Chereads / Prince of the Desert / Chapter 75 - More Martells

Chapter 75 - More Martells

NOTE: Doran calls Andrey, and the children of Maya and Jacaerys, uncles out of respect, they are his distant cousins.

Let's remember the family tree of House Martell.

Daenerys Targaryen (172-258) and Maron Martell (165-224) had four children, in order from oldest to youngest: Mors, Maya, Arron, and Jacaerys.

Mors (189-230) is the father of Dorna (210-), therefore the great grandfather of our MC.

Maya (192-) had two children: Arianne (210-236) and Steffon (214-). Steffon has 3 kids: Michael (240-), Theodan (245-), and Tanselle (249-).

Arron (198-) has no children.

Jacaerys (201-) has two sons: Andrey (225-) and Manfrey (229-). Andrey has 4 kids: Valena (245-), the twins (247-) Guilan and Garibald, and Myles (250-). Manfrey has 3 kids: Trevor (245.), Teora (248-) and Maron (253-).

Their positions within House Martell:

-Maya is married to Lord Toland so they are allies.

-Arron is the Master of Arms of Sunspear and one of the Commanders of the Dornish Army in times of war.

-Jacaerys is the Head of the House Martell Spy Network, he publicly acts as an envoy of the Princess of Dorne (going from one place to another creating commercial alliances, looking for new businesses,...)

-Andrey acts as the second in command of his father.

-Manfrey is the Castellan of Sunspear.


"Nephew! Barely a year and you're already almost as tall as me!"

Andrey Martell is a jovial and friendly man, quick to make friends and always with a smile on his face. His exotic Valyrian features combined with his Dornish complexion make him one of the most attractive men in the Known World.

`Almost the twin of his father, the only differences are skin tone and their style.`

While Jacaerys prefers to wear clothes more typical of a corsair than a prince, his son wears clothes appropriate for a nobleman of his status.

"It's good to see you again uncle." Doran hugs his uncle, whom he had missed in the last year, since Doran is quite close to most of his relatives.

"Are we not worthy of a hug, oh great prince?" A young lady says jokingly with a smirk in her face.

Doran turns away from Andrey and turns to the other Martells in the room.

The one who was talking is Valena Martell, Andrey's eldest child. Valena is without a doubt one of the most beautiful people Doran has ever seen, her beauty is inhuman; something one would expect from a veela. Her hair is a deep and radiant gold, shot with silver that flows in cascades to her waist. She has a heart-shaped face and full lips. Her lilac eyes have a mischievous gleam to them, giving away the princess's playful personality.

"Cousins." Doran also hugs his cousins, whom he also missed since they are good friends apart from being family.

Andrey took his whole family with him on the trip to the Summer Islands, so Doran barely got to exchange some letters with them in the last year.

"It's not fair-" One of the twins says, looking at Doran.

"-we're the same age-" The other continues.

"How come you're so tall?" They both look at Doran with envy.

Guilan and Garibald are identical twins, so similar that it is as if someone cloned the first, they are very in tune with each other and have a habit of finishing each other's sentences.

Their hair is a deep and radiant gold, shot with silver, which falls in curls down to their necks. They inherited their father's olive complexion, but their eyes are the traditional Mooton blue eyes.

"Hmm. Because I eat my vegetables…" Doran doesn't seem to know how to answer the twins' question.

"Well, I think it's more because of Prince Trystanne's blood." Valena intervenes.

"So that's why." Guilan puts a hand to his chin thoughtfully.

"So we're not as tall as Doran because our father is short."

Both twins turn to their father, who looks at them indignantly.

"Hey! I'm not short! I'm 6ft!"

"But Prince Trystanne is 6 feet and a half!" The twins respond in unison.

"Trystanne isn't that tall! And don't just blame me for your blood. Your mother is barely 5 feet! You're short because of your Mooton blood!"

"I was stuck on a ship with those four for a year, Doran." Says the youngest of Andrey's sons, Myles Martell, in a miserable tone.

Myles is the only one of Andrey's children to have a purely Dornish appearance. Where his older siblings are outgoing and rather boisterous, Myles is quiet and rather introverted, preferring to be more of an observer than a participant.

"They're not that bad." Doran tries to defend them.

"Five moons ago they spent half a day discussing whether squid and octopus are related to krakens."

"That strikes me as quite an interesting topic of conversation, and appropriate for a conversation at sea."

"Guilan and Valena thought they were different animals, father and Garibald thought they were related. To break the tie they decided to look for live specimens."

"Specimens?" Doran looks at him with wide eyes. "But where? Finding octopuses and squids is easy but there is no one who knows of a place where there are krakens."

Myles looks at him like he's completely insane.

"You are like them." He murmurs in disappointment, as if he has just lost a valuable ally.

"Huh? What do you mean?"

"It's pretty obvious, your reaction says it all."

"My reaction?"

"A sensible person would not look for legendary beasts capable of crushing a ship with one of its tentacles! Even less so while he is aboard a ship as small as the caravel."

"You're right, Myles. The caravel is a terrible choice for a kraken hunting vessel. My new ship, the Galleon, is more fitting-"

Myles gives him a disappointed look before shaking his head and walking away from the prince.

Doran hears soft giggles, like chimes in the wind, and turns to Valena who was watching them.

"Making fun of your younger cousin like that..." Valena shakes her head in mock disappointment.

"That righteous attitude doesn't suit your cousin. Aren't you the first to jest with Myles?"

"Slander! I would never do something like that!"

"You should at least take off that smirk when you say those things, of course if you want to have any semblance of honesty."

The two look at each other for a while before bursting out laughing.

"I have heard that you will soon undertake a Tour, dear cousin." She says once she stops laughing.

"You haven't been home for a day and you're already aware of everything that's going on." Doran shakes his head in mock disbelief. "I had already heard that women are gossips but you are on another level, dear cousin."

Velana punches him on the shoulder and the prince feigns a wince.

"Attacking your prince is considered treason."

"Lucky for me I only hit a moron."

"Given my magnanimous personality I shall forgive those words. But yes, in 5 days I will undertake a tour of all Dorne. My grandmother thinks that it is time for me to know the lands that one day I will rule."

"Princess Dorna is very wise, she hasn't been ruling this kingdom for almost 30 years for nothing."

"Yes she is. By the way, I remember you promised to describe the islands to me in detail."

"Weren't the descriptions in my letters enough?"

"No." The prince responds cheekily. "You've been sailing the Summer Islands for a year and in that time we could barely exchange five letters, there's a lot I want to know about those places."

"Your curiosity knows no end, Doran. But that conversation will have to wait, as I understand you had promised to spend this day with your siblings. You have been entertaining us for a long time already."

"It's true! Elia and Oberyn must have woken up from their nap-"

"And a certain princess must be waiting for you." Valena interrupts him. "By the way, how did she end up joining a family outing?"

"Er-" Doran shifts slightly uncomfortably. "Elia and Oberyn insisted. Well, I have to go. Goodbye uncle, cousins!" Doran quickly leaves the room.

"Interesting." Princess Martell murmurs with a calculating look. "It seems that Grandpapa was right. Rhaella Targaryen, she has a good reputation and she is well loved in my family... She is not a bad candidate but she is still a Targaryen."