Chereads / Reich Marshal of the Belkan Reich / Chapter 277 - RM Vol 3: For a World without Boundary – Chapter 66: See you never, Warsaw - Edited by Yovis

Chapter 277 - RM Vol 3: For a World without Boundary – Chapter 66: See you never, Warsaw - Edited by Yovis

Author Notes:

Sorry for the delayed chapter. As you'd known by now, my mom is injured so I have to look after her first and foremost. And then I hit a snag when my StableDiffusionXL borked itself. Until I can get it back online, I will have to ease out on the pictures, using what's left of my stock.

Nevertheless, I am here. The story won't go anywhere... Unless Pa-treon decided to censor the freak out of a public chapter!???? What the fuck? Chapter 57: Lounge Discussion was censored by Patreon due to violating Teen Safety guideline!???? Excuse me but wtf? Care to show me what I wrote wrongly?


Anyway, it's one bad news after another for me. Enjoy this chapter you all, and the pictures too. I gonna go cry in my sleep, I guess.

P.S: Edited by Yovis


"By the Mother Goddess's grace," Long Caster hears one of his crew mutter dumbly. "All that damage from one aircraft? Who the Hell is this pilot?"

After witnessing the wake of destruction left behind by Empress, even Long Caster has to wipe the sweat off his brow. Nevertheless, he has to remind the crew. "Watch your tongues or keep them zipped, boys, that's our boss lady you're talking about. I don't want ONI to breathe down my neck because of some ill-timed comments. But enough about that, Thomas is getting ready to depart, we need to make sure the coast is clear."

"Yes, sir. Will do, sir."


Thomas the Train bellows out steam as it starts coasting away from Ursus station. Leading the way for the train is a freshly rearmed motorcade of armed Humvees and motorcycles, with the two transport Humvees being loaded up back on their designated wagon. It takes some effort, yet finally, Thomas is making headway to safety with a heap of evacuees in tow. Nevertheless, no one can find it in themselves to smile, not anymore.

Under the covering strikes provided by Empress, Thomas proceeds unimpeded in a grim atmosphere. Too much has been lost, and sacrificed, too many good men and women died, were mutilated, for reasons beyond their understanding. The Slavs and their sympathizers, starting from more than a hundred strong, have now dwindled to less than seventy survivors. Not a single one of these survivors is without injuries as even children got bruises and cuts from many sources. When venturing out the back carriages, one will be immediately beset with the sight of medics working overtime to try and save as many lives as they can. Too many of these survivors are at death's door already, and some are so far gone in death's embrace that it's impossible to save them.

The brave medical practitioner Tomasz is one such case. Having saved Adam and the rest from being struck while they were downed, Tomasz took a nasty hit that left his major organs failing rapidly. The man doesn't have much time left, and he knows that thanks to his expertise. With a shaky smile, Tomasz raises a hand, which Adam grasps in a show of camaraderie. They owe this good-hearted and brave Polanian their lives. His selfless sacrifice has been pivotal in repeling the enemy that was just about to execute them all. For the world to lose such a man is for it to lose out on another beacon of righteousness. Yet, even magic must bow before death's judgment. Tomasz is not long for this world, not anymore.

"... D-Did they make it...?" The man struggles to form the sentence.

Adam nods, saying slowly and clearly for the dying Tomasz to hear. "We did it, doc. We got them all to safety. You have safeguarded their future, Tomasz."

The man coughs as a trickle of blood runs down his cheek. "N-No...! Not all of... Cough Them! I... I couldn't protect them... From my own countrymen! Had been stronger... Had I been braver... Cough Cough-!"

Rokossovsky places the hand that is not wrapped in a splint on Tomasz's shoulder. "Son, you have gone above and beyond what everyone could have ever asked of you. If the world mistreated you and everyone else then Heaven is fair. Rest assured, knowing that you have done everything you could to keep the flame of hope burning. It's because of your and the others' sacrifices that finally, this community will find its new home, free from the abusers and tyrants. Son, you have done well."

