I curled in my bed and let my tears fall for like thousand times already this months, another freaking month, that's how long it's been since Lucy kidnapped Rebekah and we still don't know anything about her. She doesn't call too often anymore, only when Rebekah cries too much.
I was desperate, so desperate that I would do anything to get my baby back, even leave Max if it's what it takes to get my baby back. I sniffed with a deep breath, shoving the covers aside to get off the bed after days of not leaving the room.
I headed to the babies' cribs that were moved inside the room so I could be closer to them. After what happened with Lucy, I don't trust anyone with my babies anymore. I picked Maximilian up and cuddled with him, my cheek brushing slightly against his forehead.
"We're going to bring your sister back, I promise." I kissed his forehead and put him back in the crib and then I went to Maxim who was sleeping safe and sound and brushed his face lightly with my fingertips.