Chereads / This Demons Life / Chapter 5 - Chapter 5: Untitled

Chapter 5 - Chapter 5: Untitled

"Hmm well I can only tell you what he went through with me. I only knew him then. Let's see where to start. After he was thrown in with me…." Before he could say anymore, I woke up. "Hmm. Woah that was a weird dream." I woke up saying. "Are you ok Narvi?" said Dad. "Y-Yeah I think so." Dad felt my forehead to make sure I'm not hotter than I really should be. "Well, you don't have a fever that's good." "Of course not. I just had a strange dream. Anyway, dad I've been meaning to ask you. Now that I have my memory back, I have been wanting to ask you. Why do you and mom look human compared to everyone at the village who are half or all demon?" "Let's have the doctor check on you first." So, Arson went to get the doctor and a few minutes later and came in to examine him. "Well, it looks like you're ok. Just take it easy for a few days don't do anything to Rough." "Yes doctor." I said. Then he left and father started speaking. "So, you want to know why I look human? Well, I guess you could say we are human. Well mostly anyway." "What does that mean mostly?" "Well, we do have slight demon blood in us just not enough to have the features. If we did get powers which you know we did then they would be weaker than a normal demon." "Hmm. Is it grandma or grandpa that had demon blood?" "It was grandpa. Grandpa was 1/3 demon and grandma was a human. When your grandpa's father married a human, His father was really mad. He wanted him to marry a full demon or mostly demon. But he eventually got over it, although he didn't ever approve he still treated them well." "Wow that is strange. Well, you met my birth father and mother. They are both demons. I look mostly like the king but I have Some of the queens features like my eyes I guess and hair." "Yes, I have noticed that. I'm glad you found your birth parents and are happy." "Dad no matter what you will be my dad. You and mom raised me for 5 years and did what you could. I told my birth parents this. Now I have two fathers and one mother. Sigh I wish mom was alive." "Me too Kiddo. When I woke up and realized she couldn't be saved I broke down." "Oh dad. You loved mom very much, didn't you?" "Yes, I did." Oh yeah Arson left the room earlier on so he didn't hear the conversation.

"OK dad. So, you want to know what I have been through huh?" "Well let's go have that meeting first. You can tell me when you are ready." "Oh, ok sure dad." Then I got cleaned up and I saw dad waiting for me outside my bedroom door. We both walked out and found dad, to bow at him. "Your majesty." We both said. "Rise my son and friend. Are you ready to have that meeting Ryker?" "Yes, sir I would be happy too." "I'll be outside in the sun for a bit." "Ok remember what the doc said nothing to rough." "Yeah Yeah." So, I went outside and breathed in the fresh air." "Hmm let's see. I know the doc told me nothing rough but, I know I have an idea." I said to myself. I went into the woods to test out my power I was said to have.

I closed my eyes and was about to do something when I heard steps coming closer to me. I cautiously turned around. "Oh dad. You scared me. I thought you were having tea with the king?" "I was then I had this bad feeling you were going to do something bad right now and I was right." "Dad, I promise I will be fine. I know the doctor told me not to do anything rough but I need to learn to control my power asap. I don't want what happened back then to happen again. I couldn't live with myself if all my parents and family died." "You're still blaming yourself huh? Kid we already told you it's not your fault. I haven't been to the village since that night but I'm sure most of them would tell you the same thing. It wasn't your fault that they died. It was an accident you were so young." "Look at me I'm acting like a little girl. I should stop my crying and whining. Dad Please. I promise that if I get weak or sick, I won't do it until I am fully rested ok?" "Son. Are you sure about this?" "Yes I am." "Then come with me. I have someone I want you to meet." I followed my dad deeper into the forest and I saw a weird looking hut.

"I hope he's here. I haven't seen him since that night." "How did you know he still lived here?" "You will find out why in a little bit." Dad knocked on the man's hut/Cabin, then a man said, "Who is it?" "It's Ryker. I brought someone to meet you." "Just a minute." Said a strange voice.

