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A letter to lovers

Cat and Jerry hired some cottage, in the village, near to Istanbul, Cat had migrated from Syria during war, and no one knows about Jerry’s ancestors.

Chapter 1 - A letter to lovers

Cat and Jerry hired some cottage, in the village, near to Istanbul, Cat had migrated from Syria during war, and no one knows about Jerry's ancestors. Cat had a curious personality while Jerry was wiser, shy, and highly optimistic and had a thirst for reading.

It was winter night, they made fire from woods and sat by, Jerry picked up her favorite book "The forty rules of love "and started reading. Cat took a love letter from his trashy bag; he worked consecutively for 20 days to compile this letter. He open it and started reading loudly.

"Dear Duck,

I know I am not good enough to make your life what you deserve, to understand you what you need, to appreciate you what you expect, to support you what you want, to cherish you what you ideate. Nevertheless, I conceive, I am the person who can see the hidden sparks in your eyes, I am the person whose little mind always worries for you, I am the person whose prior wish is to see you happy, and I am the person who unconditionally adores you with all zest.

I know, I am not an angel, if your little happiness means to me a lot, so your bit of sadness makes me weak, if your spot of love is more than anything, so your ego kills me, if your fleck of look is more than heaven, so your ignorance is beyond the hellfire.

I would be a fortunate to have your company. I want no distance between us; rather I want you as a part of mine. I want you as a soul-mate and hand my poor soul over you with a sharp intendment that you will keep it safe and will share it with none.

Your Cat. "

Jerry got envious but would rather remain polite "wow, I wish someone had written few lines for me, I would have hugged him and never left him away". She said and then started her reading.

"Tomorrow I will propose my Duck via this broken letter, you know she is so innocent, her smart, polite appearance and warm, friendly expression made me like her immediately. She is small-boned, smiling person with twinkling blue eyes and soft curls. Though, she is simple but she manages to look elegant. I am more than thousands percents sure that she will accept me, then I will start my own business and we will have an amiable life ahead" The cat said.

Jerry closed the book and laid down to sleep, after some imagination, Cat also put the letter back in the bag and laid down.

Next morning, the cat woke up excitedly, he dressed gently and went to Dog, the monk of the village, "Pray for me, 0 Lord" The Dog prayed for him with passionate feelings, after the prayer, Cat ran to the rivers bank, where Ducks every morning come and filter food from water and mud, the Duck was not there so he sat there in order to wait for her arrival.

In few minutes, the Duck appeared in a huge crowd, Cat recognized her immediately because she had unique eyes among all. She has an isolated place at the bank where no one was allowed for food. As she went to her area, the poor Cat followed her. He took the letter in his right hand. His hand, fingers and wrist were shaking, for a moment he felt hand tremor "O lord save me" He whispered and then said nervously " iit's for you Dddeai DDDucck!" She took the letter and read it loudly, due to over pride she tried to stand on one leg like Flamingos but her fatty body did not allow her to do so.

" Dear Cat, Though you are attractive, your slender body and yellow hairs make you seductive, but you have a broken nose that makes you like a boxer and my mother hates boxers, she will never allow me to marry you" she said and gave him his letter back.

The poor Cat wept and went to his cottage, Jerry was busy eating tomato "Jerry, my broken nose is the reason of my rejection" said the Cat and started crying. Jerry came near to him and said.

" Oh my little Tomb, you have such a small and thin nose, don't say that, everyone loves it, you know, once the Skylark said that you have a special nose and she likes you for your unique nose"

By hearing the name of Skylark, the poor Cat forgot his love for Duck and said "you know what Jerry! I love the skylark too, her beautiful long legs and soft, white hairs make me mad, when I was writing this letter, I had made the image of the Skylark in my mind". Jerry said nothing, threw tomato and picked her book up for reading.

The Cat replaced the name of Duck by the Skylark and went to near mountain. The skylark was flying arrogantly, Cat shouted "Lovely Skylark" as the big-chested bird heard his voice so it came near to him. It was Cats second experience to declare himself in front of someone so he felt ease and gave it the letter. The Skylark read the letter and laughed.

"Dear poor Cat, I am the bird of sky and you are the creature of land. Though, I like your small, thin nose and yellow hairs but you have a black mark on your shoulder. Black is the color of crows which I hate mostly". The Skylark said it arrogantly, flies and disappeared.

The poor Cat came to jerry with hundred pieces of his heart and said. "I have a black spot on my shoulder which keeps me away from skylark. Jerry touched his shoulder warmly and said " No No Tomb, the black spot is not your flaw, it's the fault of Skylark who hates black color, it suits on you, and you know the princess once said I like Tomb because he has black mark on his shoulder"

By hearing the praising words of Princess, the Cat forgot the Skylark and said

"Yes Jerry, she is too charm and beautiful, her father Georg is a gentle man and I like his moustaches, I will merry his daughter, that will be a lesson for Duck and Skylark, I will merry the daughter of a king, yes I will marry her"

He replaced the name of Skylark by Princess and went to her home. She was asleep; he sat in the corner and waited. When she woke up, he went near her, now he is fully expert to declare-himself. He gave her the letter.

"Excuse me you little Cat!

I am the daughter of a king, Though, I like the black mark on your shoulder, but you poor Cat cannot effort my daily expenditures" The princess said abusively and threw the letter in to a dustbin.

The poor Cat cried and went back to jerry; he said nothing to her and sat like a broken angel. Jerry came near to him, Tom look at her and suddenly jumped and hugged her. He cried and said "we always have our love around us but we do not realize them and search others"
