Chereads / Prince of the Desert / Chapter 99 - The Dragoness

Chapter 99 - The Dragoness

6th Moon, 259AC

Rhaella entered her old chambers and looked around. The sheets on the bed had been recently changed, and the air in the room smelled fresh. She walked over to her old desk and ran a hand over the dark wood.

`I remember spending so many hours sitting here, reading countless books or doing my homework... Yet all I feel is a feeling of bitterness. None of the good memories replace the fact that these chambers are nothing but a golden cage. Princess Rhaella Targaryen, perfect daughter, perfect sister, perfect princess... I wonder what would have become of me if I hadn't been sent to Sunspear all those years ago? Would I have mustered up the courage to fight for my future? Or I would just accept what father decided for me... `

Rhaella has heard the rumors and knows they are not wild gossip figments of courtiers' overactive imaginations. Her father called her the capital all of a sudden, and then there's Aerys's attitude.

`His arrogance is nothing new, even in the few letters we exchanged these years those qualities of his stuck out like a sore thumb. But that look in his eyes...I've seen it before, and then there's the sadness in Uncle Duncan's eyes.`

Her uncle said nothing about her father's motivations, but every time he looked at her there was an unmistakable sadness in his eyes. He too seemed embarrassed, looking uncomfortable in her presence. As soon as the boat was moored, the prince went to the castle with the excuse of preparing everything for the arrival of Princess Dorna, but Rhaella saw through his words.

`Gods, Mother, Father and Crone, if you are truly as compassionate as the septa say, please do not let my fears become true. Aerys... I, no. I won't accept it!`

Rhaella sighed and quickly got into the already full bathtub, after a quick bath she changed into a beautiful crimson red dress with golden patterns. The dress was a gift from Obella Martell on her last nameday and is one of her favorites.

Leaving her chambers, she sees her faithful knight, her shadow and friend, Ser Gerold Hightower. The knight is leaning against a wall staring at nothing, barely hiding his boredom.

"Are you ready, my princess?"

"Yes, ser. Is Princess Dorna ready?"

The Dornish princess will be staying in another part of the castle, while Rhaella has returned to her old room in the royal apartments (a section of Maegor's Holdfast only the royal family can access).

"I couldn't tell you," Gerold pauses and takes a closer look at his protégé. "I have been ordered to escort you to your Grandmother's favorite drawing room."

Rhaella narrows her eyes, clearly her family wants to put some distance between her and the Dornish princess.

"I see." She answers with a flat voice. "Let's go then."

There is nothing she can do without creating a ruckus, refusing the kingdom's orders would only cause unnecessary scandal. Which will make her reputation suffer.

`But if you really think I will fall under your control again you are terribly wrong, I am no longer the girl who would obey her family`s every word.`


Her reunion with her family went just as she expected, her grandparents and parents welcomed her with hugs and warm words but the princess saw through their gestures.

`They are not any different to the merchants who would flatter grandmother only in the hope that she will show them some favor. Their complements, hugs and love do not come without a price, without expectations'

None of the older Targaryens mentioned the reason for her return to the capital because as soon as they greeted each other they had to go to the throne room. The entire court is assembled there to officially welcome the Princess of Dorne to King's Landing.

Rhaella was standing between her mother and her grandmother, looking around she saw many familiar faces. Lord Ormond Baratheon was at the side of his wife, her aunt Rhaelle, and their son was also there. She hadn't seen her cousin in many years, looking at the teen she almost didn't recognize him. Steffon is taller than anyone his age, at thirteen he almost stands at six feet. He's not only tall, he's also well built, he clearly spends a lot of hours on the training grounds.

Next to Steffon stands the equally tall Tywin Lannister. The Lannister heir is a good friend of Doran, and his sister is engaged to Lewyn Martell, so they meet many times in the past. But even so, the presence of the Lannister surprises her a bit, even more so his closeness with Steffon.

She knows that Tywin served as a royal page and cupbearer at her grandfather's court but he is already a full-fledged knight and the last thing she heard was that he was in Casterly Rock.

`It was Mors who told me, and that was many moons ago after they returned from their trip to Casterly Rock.`

The doors opened, which caught the attention of all the courtiers.

"Announcing Princess Dorna Nymeros Martell, Princess of Dorne, and Lady of Sunspear!" the herald shouted.

Princess Dorna strode confidently into the throne room, wearing a beautiful Myrish silk gown with the symbol of her house standing proud in various patterns. Despite being fifty years old, the princess has the air of a much younger woman, an aura of nobility, intelligence and wisdom surrounding her and her dark eyes have a mysterious glow in them that attracts people like flies to amber.

