Chereads / Reich Marshal of the Belkan Reich / Chapter 283 - RM Vol 3: For a World without Boundary – Chapter 71: Yeah, Belka is having none of that in the neighborhood. - Edited by Yovis

Chapter 283 - RM Vol 3: For a World without Boundary – Chapter 71: Yeah, Belka is having none of that in the neighborhood. - Edited by Yovis

Author Notes:

Yup, casually foreshadowing the dead of another nation.

As for update, mom is finally able to eat food that are soft now, things like tofu and mushrooms and so on... Good news, for once.

Thank you all for supporting us thus far. Do enjoy the story! (I know that the pacing is slow, but irl issues aren't giving me much of a break. I am actually trying to push the writing back to the warring period once more, as you have seen.)

P.S: Edited by Yovis


Cottbus, Belkan Reich. After a long, arduous journey that seemed to stretch on and on, Thomas the Train has finally reached a safe berthing. At last, the train and its occupants can sigh with relief now that they don't have to look out the windows every three seconds. Rather than welcoming them with fanfare and news outlets all around, the Cottbus train station is cordoned off by the military. Instead of burdening the occupants with an overly noisy atmosphere, I have opted to make sure the area is quiet and peaceful. Knowing how taut their spirits must be, I do not want to spook them. To further aid in the disembarkment process, I bring along the representatives of the Slavic community in Belka alongside the family members of the Belkan soldiers aboard the train. After everything that has happened, I think they will appreciate a few friendly faces and words.

Standing on the second floor of the station building, I overlook the hustle and bustle below with a pondering look. There are many thoughts on my mind, yet I find myself pausing them when I see the doors of the train carts opening one by one. I watch as faces marred with tragedy and losses emerge one after another, their eyes gazing at the clear blue sky of Belka in disbelief. It seems that it's only now that reality has finally settled in for them. They're safe, they're in good hands now.

Without any prompting, the medics rush to secure the injured occupants. It's only when they have given the go-ahead that the Reichsguard allows the civilians to approach the clearing near the train. If they're not moving to comfort the injured Slavs and sympathetic Polanians, then they're moving to search for their loved ones in the train crew. I, for one, can already see a certain nekomata fuzzing over the Lieutenant in charge of the train. It's a small world, really. Who would have thought that the soldier I endorsed some time ago would go on to be a hero of the day? Even I was taken off guard when I learned that it was his train that got caught in this mess.

Gradually, the Slavs and Polanians are sequestered away on transports and ambulances, with the Slavic community representatives following right behind them in a car. As the casualties are processed and promptly sent to a military hospital, I see that Lieutenant Kemper is introducing his fiancee to the Rusviet VIPs who fought alongside him. I smile to myself when at such a sight. It's ironic that future segments of Plan V2 involve a fight between Belka and Rusviet. Yet, for a period of time, our soldiers fought together side by side for a common good. Right now, we will even shake hands and smile like good friends. Truly, Time sure brings along many unforeseen surprises. I'd know for Time is my providence, after all. While this is not the biggest surprise Time has given me, and it's also not the first time I would have to modify Plan V2, it's the first time where Plan V2 will be expedited by external interferences. Already, I can see a few ways I can milk this opportunity for what it's worth. Nevertheless, it's something for the future me to handle, or at least the other clones of me. While the Prime Yuki is being put on a forced paid leave, I, her clone, have to handle the reception in Cottbus. This means that I will also have to come and greet the VIPs soon.

"Oh, joy..." I mumble under my breath before moving to meet the Rusviet General. Following behind me are the Reichsguards mama assigned to all of my clones. Coincidentally, only Prime Yuki will be guarded by Erika and her unit, which is one way to identify who is the Yuki in charge, maybe? Not sure whether that is relevant though.

When I step outside of the station building, I keep an appraising eye on the heroes of the damned. A train like Thomas has a shower area in one of the amenities cars, yet for them all to look like crap goes to say a lot about what they experienced. The Belkan crew has their Captain sporting a bandaged head, their Lieutenant being supported by his fiancee, and the Sergeant being appraised by a medic for his reopened wound. The Rusviet General is also not unscathed for he too is having his arm rebandaged. Hearing the report is one thing, seeing these people that have gone through the wringer in person is another matter entirely. I respect the sacrifice they all made, Belkan or not. Not many can put their foot down and stand against an overwhelming injustice.

Seeing me approach, the Belkan soldiers around me start saluting. I put a stop to such an act when some of them are still hurt, albeit not in a life-threatening way. "At ease, gentlemen. For what you have done, I should be the one saluting you all instead."

True to my word, I snap a crisp salute for my brave soldiers, prompting the Reichsguards around to mimic my action. Respect is earned, and it will be paid in full for these men and women, regardless of their nationalities. For a moment, the whole clearing is silenced as we showcase our consideration. It's not until I put down my hand that the world around us seems to resume. I give a small nod of acknowledgment to the Rusviet General, who gives me his nod of silent understanding in return. I have to address my soldiers first and foremost.

