Chereads / Prince of the Desert / Chapter 105 - Edgar Yronwood

Chapter 105 - Edgar Yronwood

Usually Edgar Yronwood did not worry much about the dangers of his actions. House Yronwood had been planning this for decades, even longer, they were always fierce supporters of House Blackfyre and that did not change in the last generations.

In the first wars they made many mistakes, both they and their lieges. They thought they could overthrow the Targaryen dynasty in open warfare, using honorable and just methods. But Bloodraven showed them that the Targaryens would use any method, however dishonest, to maintain their position.

That loss didn't break their spirit, even with Daemon I Blackfyre dead they still retained their ambition. They learned from their mistakes and planned the next wars better. Alas, luck was not on their side and they kept losing. But even then, after several defeats, they did not give up.

The current plan is the product of decades of dreams and hopes, of sweat and blood.

Aegor Rivers died before he could refine the plan but his son proved to be a much better tactician than his father, Edarion is a cunning and ambitious man. He built so much in such a short time, using only his cunning and intelligence he became one of the richest men in the world, and all that wealth he uses to support his good-brother Daemon.

Edgar met Edarion and Daemon on several occasions, so he knows their character quite well. He fully trusts them, he is sure that with these two men in command the Blackfyre dynasty will finally be born, with House Yronwood as one of their most loyal followers (Dorne will be theirs at last).

The plan was foolproof.

Every step was planned so carefully, every man and woman involved was tested several times so their loyalty is unquestionable.

`So how?! How the fuck did she find out?!`

Edgar Yronwood looked at Dorna Nymeros Martell with disbelief and anger.

Her words echoed in his ears.

("Indeed, a trial against a house here present. A house who betrayed Dorne one last time."

"Guards, seize Lord Edgar Yronwood and his family.")

Time seems to slow down. Egdar watches everything that happens in the room very carefully.

The men and women around them are making a ruckus, shouting and muttering, looking at each other and fretting.

His wife grabs his arm, her nails digging into his hand with such force that Edgar flinches. His daughter looks at the Princess of Dorne with wide eyes, frozen in place of her.

His son, Ormond looks at him with fear and denial in his eyes. He practically yells at him: Father tell me it's a lie!

Before the terrified look of his wife and son Edgar Yronwood composes himself.

`It's just talk. They have no proof,' Lord Yronwood thinks as he straightens his posture.

He calms down his family and lets the Martell guards apprehend them.

"Those vile accusations will not go unpunished, Princess Dorna. Not even you can accuse a noble and ancient House of such vileness and go unpunished after our innocence is proven." Edgar raises his voice and looks at the princess defiant.

Dorna crosses her legs and settles into her throne, eyeing him as a viper would eye a cornered prey. Her dark eyes shine dangerously and her smile cuts more than any sword.

"That I am aware of, Lord Yronwood. As you must be aware of how unforgivable your actions are."

"But we are innocent!" Shouts Ormond Yronwood, the boy looks at the princess desperately. Hoping that his words will convince her, she looks at him with a hint of pity. Ormond then looks at Prince Doran, who fidgets a bit and looks away. His dark eyes shine with pity and regret.

"Enough, son." Edgar's voice is soft but firm. "We will prove our innocence before men and gods. But we will not beg nor bow, we are proud members of House Yronwood."

Ormond clenches his fists and nods stiffly.

"The trial will be held tomorrow."


Edgar watched as the guards took his wife and children to their cells. He takes comfort in knowing that they will be treated with dignity, Edgar almost expected Dorna Martell to throw them all in her dungeons. The prisons where the nobles are locked up could not even be considered as such, for many those rooms are as luxurious and comfortable as the rooms of many castles.

Edgar sat up in bed and looked at the port through the window, the window had steel grills.

"What kind of idiot would escape out the window?" He snorts. The window is more than two dozen meters from the ground, anyone stupid enough to try to escape through there would end up either dead, or with most of their bones broken if they are unfortunate enough to survive.

The hours pass and the sun disappears from his view, since the window has views to the east.

The door opens and Lord Yronwood jumps out of bed.