Accompanying the princess are several Martell knights, all walking with discipline and subtly scanning the room for hidden threats. These men have served the princess for decades and are veterans of many battles, loyal and deadly (the best combination of qualities in a guard, those were the words of princess Dorna).

Once the princess approached the foot of the Iron Throne, where the king was sitting, and near where Rhaella herself and her family were standing, she made an elegant curtsy.

"My king," her voice is soft and serene, but it has a clear power in it and even the furthest courtier can hear it clearly.

"Welcome to King's Landing, Princess Dorna." The king's voice is clear and strong, with the power one would expect from a king. Despite his age, King Aegon still retains much of his authority and it shows in his every move.

"It's been many years since I last set foot in the capital, I see many unfamiliar faces among your court and a few familiar ones." She looks towards Aethan Velaryon, who has been serving as Master of Ship since 212AC. An old acquaintance and one of the few men in this room who has more than just peas in his skull in her opinion.

"The years pass, my princess, and time forgives no one. Most of our old friends are in the company of the Gods now."

The two share a look, both have lived longer than most and have seen many friends fade with the flow of time.

Rhaella remembers something the Dornish princess told her some time ago: Own time or time will own you.

She frowns and watches as the princess and the king have a short conversation, reminiscing about the old days and commemorating deceased friends. Their interaction is not as she expected, Rhaella knows her grandfather is not very popular in Dorne and especially with House Martell so she expected their words to be sharp and brief. Not for them to act like old friends.

The court ends when his grandfather invites Princess Dorna to a private dinner with the royal family before the party in her honor.


Still quite early for dinner, the royal family gathers in their private dining room, the table is already set and everyone sits. Princess Dorna is seated to the king's right with Jaehaerys on her other side and the queen in front of her. Rhaella sits between her mother and her aunt Jenny, directly across from Aerys and quite a distance from the woman she considers family.

Rhaella had to be careful and not sneer at her brother's arrogance, his smirk really makes her want to throw the wine glass to his face, doing that would be very rude so she restrains herself and tries to ignore him . Something quite difficult since Aerys keeps trying to talk to her, and her mother encourages them quite obviously.

She feels a bitter taste in her mouth, her mother is not being subtle at all and that only makes her fears worse.

While she was having a hard time, across the table, the Dornish princess was enchanting the king, queen and crown prince with a story. Princess Martell's charisma and charm is obvious and the Targaryens are hanging on every word that comes out of her mouth.

Dinner progressed at a snail's pace for Rhaella's liking, and with each passing moment her patience dwindled further. After finishing the last of the dishes, Princess Dorna excused herself to prepare for the party that will start at dusk. Her family was also about to leave the dining room when Rhaella interrupted them.

"Father, why did you call me to King's Landing?" Her blunt question took everyone by surprise. None of them expected her to be so direct, nor so daring as to ask that question.

"Rhaella," The king wore an unreadable expression. "We can talk about this another time, we have to get ready for the party."

"No." Rhaella did not raise her voice but her tone became much more severe. "I've heard the rumors, I've noticed the strangeness in your behavior. I won't wait any longer, you interrupted my fostering without telling me the reason. I want the truth."

"Tell her, father." Aerys took a step forward, an arrogant smirk in his face. "This is great news after all!"

"Aerys..." Duncan frowns at him but doesn't say anything else.

Aegon and Betha exchange a look, look at their granddaughter and sigh. The queen orders all the servants and guards out of the room and then she turns to her husband.

"Your father has decided your engagement." Says the king with a neutral voice, without showing his personal feelings about it.

Rhaella turned her head so fast she could hear a crack, she ignored the pain in her neck and glared at her father with such intensity that the crown prince hesitated to speak for a moment.

"After much deliberation I have decided that the best for our house is you marring Aerys. Uniting th-"

"No." The dragon princess surprises everyone with her response. "I will not marry Aerys."

"What? What are you saying sister?" Aerys took a step toward her. "Marrying me is the highest honor any woman of the realms could receive! Our children will be true dragons! The heirs of the greatest dynasty of the Known World, what greater honor could a woman receive?"

"Honor?" Rhaella lets out an ice cold laugh, and glares at her brother. "No, brother, marrying you is no honor."

"Rhaella!" Shaera cuts her off before she can tell her brother what she really thinks of the prospect of marrying him. "This is your duty as a Targaryen, as a princess!-"

`Duty` That word sparks something in Rhaella, her eyes shine with the radiance of the sun and with the coldness of the harshest winter.

