January 16th, 2022
"You're the summon, Richter. Believe me, I'd love to parade your name around every channel I have access to. And ideally, I'd give you resources to help you out too, but I can't."
She was haggard, much more than he realized. The setting sunlight caught her face at just the right angle to reveal heavy bags under her eyes; like the weight of the world was trying to stop her. She glanced at an analog clock on one of the walls - it was broken. But the sight seemed to remind her of something so she spoke faster.
"Because you didn't play Mirage, you ended up on the Cull List. Don't harp about the specifics of what that is, but essentially, it makes you a target. If it gets out that one of the fighters on Earth's lineup is on the Cull List... They'll ensure you don't see tomorrow. I can't have that happen. Thus, the Summoning Contract."
Richter encased his fingers in a thin layer of mana and lifted the sheet with ease, reading the clauses and conditions.
"So how does summoning me fix that?"
"When registering the team, I'll have the option of redacting your name and information. It's generally frowned upon, but so be it. Also, you won't be accompanying the rest of the team on their training or trips, just in case a third party gleams anything about you. You'll be the last resort — I'll summon you using the contract if needed. This way I can reduce the time you're exposed to others. We won't have to do this forever, once Earth progresses far enough you won't have to hide."
As she talked, Richter finished reading through the contract and checking for loopholes. He twisted his mana along the bottom into a proper signature, the same he'd used for years.
The paper pulsed before shrinking into an image the size of a stamp, imprinting itself onto his left wrist. He examined it curiously, feeling no bumps or ridges along the surface. It acted just like a tattoo.
"Thank you, Richter. You won't regret it. Now I'm afraid I must be going." She tucked in her chair and smoothed over the wrinkles in her clothes. The guards flanked both sides on the way out.
Their eyes scanned the environment for discrepancies or suspicious individuals in the street. And they'd been doing that the whole time — even in the coffee shop. So it was a shame, and a little surprising, that they didn't notice the faint existence that had been tailing him. In fact, the flicker of person was still in the shop, sitting on the register counter halfway down.
Richter turned his head slowly, stopped with prices on the chalkboard in view, and spoke in an even tone. But only those who knew him well would recognize how irritated he was.
[Transcendent Erase Presence]
"Rio, come here."
The shadow of a young adult faded in as she undid the Ability. Rio hopped off the counter wearing the same outfit from earlier in the dungeon; and had been following him since. She appeared smug and upbeat, like she'd finally figured something out. Like she was slowly unraveling the puzzle that was Richter.
"You really had me going, Richter. I was losing my mind trying to figure you out." Her voice broke for a second, unable to hold back a flood of condescending. "It never even occurred to me that you didn't play Mirage. I figured you were just a talented casual who never registered your rank. But being on the Cull List? Now that's interesting..."
And she stepped closer, her hand raised, hovering in front with her pointer finger outstretched. He couldn't see it, but could infer that she was looking at something related to her status.
Richter spoke softly, barely audible. "Has it ever occurred to you that poking your nose into other peoples' business is a bad idea? You're lucky that her guards didn't detect you. I doubt they would have taken kindly to your behavior."
Rio shook her head, unintimidated. "Those guards are a sham. I bet their purpose is to act as observers. If Alecia got into trouble, she's probably on her own. And don't change the subject. Listen, the last of the dungeons are all concentrated in Tokyo. And from what I've heard, they each suffered a dungeon break. The city is in shambles. So you're going to take me there and help me level up.
She took a deep breath to calm her nerves, "I may not have access to the Cull List, but I can contact people who do. And I'm sure they'd be interested in you - given your future position on Earth's team."
"You'd threaten me over some dungeons? Just because you aren't confident in your own abilities? Think carefully about your next words, Rio. Now that I have Alecia...you aren't as useful to me."
She pulled out a staff and roused her mana, slowly pushing it around her body in her usual clumsy and rough manner.
"Maybe I can't beat you in a head-on fight, but I don't need to. Mages are the best at escaping. And once I do, you know what'll happen. Just agree. Same rules as last time - I get all the kills. You'll be there if needed."
Alecia tried to cover it up, but she was nervous. Her legs shook and her teeth chattered. Richter was an unstoppable force in her eyes. A goal and obstacle to overcome, but over the last several days she felt more and more that it wasn't feasible. There was a fundamental difference between them that she couldn't understand. And finding out that he didn't play Mirage not only baffled her, but it stepped all over her pride.
"Let it be known that I tried, Rio," he said solemnly. And there was a hint of finality in his voice that terrified her.
Before she could teleport, before she could dodge or dive or block, Richter acted.
[Chain Cast: Sunder (5%) --> Mana Surge (10%)]
The explosion impacted between her feet, aiming for maximum lethality and minimal damage to the store. The resulting pressure wave tore through her body, rupturing blood vessels in her abdomen and crumpling her knees. She coughed up blood as she smacked her head on a table on the way down.
But she was alive, something that surprised Richter. She had allocated several of her attribute points to Constitution as part of her preparation, and it had saved her.
"Oh well, the sword gets the job done all the same."
But he heard three familiar voices call out as he approached her debilitated body.
"Rio! Richter! Is this the right place?"
Upon spreading out his Sense, he saw the auras of Brent, Reed, and Koga jogging down the street. Richter grimaced and glared at her, earning a bloody smile in response.
"You called them over here didn't you?"
"Of course I did," Rio choked out. "Always have a backup plan."
Richter nodded curtly, weighing the pros and cons in his head. Becoming a criminal wasn't ideal. "You're right, a backup plan. I guess I can make this work."
Richter purchased a Healing Potion and forced it between her lips, fixing up her injuries as the trio rounded the entrance.
They could feel something was off about the atmosphere, but none could place it. And the proximity between Rio and Richter bordered on intimacy.
"Really? This is why you called us over?" Reed snorted, feeling like he'd been trolled. And Koga shared the sentiment. But Brent felt differently. He stepped closer, entering the coffee shop.
"You're just in time," Richter spoke up, cutting off Rio before she could speak. "Rio was just telling me about an opportunity to level up. She wants all of us to go."
He moved away, creating space between them as he relaxed.
Brent looked a little uncomfortable as he acutely observed the state of the coffee shop. He saw the splinters of wood and splotches of blood on the floor at Rio's feet, but Reed spoke up before he voiced anything.
"We're in, so what is this opportunity and where is it?"
Rio chimed in, begrudgingly playing along. At least she'd be safer with the others around.
"We're heading to Tokyo."