Then a few minutes later the door opened and a boy about in his early or mid-20's opened the door. "Ryker good to see you old man." He looked around and said, "Come inside. It's not safe out here." So we went in and he offered us a seat. All the furniture was made by him. "So, what brings you here? I haven't seen you in ages." "Yes, I know. You knew the cause of that fire, right?" "Yes, Yes I do. I see. So, this is the kid that most likely blames himself for doing it right?" "Yes, this is my son prince Narvi." "Oh well that explains why you had such strong power. Your birth parents are royalty. So let me guess he wanted to try out his powers when he is still weakened from some sickness he had." "Yes, you knew him well when he was younger. He liked to do that kind of stuff back then too." "Wait he knew me back then?" "Yes, he is 5 years older than you. He was 10 years old when the fire happened." "So, what is your name sir?" "Oh, sorry about that where are my manners my name is Zane. Well, you can see why. My skin color is so pale it almost looks white. I'm a special type of demon I can turn human and demon. Whichever form I choose. I also have ice powers. I can also do water as well. I guess that is why he looked for me. In case you lost control." I looked at my dad and he nodded. "Ok so I can still do it then?" "Yes, you can son." Then I was going to get excited when dad spoke again. "Zane, I think he needs to know what happened to you when you were in your younger years as well." "Yes of course. Let's see what he has got first." Then he followed us to the area closer to the castle.

"Ok so remember what I told you? Anger is the trigger." Then Zane spoke. "It's not only anger. Strong emotions. The stronger the emotions the stronger the power so be careful start off small at first." "Yes of course." I said. Then I closed my eyes and thought of my brother Arson and what happened to him when I was captured. Then I felt my body warm up mildly then I opened my eyes. Oh shit. A little too much. I tried to calm down by taking deep breaths and the flames were getting smaller. Luckily, I was close to a tree cause it felt like I was going to pass out. "You ok there Narvi?" said Zane. "Y-Yeah I think so. Sorry about that It must have been a little too much strength." "It was but you did good. You calmed down and the flames." "You ok son." Said dad. "Yes, dad I'm fine. Just a little tired and weak." "I knew you would be." Then I wanted to say something. "Hey Zane. Can you tell me what happened to you?" "When you are more awake and not so weak. Come back to my place and rest a bit." "I think we will do that." Said dad. "Wait dad what about your meeting with the King?" "Oh, its fine we decided to reschedule." "That's good." Zane carried me back to his house. Narvi fell unconscious halfway there.

They got to Zane's house and Zane laid him on the couch. Zane felt Narvi's forehead. "Well at least he has no fever." Zane went to go sit at the table. Ryker saw Zane with a frown on his face so he joined him. "You still blaming yourself for your situation?" "Sigh yeah. I know it wasn't my fault but I can't stop feeling guilty. Sigh. I'm not a teenager anymore I need to stop feeling this way." Ryker put a hand on Zane's shoulder and said, "Its ok Zane. Guilt is a normal Emotion. It takes time to get over it. I feel regret and still do. I should have been the one to die that day. I should have been the one to cover my wife not her covering me. I should have seen it coming." "Yeah well likewise old man. It takes time." "Haha yeah I know." Then they talked awhile.

A few hours later Narvi woke up. "Hmm. Ha….Ha…Woah." "Hey easy, easy now." Said Zane. "Take it easy. You ok now?" "I-I think so." "Dad, Zane, I had the same dream as last night. I need to take both of you somewhere." "Where is it you need to take us?" "To our village." "Oh is that what your dream is telling you?" "Yes. I have it every night since I got my memory back. Don't worry I'm sure my brother and birth father know." "Ok then. When shall we leave?" "We should head out today. I should be ok." Then Zane packed up enough stuff for us 3 then we headed out.

We had been walking for hours then decided to rest. I was sweating really bad and dad gave me some water. "You doing ok there Narvi?" "Cough cough. Yeah, I'm fine." "Hey kid if you need me to carry you I will. I've been doing it since you were born." "Is that so? I don't think so. I'll be fine, I think. If I happen to pass out then I'd have no choice." "OK then if, you are sure." After about an hour we got up again.

