Chereads / This Demons Life / Chapter 26 - Chapter 26: 13 years later

Chapter 26 - Chapter 26: 13 years later

We have had some peace for 13 years. My boys are now 18 years old and Aiden has been doing his training to become King and he is excited as he was then. As for Ace well he is more like me and wants to hang out a lot to see what I do. As for the girls who are 16 now, this is the time where they know if they are going to be a Jay or a Istaria Dragon. Which is a human dragon. Head and tail of a dragon and body is human. The arms and legs are like a dragon. The hands and feet have claws. Mine is a dark red. Zanders was light blue and silver. Aiden ended up being a Jay like his mom. As for Ace we aren't sure yet. This is the year we find out if he is going to be like me or stay as he is. Its possible. As for the girls well 16 is when they turn Jay if they are one.

"Sheesh now I Know how Ash felt at this age. Poor Ash is 56 an old grandpa." I was walking alone talking out loud. After everything calmed down 13 years ago, I went back to the guys who tried to kill me and saw how the poisoning was done. Now we all know how to get things done. Micheal was a good personal assistant for Aiden and still is. Many of them are still around. Everything is peaceful I just hope it stays this way forever. But things happen and it breaks the peace. Lycan told us about his past and is talking a bit more. After all these years he is still working on it. I am actually in the forest right now taking a walk by myself enjoying the peace while it lasts. Ace is out with his friends as well as the girls.

It had been awhile so I decided to head back. I had a strange feeling. I just hope its good and not bad, I wasn't sure. Then I turned to my dragon form and ran. Once I got there I turned back.

I saw Talia with Gaia. The younger girl twin. "What's going on with her?" "Honey I think she's turning into a Jay. She has the same signs as Aiden did." Lets hurry outside then. Give her to me. I will transform and get to the forest quicker. "Yeah good idea." Talia got there as soon as she could.

Talia got to the forest and she was starting to sprout feathers. "Mommy. Help me." Talia was right over there with her. "Its ok Honey. It will be scary the first time. Oh look Aiden is here. He will help you with it as well." "Sister! Its ok. Its just as mom said. Its more scary than painful. Take deep breaths. It helped for me." She nodded. Then she started taking deep breaths. Then we saw her calming down. Finally Ace came. Then Kaia. "Your almost there sis. You're going to be fine." then finally she fully turned. She squawked like a bird. Then Aiden and Talia turned as well. They talked bird talk then took flight.

"My 2 babies and wife." I started to tear. "Dad. Come on. Don't cry like a baby." Said Ace. "Hey I was that way when your brother turned as well. You still have a chance to change like me. Be prepared it will be painful." "Dad don't scare me like that." "I'm not, trust me. It might not hurt as much as me but it will hurt." "Damn. I just hope it doesn't happen. I hope I am a normal demon." "Well you still have time. You just turned 18 and your sister 16 so Kaia even has time to turn Jay as well. So Be prepared." "Yes dad." "Kaia what do you think about maybe becoming a Jay?" "Uh a little scared and excited at the same time." "Its understandable. The first time."

Then a little while longer the Jays came back. They landed, Talia and Ace turned. "Just think of your normal form then you will turn back." Said Talia. She did just that and slowly turned human. Once she turned she was panting. "You ok Sister?" said Aiden. "Yeah I'm fine. Just tired me out a little." "Its your first time so it will tire you out." said Talia. "I wish I was a Jay too." said Ace pouting. Aiden came over. "Is ok brother. You still have a chance to be fast like dad." "Yeah it would be cool I guess." We all went back to the palace together.

Time past. It was already 6 months. About a month ago we had a battle. Since then both my sons ended up sick. I was with them at the moment waiting for Zaira. It was about 10 minutes when Zaira finally showed up. We had to wait awhile for her to get back from her trip. Then she rushed over to the boys. She touched their foreheads and knew right away. "Their ok Narvi. They are just sick from needing to turn." "What? Both of them? But Aiden is already a Jay? Isn't this rare?" "Its rare enough that a demon could turn into a Jay. You a dragon. Its rare that these creatures are being born. Now I guess they won't be extinct anymore." "Wait you mean there really was only two of us in the world?" "Well we haven't heard of any for years. So we thought maybe they were extinct but I could be wrong." "Hmm makes since. They could be in hiding." "Is it too soon to have me help them?" "Lets let them rest for another day. They should be strong enough by them." "OK sounds good." The boys were asleep at the moment. I decided to stay with the boys until morning, so Talia or one of the girls brings my food. I held Aiden and Ace's hands.

