Jane rushed to the gate, she met the same set of bodyguards that had been on guard yesterday
"hello good morning" she greeted
"good morning" one of the bodyguards answered her and opened the gate for her, they didn't keep her waiting like yesterday, she said her thanks and made her way inside, she was almost running, she didn't want to get in late
She got to the mansion door and found Charles and some other maids waiting for them, she hadn't got to observe them yesterday, they were looking so fine in their uniforms, she immediately envisioned herself wearing something like that, it was at least better than the stupid skimpy skirt she has to wear at the club
She approached them and greeted
"good morning Mr Charles, good morning everyone" Jane said
"good morning Jane" Charles greeted her back with a small smile, some of the other maids greeted back and some pretended not to even hear her, it was obvious they didn't like her, she didn't care she had encountered worse at the club
"let's go" Charles said and jolted her back from her thoughts
Jane followed Charles behind, they got into the living room and she couldn't help but fall in love with this house more and more
"wow" she exclaimed, the living room was almost twice as big as Mrs Whitney's house, she hadn't got the opportunity to see this yesterday, it was really big and splendid, and everything was screaming luxury
She wondered what the rest of the house must look like, after her training today or tomorrow she would get permission from Charles to tour the entire house and if possible take some pictures, it's just too bad her phone isn't so good
Well won't be a problem anymore, once she gets her first salary she's going to get a good phone, might not be the coolest but a good one
Jane was so lost in her fantasy world that she didn't realize that they were now in the kitchen,
"Jane meet Estella, she will put you through everything you need to know" Charles explained
"uhh oh sorry was lost in thought," Jane said awkwardly, she didn't get anything Charles had said
"sorry what did you say again, please pardon me," Jane said looking down
Charles repeated what he said and left the kitchen not before whispering some things to Estella
"good morning ma'am" Jane greeted
"Just call me Estella" Estella said, what a polite child, she thought,
"you look like a friend of mine, but she's late now" Estella said with a sad expression
"oh I'm sorry to hear that" Jane replied
"It's okay child, come sit so we can get to work, you will working solely for the young master, he's coming back to the country tomorrow night, so you have to learn all the things about him, so you can better serve him, is that understood," Estella asked
"yes of course so let's get started" Jane replied happily, why she was feeling this happy to be someone's maid, she had no idea, it must be because of the money she convinced herself
Even though she didn't know how much they were paying her, the madam had told her, it was the young master that would determine her salary, but she had reassured her, they were going to pay her well
It was already four in the evening before Estella finished teaching her most of the things she needed to know, she had learnt how to fold his clothes, arrange his shoes, and even his underwear 'Yuck' she shivered as she remembered
She learnt how to even arrange his room, his wardrobe, the kinds of food he liked to eat, and the ones he didn't like to eat, he was one hell of a picky eater, tomorrow she would learn how to cook the kind of food he eats
Good thing she could cook, she's got Mrs Whitney to thank for that, she would be able to learn pretty fast
Mrs Whitney had given her a timetable to memorize before coming back tomorrow morning, they contained the daily routine of the young master, and she had to know them off hand so she could always prepare the things he needed for each activity
She was really tired from all the learning, they could have just hired her like a month ago, how in the world was she supposed to learn and adapt to all of these in two days, she sighed at the thought, she picked her bag and bedded goodbye to Estella before exiting the kitchen
She came into the living room again and remembered that she wanted to ask Charles for his permission to tour the entire mansion, but now she was so tired that she could barely walk on her own she didn't envision having such a tiresome day
Well she would just do it tomorrow or some other day, if the madam wouldn't mind, speaking of the madam, she had not seen her since she got here in the morning, maybe she had gone to work
But she didn't look like someone who works, Jane walked past the living room, her eyes fell on the pictures on the wall, she moved closer to get a look, she saw the picture of the madam and a man, he was looking like he was in his mid or late fifties, that must be the Sir of the house, she thought
Then her eyes swept past another picture frame, this one had two boys and a girl in it, her eyes moved to the one who seemed like the eldest, that must be the young master, her direct boss, he looked so handsome and young, this picture must be about five to six years ago, she analyzed
Her eyes swept to the girl, she was in the middle of the boys, she was looking so classy and sophisticated, she looked just like the madam but more beautiful and younger, this must be their daughter, the miss of the house