Chapter 2 - 10 yrs later

A burst of memories hit me and I see visions of what might become. I remembered parts of my old life and the world I am currently in. I realized that I am am Quentin Coldwater and I will NOT be the same character depicted for the Tv show for which is my new life...

Ahh.. Despite that I could not stop myself from becoming friends with Julia Wicker. Originally I read Filory and further to learn about the world called Filory. But somehow our parents were close friends with The parents of Julia Wickers and Julia even though she was of similar age was as hooked on the Filory and Further stories as I were.

I know Julia has the potential to be one of the best magicians, which is why I hope this is the only time loop I'm apart of because quite frankly I'm hoping I am a singularity ya know? I want to be an unquantifiable asset with unlimited potential.

Quentin's magical ability and now mine since we are the same now, was to repair broken things and I think with my knowledge I can turn this minor ability into a major one and I will take advantage of it by first repairing my toys given by my parents

And so I try to use my mind and hopefully channel some magic into what I think it should do.. which does not work. I realized that maybe for sometime I'll have to act normal until Jane Chatwin decides that she wants me to "become aware" that there's more to this world. But until then I suppose I shall meditate and practice some martial arts so I won't be as much of a loser as the the original Quentin Coldwater.

Julia has told me that we should draw our own map of Filory on the bottom of a table in my house and I have excitedly agreed, it is needed for the possible future so I had no problens with it and honestly I would be lying if I didn't feel a bit mischievous for doing this because I'm sure our parents would never know.

--------------------------Time Skip---------------------

7 years later------ I am pretty sure by now that Julia has read the Filory books more than I have but for some reasons she isn't talking about them as much anymore . I knew she would eventually consider them as fairy tales as we got older but I hope she'd keep that spark with her with my influence.

Julia invited me to a party and of course I went but I don't know why she keeps inviting me to parties and yet she never lets me hook up with girls at any of them. I told her not long ago that I wanted to be with with her and she softly rejected me and now she keeps c**k blocking me every chance she gets.

So this time I'm Just chilling in Julia's guest room and like in the TV show I notice she has a Filory and Further Book I could help myself and started reading it and as I was doing it I noticed that somehow I am doing exactly what happened in the show except I didn't go to the psychiatric Hospital

And now I realized I am finally almost around the time I can start to make a difference and change the fate I was originally supposed to have.. this time I, Quentin Coldwater will not die.