Chereads / Blood bonds The first / Chapter 4 - Preface

Chapter 4 - Preface

There are very old legends that talk about fairies or spirits who are protectors of wolves.

The Peeira or wolf fairy, as it is known in Portuguese folklore, is a guardian of wolves. It would be a female and human version of werewolves. Its origin was maybe even older. They had fantastic skills as wolves in addition to the gift of healing.

They said they lived in the forests or the woods and some confuse them with nymphs.

A Peeira is believed to be just a young woman who lives with packs, guiding creative rages and disturbed spirits like werewolves. It would be a source of peace, bringing balance to the violent nature of a werewolf.

Blood Links is the first part of a trilogy that contains the story of one of them, with its conclusion in Blood Pacts - the revenge. In this initial presentation, we have a young woman who was brought to a pack as a child with a destiny to fulfil.

In your hands would be the power to bring balance again to magic ...

According to some currents, Hécate would be a Peeira. Descended from Titans, she was one of the most ignored myths in Greek mythology.

Hecate's power extends to hell, on land, and without the sea. She prowled on new moon nights and at sea she loved. Sailors consider her a titular goddess and always begged her for good crossings.

It is also believed that she appears on New Moon nights with her horrible pack in front of travellers who travel the roads.

She was still considered a goddess of magic and night. With her powers of enchantment, Hecate could send night terrors and spectres to simple mortals. Then Ichichos and Burials appeared as evil and cursed creatures to punish.

Hecate also frequented places of terrible crimes and murders, thus becoming a lady of magic black.

The goddess would be a lady at the gates between the world of the living and the underworld of shadows.

She was a conductor of souls. Its oldest legends are still related to the passage through the Earth at sunset, to collect the dead of that day.

She was a witch and could not be seen by humans. She was a protector of women's independence and a defence against violence and oppression of women.

They said that the Moiras wove, measured and cut the threads of a mortal's life and only Hecate would interfere in the threads of destiny.

The powerful goddess had control over the secret forces of nature, being a goddess of sorcerers.

A visible and invisible lady. Thus a world mystical and hidden from humans came into being: Garrone.

Observe past, present, and future and wait until the right moment when the decision of the direction to be taken is decided.

She doesn't choose the path, we choose it.

Her grace is wisdom and profound insight over illusions. It teaches men to be fair and tolerant of those who are less fortunate.

Its name means distant, but it is always present in times of need.

She always helps us to find a new path through new beginnings, despite the confusion of ideas and uncertainties when we face inevitable life changes.