion goes off shaking the ground and many fire off after it. A long with other ships flying around causing great winds spurring on the fires with so many different aliens with so many weapons I have never seen charging around slashing, compacting, shooting, screaming, and blood everywhere.

As we took this all in we knew that we had severely underestimated the condition of this new world.

It was chaos.

It was War.