Chereads / NICOLE (#1 Broken) 1st Draft / Chapter 7 - Chapter 6: ROGUE

Chapter 7 - Chapter 6: ROGUE


I ran further into the forest and then saw a shaded tree I sat down on the foot of the tree finally able to catch my breath I sighed breathing in the morning dew, I wanted to sleep but I know there was still a long way ahead and I forgot to take some snacks from the kitchen before escaping oh my god I'm going to die of starvation I exclaimed .' Do you wanna see how beautiful we are ? and we could look for a lake nearby to bathe in ' Ava asked while pacing excitedly in my head " Okay sure " I said to ava with that I felt my bones breaking I tired to scream because of the pain but I was honestly too scared , what if they were searching for me then heard the scream, after the whole process of bones breaking and series of pain , I opened my eyes that I didn't know was shut before , I saw I was on all fours , my vision had become more clear than before and my hearing it became extremely sensitive than it already was , I looked at my han-sorry my paws I felt so different I let ava take control so she could find a lake we could drink from and bathe in also so I could see how we look like properly .

While she ran I could feel the fresh morning air run through our fur and I always loved nature before ava came but right now lets just say I have fallen even more inlove with it if that was even possible , finally we saw a lake up ahead of us and ava stepped back giving me control I walked slowly towards the lake when I finally got there .

I saw our reflection in the water damn we are really beautiful , I know I saw her earlier but this this is amazing I stared at our reflection some more then drank from the lake I wanted to shift back but had no idea how , I wanted to bathe in human form so I asked ava for help " umm ava how do I shift back ? is it going to be extremely painful like when I first shifted to wolf form? " I asked waiting for her response and soon after it came ' just imagine your human form and all that should do the trick ' she said, once she was done talking I took a deep breath and did as she said I imagined my overgrown blonde curly hair, my long legs, and my hands, my malnourished body [ because I barely eat, just little leftovers and that's three times a week] I felt my bones breaking again, I do wish my family was here to see my first shift they would have known and told me what to do and they would have been happy, I thought as I walked back to the lake since I had already taken my necessities which consist of soap, bathing sponge, toothbrush and toothpaste, yeah for a girl that's all I got.

I quickly stepped into the ice-cold water of the lake retreating immediately, putting one foot at a time into the water trying to get used to the water temperature I walked further into the water to the point where it covered most of my chest I quickly took the shower so we could get out of here before rouges get here since where I was is a free land no pack land and I wasn't privileged enough to learn how to defend myself in a battle 'well that's going to change now, I'm sorry I couldn't be with you all this while since I was locked up ' Ava said sounding sad at her last statement," What do you mean locked up " I asked confused " as I know pups are blessed with their wolfs or shift at the early age of five but I can't remember having mine and I haven't heard of wolves being locked up " with that said ava became, I didn't think much about it right now I just really want to leave here, becoming a rouge could get me killed I just had to survive and not trespass into other packs territory . I changed into a new set of clothes and underwear I took before I left.

I walked back to the tree I rested on earlier sat back down on its foot took the emergency backpack and opened it, and saw a bank card with my name on it which I have never seen, a stack of cash ok this could last me for some time, an address book with a note ok what is this doing here I picked up the note and read the content in it '' it said.

' Nicole if you ever find this bag it only means you're in trouble, you can use to bank card its all yours we opened the account for you when you were still a child here's the pin for the card 2234 and use the cash to go find the Zoe mandrel she's my best friend her address is written in the address book okay always remember if we aren't still with you while you're reading this we would always love you just the way you are.

love mom and dad.'

" I was crying by the time I was done with reading the note I missed them, gosh I'm such a cry baby, I kept the note back hoping to remember the pin for the card I picked up the address book and saw Zoe Mandrell lived in manhattan NewYork, she lived in a pack just great just what I needed right now and how on earth do I get to New York when I've never left the pack house like ever I guess ill just follow my instinct try and leave this forest. I closed the book kept it back in place then stood up.

I stood and shifted back into my wolf then picked up the backpack including my worn-out bag and started running letting ava take control cause I have no idea where I'm going right now, I know I should have thought about it before becoming a rouge but you know being a rouge was my only choice, I needed to be free from them. I hear my stomach rumble, just great when I have no food or experience in hunting thank you moon-goddess, I thought ' let me do the hunting okay while you just sit back and relax alright ' ava said, I let her take control and stepped back I watched as she hid behind a tree as she spotted a really cute bunny I can only imagine it being very fluffy and then she walked behind it slowly and quietly then launched at it grabbing it by the neck pressing hard on it till it fell limp in her mouth after that she let me take control back, I felt the metallic taste of blood slip into my mouth I tried not to vomit, I took the bunny and back behind the tree I was hiding behind earlier and started tearing the bunny apart at first it tested weird as it should since it was my first time eating something raw.

After the bunny I rested a little while before I begin on this journey to find a woman I only know her name and pack , looking up to the sky I could already tell it was midmorning I needed to start moving so I could find a way out into civilian and so I could get some things from the convient store and I know getting out of this forest unscrathed wasn't going to be easy since a rouge but not crazy or bloodlust like the others out there I know some might not be crazy or killers theyre just tryna survive just like me . I stood up shifted into my wolf its not as agonyizing as ealier , after shifting I piked up my back pack with my mouth and ran with it looking for a clearing because once there's a clearing theres definitely a path I just hope not to run into any rouges or worse members from another pack or alphas.


I just came back from a run , I went to take a quick shower and finish my morning routine , I came out of the bathroom with only a towel hanging low on my waste , I walked into my walk in closet picked up a pair of calvin kalvin boxer brifes and some clothes [ A/N because you know I have no Idea on what to dress him is it a suit or causal im just confused so just put your imagination at work there , thank you] . I changed into them and went down stairs for breakfast , getting there I went straight to the kitchen I saw Matilda our cook [ just so you know in the pack house only I ,siblings , some few warriors , our beta , gamma and delta live here the rest of the pack member have their own homes and so does mother ] Matilda is like a second mom to us , I walked up to her and greeted her" Hey Matilda good morning" ,'' Alex my dear I see you've finally decided to come for breakfast , just give me a second " she said with her usual bright smile and soon later she came with it my breakfast , I took it and sat beside in-between Asher and Ashely .

After breakfast we both went to our joint office to start with paper works being the most feared pack and alphas comes with a lot of things and this being one of them . '' Al do you think were ever going to find our mate , we both know we need a Luna and also our mate '' Asher asked , so that's what's with the long look during break fast, '' I hope we do , we do need a Luna and our mate , do you think she'll be scared of us '' I asked knowing the answer ,as he was about to respond a pack warrior barged into the office breathing hard , he looked at us frantically and said '' Alphas rouges- '' we didn't let him finish as we already heard what's needed