Chereads / Reich Marshal of the Belkan Reich / Chapter 311 - RM Vol 4: War – Interlude: A Southern Slice - Edited by Yovis

Chapter 311 - RM Vol 4: War – Interlude: A Southern Slice - Edited by Yovis

Author Notes:

Chapter is up alongside the pictures, yay! Honestly, I am running about for supplies lol. It's why I needed one day off of writing to get the groceries. Sorry for the delay, you all. That said, I hope you all have been enjoying your weekend? Wait, what day is today even?

P.S: Edited by Yovis


Due to the shock-and-awe effects of the Reich Marshal's Army Group A in Central Maginot, the situation on the Southern front evolved unexpectedly. Owing to confusion and the sudden collapse of Central Maginot, the Loyalists in the Southern region were forced to divert a significant portion of their force to secure their flank. As a direct result, there was a major gap in their already weakened defense line. The Loyalists were counting on their reserved units to fill in the opening quickly. However, the lack of an effective communication system prevented them from being swiftly deployed. While the Loyalists were struggling to get a grip on their war effort, this weak point of theirs was detected by the Belkan-Reformist coalition. Thus, a choice had to be made on whether or not to stick to the plan or capitalize on the occasion. As a tempered opportunist ever since she shook hands with the Reich Marshal, Princess Rosa Bonaparte would be a fool to let this chance slip away. Launching a dastardly attack that would make the Marshal proud of her decisive thinking and prowess, the combined Belkan-Reformist Army Group C drove a wedge deep enough to directly threaten the cities of Metz, Nancy, and Strasbourg. Rosa brainstormed that, by threatening these three cities, she could confuse the Allies even more, thus masking Case Yellow's true objectives.

If she falls a city or even three of them then it's just a bonus, however, it's not really a requirement for her to do that. That said, even when Rosa isn't actively pushing for a swift victory, combat around the three besieged cities remains intense and demanding, even with her leisurely pacing. As such, there's an immense need for munitions and supplies, especially for Rosa's Vichya Libre, her personal Army. Using surplus Belkan gears, it's not surprising that Vichya Libre's equipment is not truly cross-faction compatible with modern Belkan equipment. Instead of using the same supply chain as the Belkans, Rosa and the Reformists depend on special logistic freighters to keep their faction topped up. One may expect the Reformists to face a shortage of whatever kind but in actuality, they're pretty darn well-off. At the very least, they can be considered richer than the Spanish Inquisition and their enemy the Loyalists. This is thanks to Belka still keeping the production line for obsolete equipment running for export and supplying their allies. As the faction that works most closely with the Marshal, the Reformists enjoy the top priority in having their logistical needs fulfilled as quickly as possible. This is accomplished by multiple supply trains running back and forth between Belkan factories and the Southern Maginot frontline.

Evening on Day 3, somewhere near the revised Southern Maginot frontline, an armored train can be seen blazing through the tracks. This is none other than Thomas the Train with a crew that has come to be well-regarded by many as the most dedicated supply unit... And the most troublesome one due to their penchant for getting into unexpected trouble on nearly every trip. After what happened in Warsaw, the train and its crew find themselves with the worst luck, always running into either Demons and Zombies or rogue bandits. It has come to a point where there's not even a proper place left for the crew to paint their kill tallies on Thomas. Even the Belkan and Reformists logistical HQs have to estimate enough leeway whenever the name Thomas comes up on their roster, just so that the train and its crew have ample time to deal with their snag along the way. Barring a few truly stupid or natural occasions, Thomas never fails or comes up late on a supply trip, shockingly enough. Thomas's work efficiency is rated as the highest, and they're now well-utilized by the Reformists in their ongoing offensive maneuvers. According to the timetable, they will arrive at the Reformists' frontline supply base by midnight.

Opening the door to the Command Car, Lieutenant Adam Kemper leads the members of the night shift inside, greeting his friend while at it. "Lukas, ready to hit diner?"

Sergeant Hultebring, Lukas stretches his arms upward. "Not yet, gonna have to finish my coffee first before grabbing some chow. What's cooking for dinner, again?"