"Duty?" The contempt and coldness in her voice sent chills down the older princess's spine. Shaera looks into her eyes and doesn't recognize the girl—no, the woman in front of her. "Where was duty when you disobeyed your parents and married your brother, mother? Where was that duty you talked about so much when you broke no one, but two engagements with Great Houses with no regret? Where was that duty when you made that decision just a few years after your older brother doing the same started a rebellion? Don't talk to me about duty, your mouth says something but your actions show something very different."

Rhaella clenched her fists in anger and glared at her mother.

Shaera took a step back and looked at her in shock, Jaehaerys seemed at war with himself and the monarchs looked at each other, having a wordless conversation. Jenny seemed to want to be anywhere else and Duncan was looking at the floor in shame. Aerys on the contrary looks at her with anger.

"Do not talk to mother that way!" The prince takes a step towards her with a threatening air.

Instead of backing down or cowering, Rhaella grabs a wine jug from the table and throws its contents into his face. Red wine turns the prince's golden-silver curls a hilarious pink.

Aerys blinks in confusion as wine drips from his hair.

"You!" Aerys raises his hand in anger, but before he can move towards Rhaella, Prince Duncan grabs his hand.

"I already told you what would happen if you dared to raise your hand to your sister." Duncan looks at him with darkened eyes. Aerys looks at him in fear and tries to get away but Duncan's grip is too strong.

"Enough! Stop this madness!" Aegon interrupts them all. "We are a civilized family, not a pack of wild animals!"

"This discussion ends now, we have to prepare for a party." The queen looks at them all with a frown.

"I won't change my mind, Grandmother. No matter how much time passes, I won't marry Aerys or any other man you choose." Rhaella holds her ground and looks at her grandmother seriously.

"You judge your mother for her past decisions, for having disobeyed her parents, yet you do the same. Don't you see the irony, child?"

"One could say it's in my blood." Rhaella smirks. "I won't go back on my word, if you try to force me you won't succeed."

"You don't want to marry, not Aerys, not to anyone." Aegon looks at her with a raised eyebrow. "Then what do you want?"

"Freedom." She answers confidently. "I want the freedom to decide my own future, to decide the man I marry, to be more than just a broodmare. If I have to leave you behind to achieve that, I will."

"Leave us behind?"

"Give up my position as princess, leave Kings Landing for good, maybe even Westeros." Rhaella clarifies, again surprising her family.

"You don't know what you're saying, child." Betha Targaryen shakes her head.

"On the contrary Grandma, I am well aware of the weight of my words."

Aegon looks straight into her eyes, acknowledging her determination and sighing wearily.

`Jaehaerys thought his daughter was a sweet Naelys, but she is a defiant Daena`

"And what would you do with your life, without the protection and privileges of your position? Where would you live and how would you fend for yourself?"

"In my years at Sunspear I learned many skills," She says nothing more.

Jaehaerys speaks.

"Aerys go clean yourself up, you look ridiculous." Aerys opens his mouth to protest but quickly closes it and turns, walking away sulking. "Rhaella go to your chambers and get ready for the ball"

"Father! I won't change my mind!"

"I heard you perfectly," Jaehaeys looks at her. "The ball will start soon, your cousin Steffon will accompany you. You haven't seen each other in a long time."

Rhaella scoffs and leaves the room.

"When did she become so defiant?" Jaehaerys murmurs.

"Having your children defy your decisions is not a nice feeling, is it?"

"Father! It's not the time for jests!" Sheara looks at the king with a frown. "My sweet Rhaella..."

The queen laughs and shakes her head.

"The apple didn't fall far from the tree, her words were almost the same Jaehaerys and you said to us all those years ago."

"She is completely serious, isn't she?"

"Yes brother." Duncan smiles for the first time that evening. "Rhaella became quite the fierce dragoness."

"She did, indeed. What do we do now?"

No one responds.


NOTE: This chapter was immensely difficult to write. It was like swimming against the current. The idea of ​​what was going to happen was clear in my mind, but writing it... Rhaella developed a spine, she would not back down. What she wants is clear: freedom. In a world where women are treated only as bargaining chips, that dream seems unattainable, but she won't give up.

NOTE 2: The last month has been hard. The business I've been working in since university closed down due to COVID (business was going worse and worse and- well, the owner was losing money soooo). Luckily for me I have always been thrifty so I am not completely screwed. And that thing is not even the worst thing that happened to me last year, well I will not bore you with it. Let's leave it in family shit.

The good thing is that I can finally write again and I have more time for it. So I am back, thanks to everyone who has been supporting me during this shitty times.