He expected it was some guard to taunt him, or the princess herself. But instead is Lord Harold Fowler, an old friend of his.

"I didn't expect to receive visitors."

Harold says nothing and looks at him with stormy eyes.

"Is it true? Did you betray Dorne?" Harold's words are harsh and his eyes even more.

"Of course not, Harry." Edgar has no problem lying, and in his eyes it's not a lie. Lord Yronwood firmly believes that his actions are in the best interests of Dorne. `The Martells are too rhoynish, with them in command we will never have a good relationship with the other kingdoms. We will always be the Kingdom of Whores and Heretics.`

Lord Fowler sighs and rubs his temples, his eyes look at him suspiciously, not believing his words.

"Edgar." He said with a tired tone. "If you really are innocent, it won't cost you much to prove it at trial."

"Who's going to judge me?" He asks approaching the window.

"Justice belongs to the princess, but since this trial is to decide the fate of a major Dornish house, one that always had a complicated relationship with House Martell-"

Edgar scoffs at the word "complicated"

`What an understatement.`

"-the princess decided to form a jury of six judges, with her, seven."

"Seven judges? How will the verdict be decided?" Edgar looks at him.

"By majority."

Lord Yronwood opens his eyes in surprise, the princess leaving the fate of House Yronwood in the hands of others surprises him extremely. But that did not serve to reassure him, he remembers Dorna Martell's smile and knows that she has something planned.

"Who will be the judges?"

"Lord Dayne, Lady Wyl, Lord Gargalen, Lord Allyrion, Lady Ladybright, and Lord Manwoody."

Edgar grits his teeth and lets out a sarcastic laugh.

More than half of the judges are staunch allies of Dorna Martell. It is increasingly obvious that the seven judges is a farce to convince the world of the "fairness" of the trial.

`Even so, they have no proof. Prince Edarion made sure of it.`

"Will I be allowed to demand a trial by combat?"

"I don't recommend it."

"Why not?" If the worst happens, he can demand a trial by combat, regardless of the verdict of men, the verdict of the gods has more weight. "Would the princess deny me the right of every man of noble blood?"

"Of course not." Harold Fowler shakes his head. "If that's what you wish. But you'd better remember that in the event of a trial by combat the Morning Star will be the champion of House Martell."

Edgar is confident in his chances against most knights but Trystanne Dayne is another matter entirely. There are only a couple of men in Westeros capable of besting him in a duel, and neither of them are currently in Dorne.

Edgar winces and he can practically feel Dawn ripping him open like he's a trout.

"Do they have any witnesses against me?"

"I do not know."

"Am I allowed to have my own witnesses?"

"Of course. You have quill, ink and parchment. Write down the names of any witnesses you need and I will do my best to provide them, I give you my word."

"Will they postpone the trial for my witnesses to arrive?"

`If only I could buy more time.`

"A maximum of seven days."

`Again with the number seven. What does Dorna intend to achieve?`

Harold Fowler heads for the door.


Lord Fowler stopped.

"I have not betrayed Dorne, everything I did during my 42 years of life was for Dorne."

"I wish I could believe you, Edgar. I wish." Harrold leaves the room with a bitter smile.

When the door closed, Edgar sat in the chair, picked up his quill, and began to write.


"You should have gutted those damn traitors in the Throne room!" Maya Martell walks up and down her niece's solar. "Seven judges?! And giving him time to recruit witnesses- What are you thinking, niece?!"

"The future, aunt. I cannot destroy a major house as the Yronwood just like that, not in these turbulent times. The loyalty of my vassals is vital to Dorne's survival in times of war."

"This games of yours..." Maya mutters to herself.

"Doran, are you alright?" The princess's attention turns to her grandson who was quiet all afternoon.

"Yes, Grandmother." Doran smiles but the smile doesn't reach his eyes. Every time he closes his eyes he sees Ormond, the despair in his eyes, and his stomach turns. That child will pay for crimes that are not his, and there is nothing he can do. Not without jeopardizing his grandmother's plans, his family's future.

It had been a while since he decided to do whatever was necessary to ensure the future of his family, but actually doing it is not easy.

`It is never easy to betray someone who trusted you.`