"Pasta or doner kebab." Adam replies while nodding at the day shift crew filing out. The night workers promptly take up the available stations after some informative exchanges with their peers. "Pick your poison."

Smacking his lips, Lukas sighs while nursing his mug. "The latter, for sure. You can't just resist the allure of holding something in your hands while snacking on it. Knowing our resident cook, I bet there will be the sauce I like today."

Taking his position behind the driver in the cab, Adam peers through the front viewing windows to look ahead. "Ah, you pick the less civilized option, I see." The Lieutenant jestingly says. "Should have known that you always go for the quick and dirty."

Lukas fakes an offended expression as the rest of the Command Car either go about their task seriously or with light banters and smiles. Adam runs a tight ship, yes, but it doesn't mean that his crew won't be allowed to chat while working. As long as they keep their discipline and efficiency, Adam doesn't see any harm in letting them talk about non-work-related stuff.

Turning around, the badges and ribbons on Adam's chest are shone upon by ambient lighting. Lukas comments on the ornated objects. "Finally got convinced to wear them?"

Adam nods. "Aria can be particularly persuasive when she needs to." The Lieutenant answers while patting a ribbon on his shirt. "Though I would have been ok with only the Iron Cross, not the whole shebang. Too heavy on my shirt, you know."

"Right, stop flexing your merit, mate." Lukas rolls his eyes. "It's weird that you think those honors are heavy on your chest instead of boasting about it."

"Yeah, well, I am not an annoying prick, for one, and I hate to damage any of them in our day-to-day duty. You know how bad our luck is already." Adam explains before leaning on the wall, viewing his crew working.

"By the way," Lukas suddenly asks. "You think the Loyalist artillery we somehow stole from Bulson will be able to bust out, I don't know, Metz?"

"The ones we're carrying?" Adam thinks about the captured howitzers that were given to Thomas prior to setting out. "Maybe? The guns are big enough to be qualified as cruiser-level firepower. The Reformists will be having a field day with the 220 mm ones... Though putting it as stolen makes us sound like we're the baddies, here, Lukas."

Lukas just dryly looks at Adam. "No. We're just Strategically Transferring Equipment to an Alternate Location."

"Right... Where the Hell did you even learn about that mouthful again? It's literally abbreviated to STEAL." Adam replies with a sigh and a wry smile.

"I don't know now, LT. Some boys said that they learn from the Reformist gun crews in the back while they're the ones saying that they overheard the Marshal jesting... Honestly, it could be anyone at this point that enlightened us with a way to..." Lukas makes an airquote gesture. "Be damn loot-goblins with how much equipment the Loyalists ditch on an hourly basis."

"You reckon the Eruseans will be doing much the same?" Adam askes, somewhat knowing what the answer will be.

Lukas shrugs while downing the last of his coffee. "They're supposed to be superior to your run-off-the-mill Loyalists... So maybe not? It depends on whether or not we will be throwing a kitchen sink at them. I heard from the grapevine that Army Group A is taking a much more relaxed stance than Army Group C as is. At least until the Marshal decides otherwise. As for how? LT, I am not in the business of facing ONI just yet."

Adam snickers. "Smart of you, mate."

Their banter is suddenly interrupted when a comms officer grabs his headphones tightly, eyes squint in alarm. "Yo, LT, Sarge! You two may wanna hear this bit!"

Gone are their joking expression, Adam and Lukas move next to the comms officer. The comms officer puts what he has been hearing on speaker for Adam and Lukas to hear, making their faces grow tenser by the second.

Lukas, being the most familiar with how things are and will be, sighs with a wry smile. "Woohoo~! Overtime!" The man bemoans that he will have to miss dinner, depending on the severity of the situation.

Patting Lukas on the shoulder, Adam nods. "Indeed, Lukas, it's overtime for you." Adam then turns to the comms officer. "Get me whoever's on the radio. Lukas, send out a train-wide alert and have Captain Surbella prep for an away team. Better have them ready than not."

"Battle stations!"