Tomasz's gaze turns upward, peering far beyond the roof of the wagon he's in. "H-Have... I?" The man says breathlessly before his eyes lose their light, his hand going limp in Adam's grasp.

The air becomes tense in the wagon as even the injured civilians and soldiers turn to look at the brave man, the hero in their hearts, breathe his last. Seeing Tomasz die with his eyes open, Rokossovsky sighs deeply before closing the man's eyes. "May his heart be at peace..."

Laying Tomasz's hand at his side, Adam stands up with the help of Lukas. Even with a broken leg, Adam still manages to make a crisp salute, prompting the other soldiers in the room to do the same. The civilians, seeing the pillar of their community passing on to the next world, shed silent tears. Their hearts grieving for Tomasz, the young intellectual with a heart of gold. He did not deserve such a fate, nor did any of them. Yet, Fate is a cruel mistress, demanding the ultimate sacrifices of the good people, leaving behind those that survived because of sheer, dumb luck. If the soldiers hadn't stuck their necks out, would any of them survive past next month? The best the survivors can do from now on is to honor the dead. They must live a good life, and maybe, just maybe, get payback on the people that wronged them all.

While it's true that Fate is cruel, she can also be fickle, and unpredictable, after all. It's a coin toss on whether she is your friend or your torturer.

Draping Tomasz's form with a blanket, Adam and the officers move away from the temporary medical ward. On their way to the central command wagon, they feel the discharge of the 88mm cannon in the front compartments. Though they can't see it, an 88 shell is fired to blow a hole through a thick gate barring the train's path forward. After the motorcycle riders check the tracks' integrity, Thomas is then cleared to proceed ahead without any further obstruction.

Adam, Lukas, Surbella, and Rokossovsky, all of them look out the bulletproof windows, seeing the train pass the broken walls of Warsaw slum area. Gradually, the walls disappear from view as Thomas starts picking up speed. Nevertheless, even from a distance, they can still see the smoking capital of Polania, marred by a vicious battle. Even now, one can barely make out a visage of a fast-moving object dropping one ordinance after another on the city. It remains to be seen just how badly the Warsaw garrison has suffered by the end of today if there's even a garrison left standing.

Rokossovsky, viewing the sight, feels melancholic. "So, what should we do now?"

Adam breathes out, taking a look at his still trembling hand. "Collectively, we ride to rendezvous with a detachment of Belkan military that is conducting a Special Rescue Military Operation. We will meet them at an old civilian runway to offload the critically injured patients and stock up on supplies. You and the other VIPs can dismount there too, General, but knowing you..."

Rokossovsky chuckles tiredly. "I won't be going anywhere off this train just yet, son. As long as there are still my people on this train, it's my duty to see them all safely disembark in Belka. Besides, I did vow to get you back in one piece to your fiancee, right?"

Adam smiles wryly. "That you did, General. That you did..."

The conversation stalls for a moment as they silently appreciate the changing landscape outside the windows. Ultimately, Rokossovsky is the one who asks.

"You said collectively prior, Adam... What about individually?"

Adam sighs. "Lukas is gonna have to supervise the train. Surbella will be going to take stock of our remaining supplies and equipment. You may need to get a report to Moscow as we now have a direct line to there." Under Rokossovsky's impressed gaze when learning that he could talk with Moscow on a moving train, Adam continues. "And I... I will have to chat with my fiancee after handing over my preliminary report. Honestly, I am not looking forward to the ass-tearing I am about to receive."

Feeling the dread in Adam's tone, even Surbella finds himself smirking slightly while Rokossovsky and Lukas just straight up laugh at the Lieutenant's misery.

"Right, laugh it up you three... Laugh it all up at my expense." Adam sighs.

There was a time when Aria jested to Adam that he would get into trouble more often than not with his knightly attitude. The last thing Adam needs right now is to hear her say.

'Called it~!'

Spoiler, Adam's fiancee goes on to say just that in their opening conversation.