Chapter 13 - CH 13

"Okay, if you think so." A little disappointed at the emotionless reaction of her also Tomioka's enthusiasm gets less, but he still wanted to become an adventurer, even through he didn´t know were to go, but luckily he saw a sign in that moment that read as such: "Dear Adventurer, join our Guild for free and without any test." 'That sounds like a nice deal.' thought Tomioka in his head. As he headed in to the surprisingly small guild, without many persons in them, the receptionist welcomed them. "Welcome to our small but lovely guild. How can I help you." "We want to register as adventurers."

It is not uncommon, that also a young child around ten years old already joins a guild, but they are normally very talented and wouldn't go to this the smallest guild in town. The concurrence has taken away the young talents. 'Our guild is so desperate, we take anyone without any question. Even through it is strange, we need them.' While thinking about the dire situation she fills out the identification card. "What are your names." "My name is Tomioka." Now only does he realized that he hasn´t asked her for her name. Probably he didn´t care because he is an introvert. "My name is Vicia." She answered the question herself. Writing the name down, she hands them over and says with a smile on her face. "Welcome in the Guild. We have jobs some jobs open. One is a protection mission, the next is a mission to kill a some dark boars and bring there flesh back." As she list up the jobs Tomioka interferes. "We will kill the boars." "If you want, the boars life deep in the forest to the south. The client wants the delicious flesh from the boars. For each you get 1000 Denaris." 'Denaris is that the name of the currency? Am I in a an other country, because they there system differences?' Tomioka thought of this possibility, but got disrupted of the silence. The receptionist gave him a paper with some information and the two new adventures made their way to their first quest. Will they be able to get some experience. Suddenly while they were going toward the gate they hear a loud voice "In the name of the crown stop." Tomioka turned his head and saw multiple soldiers and in front the person from the inn who´s friend got shot, now coming back looking for trouble.