Chereads / Reich Marshal of the Belkan Reich / Chapter 256 - RM Vol 3: For a World without Boundary – Chapter 59-1: Happenstances elsewhere (Part 1)

Chapter 256 - RM Vol 3: For a World without Boundary – Chapter 59-1: Happenstances elsewhere (Part 1)

Author Notes:

Coffee~! I need COFFEE!!!! - Slime-san (2024)

P.S: Next chapter is up alongside the new pictures

P.S.S: Dead dead to coffee overdose after writing past midnight


As the train chugs along, First Lieutenant Kemper now finds himself boiling a kettle of water. Though the train has an air conditioner system, it doesn't hurt to always have a tumbler of hot Darjeeling tea on hand. After all, the journey to Moscow will only get colder and colder, even though it's springtime. While waiting for the water to boil, the Lieutenant picks out a filter bag of Darjeeling tea and places it inside his tumbler, just in time for somebody to knock on the door.

Sparing a glance at his wristwatch, the good Lieutenant checks on the time before inviting the person outside to come in. Stepping inside is a Sergeant, his name, Lukas Hultebring, is embazled on a patch.

"Adam." The Sergeant greeted, moving to place his cap on a coat hanger by the compartment wall.

"Lukas." Adam replied before pouring a now hot kettle of water inside the tumbler. After that, he starts dipping the filter bag a few times to diffuse the dried tea leaves.

"How come that every time I see you here, you are always busy making yourself a pot of tea?" Lukas asked wryly.

"The tea keeps me focused on long trips like this one." Adam answered while taking a whiff of the tea scent.

"Hell, I am surprised that it doesn't take you that many trips into the loo with how much tea you consume." Lukas jested.

Adam shrugs. "My fiancee does applaud me for my strong kidneys."

After two trips aboard Thomas the train, it's safe to say that Adam and Lukas have bonded over, enough to be called friends. It's why Lukas dares to jest with the Lieutenant in private. Adam himself is also a prime example of work-life balance, he will even joke around when it's free time. That said, Adam tends to keep a serious exterior when on duty.

"So, everything is fine back there, Lukas?" Adam asked the Sergeant.

The man being questioned replied after pulling out a cigarette. "All stations are green. The boys and girls are running a tight ship like you instructed, at least until they are off the clock for this shift. The security people, however, are rotating their watch right now. Fortunately, nothing major to report, unlike our first rodeo."

Hearing the last sentence, Adam can't stop himself from remembering the near-disastrous maiden voyage of Thomas. A Demonic outbreak occurred on the Belkan-Polania border, causing a portion of the track to be disrupted. Had he not specifically instructed the night shift crew to take it a tad easier on the throttle during the night, they would have smashed open an unreported Polania track layer crew in the night. Fortunately for them all, Thomas managed to halt just in time, or else a few people turning into mush would be the last of their concerns. Discipline, dutiful, attentiveness, and confidence, are the traits that Adam has passed onto his crew. The close-call incident has proven to himself and the top brass that his subordinates exhibit such traits wonderfully, even when he's not around.

Running a tight ship does have its benefits in situations like that, but Adam knows when to stop pushing and give the crew time to de-stress. Those who are off-duty are allowed to slacken their decorum, if only to a certain extent, and are encouraged to recharge and partake in recreational activities. At each stop, the crew can dismount and go sightseeing on a rotational basis. However, when they're working a shift, Adam requires them to perform at their absolute best. As proven on their first journey North, the trip will be long, arduous, and contains unknown dangers. If they slip up one, it may not just affect themself but also the rest of the crew, or even the people who are depending on the cargo Thomas is pulling behind. Armed with such a reminder, Adam is pleased that the crew performed at their peak efficiency on the second trip. Now, the Lieutenant hopes that the third one will be much of the same. Only this time, the ride will be longer, with the return trip carrying a new sort of precious cargo.

"It's a shame, however." Lukas suddenly said. Seeing the inquisitive look on Adam's face, Lukas clarifies. "You know, our last stop at Warsaw did not give us much of a chance to walk around, much like our first time there."

Adam, before answering, discards the used filter bag in a trash bin. "According to the words of the yardmaster, there were rioters that were making trouble in the city. It was in our best interest to not get involved with the groups outside the train yard back then."

Lukas leans against the wall. "I do remember you eyeballing the yardmaster as he walked away though."

Adam twists the cap of his tumbler, answering. "The first time, I might believe it. Hunger breeds desperation, after all. It's why Warsaw got the majority of that food supply back then. Yet, for them to still have riots happening on our second stay there? What the Hell happened to the aid package we dropped off last time? In case you haven't noticed, they also up the perimeter security, even going as far as pulling out machine guns by the gates. The signs are more than enough for me to advise you all not to stray too far from the train. I can just feel it in my bones that Warsaw is now a swamp of uncertainty."

Lukas nods while crossing his arms. "You think this could be some Christian zealots causing trouble?"

"Maybe?" Adam shrugged before continuing. "Polania recently experienced a political coup after the revelation about the darkness of their main religion. It could be that many disgruntled elements are roaming about, making it unsafe for us. However, if that's the case, the briefing back home would have informed our security of such a threat. Nah, either the riot is a very recent thing, making it so that it never appeared in the briefing, or..."

"It may as well not be real." Lukas finished the sentence.

Adam makes a finger gun. "Bingo. While we surely can push for the truth or an investigation of sorts, I don't think we are in a position of power to make such requests back there. It doesn't mean that I hadn't reported this to command, however. The intelligent department can work on our suspicion, whereas we can't."

"Suddenly, I really don't want to make Warsaw a stop on our return trip." Lukas sagged his shoulders, now believing Warsaw to be something of a bad omen.

"Unfortunately, we have to deliver cars of Rusviet coals there, otherwise the city won't be able to power itself. If that's to be the case, whatever's going on in Warsaw may turn from bad to worse. Still, here's hoping it's just my brain overthinking things." Adam commented.

"I would drink to that if I had my flask." Lukas smirked. "Unfortunately, my shift is just about right now. Gonna makes my way to the control car, be seeing you pal."

"Don't fall asleep while manning the helm, Sergeant." Adam reminded while nodding his head in Lukas' direction.

The man does a two-finger salute. "And let you tear my badge off? Fat chance that would happen. Also, I'll be calling for you when we're about to hail Rusviet border control."

Adam just nods while grabbing his tumbler for a drink, letting the door close behind Lukas. As the warmth of Darjeeling tea spreads across his body, Adam quietly mulls over the conversation that happened prior. Aria always says that Adam has a good head on his shoulders, one that is accompanied by a similarly good heart, with the two balancing each other nicely. Although Adam's heart murmurs for him to act on his suspicion, Adam's logic has determined that it's not quite the time to call out the Polanians on their ruse. Adam will let the analysts back home to work their magic, and hopefully, he will get the answers he needs to determine a course of action before they return to Warsaw. They will be carrying Rusviet VIPs on their way back to Belka, unpreparedness may prove to be costly then.

"Perhaps it's best that I talk with the Security Captain, there's no telling of what can happen on the way back. Better be safe than sorry." Adam said to himself.

If only he knew how this decision would come to affect the future. Due to a few pointed instructions from the new Polania government, the nation now runs a deep undercurrent beneath its civilized facade. One that threatens to swallow the entire train if they're to ride off the wrong line.

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