The next day the kids woke up around noon. I stayed there with them until they did. "Dad?" said Aiden. "Yes son. I'm here. Ace Are you doing ok?" "I don't feel so good." "I know boys. Its because you are ready to turn. I'll explain it when you are ready. Lets get some food in you them we are going to take you out so I can help you both turn." Kaia and Gaia brought the food in. "I have Ace's food. Gaia has Aiden's." "Ok go ahead and give it to them they can eat themselves." I said.

Once they were done eating their food, I said, "Hey girls go get your mother and have her meet in our usual spot in the forest. I'm going to help the boys turn." "Oh ok I'll go get mom." said Kaia. "Ok we will meet you there."

I helped the boys up and we walked over to our place in the forest where we usually transform. "OK so. Remember when I was out with Ash when you kids were 5 years old?" "Yeah I do." Said Aiden. "Well I ended up helping a boy the same age as Lycan back then. He was the only one like me or so we think. There is still no word on the existence. I helped the boy transform into his power. I told you guys that Zaira awakened mine right?" "Yes dad you did. A million times." Said Ace. "Haha ok ok. Well when I was fighting, I was surprised I woke my dragon form up. Since then I found out I can change on command. Here is what I told the boy. Close your eyes and think of something you desperately want and picture the feeling you would do anything to push through to what you want." Talia barely made it in time.

"Its not working dad." Said Ace. "It will just get the strong feeling that you would do anything to get what you want." Then Aiden started turning. "AHH! This hurts dad!" Said Aiden. "Your ok son. It's the first time it will." Then finally I heart Ace fight it as well. "Good job Ace. It will hurt for a bit until you change, ok? Take deep breaths." Then finally Aiden turned into a Green and Blue dragon and Ace into a white and silver one. "OK kids come to the water and see your reflection." "I look sweet!" said Ace. "Yeah I look pretty good myself." Then I turned as well. "Yep as do I. Ok boys ready to test out the speed? Stay with me though don't wander off as its your first time. Ace." "Yes dad." "Ok so we need to run normally and our speed will just start once we give it a head start." "Lets run boys." Then all 3 of us ran and the speed took off.

After our nice little run we came back and stopped fast. Then we all fell. Then we laughed. "I still need to work on my landing kids." "Haha you are right dad." Said Aiden. "Ok in order to turn back just think of your normal self." Then I turned back to my demon form. "Well boys how was it?" "That was awesome." They said in unison. "Ok kids. Now just because you have your new form doesn't mean you can use it for pranks ok Ace and Aiden." Ace cleared his throat. "Yes dad." "Oh dad. I forgot to tell you something. Uh well… Do you remember that girl I played with when we were younger?" "Yes. I do. She is a princess right?" "Yeah well I am courting her now." "Really? Well good for you Aiden." "Thanks dad." "Lucky I wish I can meet someone." "You will Ace just be patient."

Only a few days later Kaia turned to a Jay as well and the same process as with her twin sister. The kids and I had a good run while we waited. Then we got back at the same time.

It wasn't long before Ace found someone and started courting her. The girls were enjoying themselves as they flew in the sky together.

While the kids were enjoying their life I was enjoying mine. Silver almost never had to turn into his sword form anymore so most of the time he was in his fox form when he isn't in sword form.

Time went on and the girls never turned into dragons but at least they had their mothers Jay form the boys enjoyed their dragon forms and Aiden both his forms. They had twins of their own Aiden had 2 sets of twins and Ace only had one set. Two was a handful for him. As for the girls well they are both pregnant with their second set of twins. As for me and my wife Talia well we decided to move back to the cave once the kids started their own family. Ash had died when my first Kid Aiden had his first set of twins. He was killed in battle. It was hard on us but we can't stop the past. Attor is still around and so is storm. Storm Sigh what can I say about him. He needs to find a girl and get himself together. Lycan went back home and had kids of his own. Grandkids as well. Seems like everyone had kids and grandkids now. I think my life if complete and very peaceful. Once in awhile we go see my brother and his grandkids. Oh yeah we went to visit him a lot more once it started getting peaceful. So Well I guess I really have nothing else. Oh yeah Micheal he said he will break his curse when all of the kids pass. He wants to pass on when Aiden and his siblings do. I told him I'd miss him. Attor is getting old too I don't know how much longer he will be around. I also told Silver than when my time comes I want to take him to the place he can move on peacefully. He Agreed and thanked me. Life goes on. Well that's all I have to say so I hope you enjoyed my life's story bye.

The End

(Or is it?)