"Crew of Thomas!" I shout as I look around into their eyes. "You all travel far, helping to save lives with the lifeblood you carry in each trip. Yet, in a trip fraught with unexpected perils, you all stood up and banded together, brothers and sisters in arms, regardless of nation! Facing the grave insults to life as we know it, you all protected and rescued what matters most: the weak, the oppressed, and the unfortunate ones! Each of them, small and weak as they may be, can one day become the brightest beacon the world has ever seen! You all, brave soldiers, paid the ultimate price to ensure a brighter future for them, and for us! So weep, yet smile! Mourn, yet rejoice! Despite your losses, the civilians are saved at last, your sacrifices aren't for naught! Do not let pain bog you down, instead, make it into the fuel that will carry you onward into the future. Keep your heads held high for you all are now walking amongst the best that Belka has to offer, heroes! All of you will be heroes in the hearts of many!"

Though my speech may seem simple compared to many out there, it's said with sincerity, something that touches the hearts of the soldiers around me. In this tumultuous time, what these soldiers need the most is not physical reward, but rather the acknowledgment that it is not in vain. This is something I will gladly give to them after such a battle well-fought. I continue speaking.

"One way or another, you all have lost something or someone back there. I lament my inability to prevent such things from happening in the first place." I say wholeheartedly. "Yet, I will be damned by the Mother Goddess herself if I don't seek vindication for you all. I hereby solemnly swear that due retribution will be brought upon the people who have inflicted such pain on my soldiers. As of now though, you all must recuperate and regain your spirit. Around you are your family members, those that I brought along to welcome you back. For the next month, you will be assigned paid leaves in the best comfort the Reich can provide. Cool down and recover your bearing with your families, my soldiers, you all have earned such amenities."

In response, the crew of Thomas either saluts or thanks me alongside their families. Depending on their choices, we will either house them in a luxurious hotel or send them back home. They will be off-duty until they've recovered from their injuries or are needed for an interview with ONI. We need all the perspective we can get to make the case against Polania more solid than it already is. This is to give the world the best casus belli possible to hold over their head. I give the soldiers one last nod before having one of the Reichsguards move to hash out the finer details with Captain Surbella of Thomas the Train. I am now free to have a cordial chat with whoever I need to talk to next.

Moving closer to a half circle formed by General Rokossovsky and Lieutenant Kemper, I manage to catch the tail end of the Lieutenant's introduction of his fiancee to the Rusviet General. The Lieutenant promptly salutes me while his fiancee, Ms. Klein, nods at me demurely with a big smile. General Rokossovsky also gives a salute, cueing me to return their respect in kind.

"General, I wish we could have met under better circumstances." I nod at the old veteran before looking at the Lieutenant and his plus-one. "Lieutenant Kemper, you did well out there with the cards you were dealt. Ms. Klein, I would like to apologize for putting your fiancee in such a situation."

The trio shares a glance with relieved smiles before the Lieutenant speaks first. "Marshal, what General Rokossovsky and I experienced are just the happenstances in the life of a soldier."

"Right, I could be said to be the one to land the Lieutenant in the mess myself, so if anyone should apologize, it's me." General Rokossovsky says with a good-natured laugh despite his injury.

"I don't think apologies are needed here," Ms. Klein interjects with a smile. "Everything ended as well as it could. Nevertheless, I have prepared myself for the eventualities when my fiancee signed up for the military."

Both General Rokossovsky and I look at the Lieutenant who is scratching his cheek while looking at his fiancee. "You have a strong lady in the house, Lieutenant Kemper." We compliment the man to ease the mood.

We then trade a few pleasantries before I address the Rusviet VIP. "General Rokossovsky, now that you're in Belka, we will make sure to provide you with the best accommodation." I also look at Lieutenant Kemper's duo. "I will also extend my offer to the both of you. If any of you need anything, do not hesitate to ask."

The Lieutenant nods. "About that, Marshal, the General has shown interest in staying at our family ranch with his retinue. Is it possible for us to show him our hospitality?"

"That can be arranged. However, please understand that we will have to update the security around the ranch." I give them an affirmative answer, with them nodding understandingly. "For the duration of General Rokossovsky's business trip, his lodging will be at your ranch. Until we can transit you all to Berlin though, the Reich has secured a nice hotel for you all to rest. Do enjoy the state's hospitality for our heroes first, yeah?"

General Rokossovsky smiles. "That will be lovely, Marshal. Already I can't wait to try some of the cigars your nation has to offer."

I grin at the Rusviet. "You won't be disappointed, General."

The Rusviet nods before curiously asking. "I may be overstepping my bounds for this, Marshal, but when you said retribution for your men, what will it entail?"

I just look at the man, stating matter-of-factly. "War, General Rokossovsky. If you think that the current Polania deserves anything other than that, then you're sorely mistaken."

"The Reich will not sit silent when the children of the world are harmed by such beasts." I say with finality, sealing the fate of Belka's Eastern neighbor.

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