"Dad how far is the village from the castle?" "Oh, not much farther we should be there in about 5 more hours." I stopped then felt like I Was going to throw up. "Kid you ok?" said Zane. "Everyone stay back!" I warned. I fell to my knees and started vomiting. I was shocked at the color. 'Shit I can't let them know.' It was about 10 minutes later I was fine. I tried to stand but I couldn't. "I'm ok. Just please stay back." They were about to run over before I said that. Luckily, I did and they listened. Then I tried standing again this time I was able to. Then I walked towards them. "I'm ok now let's go." I Held onto dad's shoulder as we walked So I didn't fall.

Finally, after hours of walking and resting we made it to where we can see the village and decided to sit and rest one last time. "You ok Narvi?" said Zane worriedly. "Yes, I'm fine everyone stop worrying." "You look pale son." "Yeah, I know I will be fine don't worry. You will find out soon enough what is going on with me. I will tell you later." I still felt like crap but I had to deal with it for now. Finally, after resting we headed to the gate.

The guards saw us and was shocked. "Come in the elder has been expecting you." "Thank you, sir." Said dad. Then we walked in and went straight to where the elder lived.

One of the guards of the elder told him that we were there. "Let them in." said the old man. So, we went in and were told to sit down. "Welcome back to the village you 3. I'm glad to see you are still alive." "Thank you, sir." Said dad. "So, I know Narvi here has something he wants to tell or ask me." "Yes sir. I wanted to apologize first. I know I was just a little kid but I killed many with my outburst. I also want to ask if everyone here blames me for what happened." "And there it is. I have been waiting for you to ask that. Some people may blame you others don't that is not something I can control. I for one don't blame you child. It wasn't your fault you were just a little boy. Zane knows this better than anyone right?" "Yes sir. I have been blaming myself all these years." "Hmm that is to be expected everyone who has had an outbreak of strong emotions when getting their powers have been blaming themselves for disasters. Now for the reason you are here. Narvian. You have been having that same dream every night since you remembered what happened correct?" "Yes sir. It told me to come here to see you. I'm sure you know why I look so pale." "Indeed, I do. Come with me Narvian. I need to talk with him alone if you don't mind?" "Please go ahead." Said dad. So, I followed the old man deeper into the house.

"So, what is it you need to talk to me about sir?" I said curiously. "Well I know you are sick and blood came out of your mouth I can smell it." "I see. I guess you would you are that type of demon. So, what is wrong with me exactly? Am I going to die?" "No no you are not going to die. There are going to be some changes to your body for sure though. This is just part of it. Because you such a strong child your body is pushing it a little too hard it might be a little painful but you should be fine. The dream you had that told you to bring your father and Zane here are for that reason. To be here when the changes occur. In fact, I think we should even bring your birth parents here as well just to be safe. Let me get someone to send word. Stay here I will be back." "Yes sir." A few minutes later he came back. "Ok now as for where you 3 will be staying there are a few empty houses you can choose one of those. There is a 3 bedroom not far from here which would be best. It already had furniture in it beds, couches, and tables etc. When the King and Queen get here with your brother they will be staying here." "Yes sir. Um sir?" "Yes, what is it?" "I really truly am sorry. I didn't mean any of it. I don't know what I could do to atone what I could do to make It up to Everyone I hurt or killed." "Well if you really feel that way, I have a list of people who were hurt or killed that day then you can go to their families and see if there is anything you can do for them." "Yes, sir I would be happy too. Can we go rest now?" "Yes, you may." Then I went out to where dad and Zane were. "Ok guys follow me."

We walked out of the elder's house to the house a few down from the elders. I put the key in and we went in. then I closed the door. "The elder told us to stay here for a while. The king, queen, and my brother are going to stay with the elder." "What exactly is happening Narvi?" said dad. Then I told him what was going on with me and what the elder said. "Oh, that explains a lot. Well having your birth father here would be helpful. He is the same demon you are and can help you with the changes. We would be happy to do what we can to help as well." "Thanks, you two. I'm going to go lay down in one of the bedrooms. I'm not feeling so good. Wake me up when the king and queen come, please." "Yes, we will." Said Zane. I nodded then went in a room and laid down covered myself up then closed my eyes.