I approach near enough to the battle to be able to hear the faint metallic clicks of rifle bolts and shouting. From here on, I stick close to the walls as I try to determine whose side I'm going to face. A peak around a corner reveals that I'm on the opposition's flank. They're holding a mortar emplacement that probably wasn't evacuated in time. The mortar's dugout has two entrances wherein both are occupied by allies consisting of myself and that group, but the defending forces focused on the most active entrance, leaving time for me to consider a course of action.
The landscape is relatively flat so I don't suppose a better firing angle by relocating. Hopping over the trench for an elevated advantage is also inconceivable for the same reason I never left these trenches in the first place. A two-front fight it is. Kneeling against the corner with my rifle supported, I aim at the defenders and fired a round. No time to see where that went, I immediately swivelled back into cover. Their shouting is intensified and I hear the stomping boots grow larger. They returned fire.
I stuck to the wall as tightly as possible, waiting for the group to take the opportunity to break their side of the holdout. I kept up the pressure by firing between the defenders' shots. I don't think I'm hitting anything but as long as they stay put firing at me, that's two less for my comrades to deal with.
The exchange becomes more frequent and well ordered. I hear the continuous shots from the other side, snapping one after the other, and then a scream. The resistance on my end has somewhat died down, allowing me to train my shots longer now. I see a rifle's barrel out the corner aimed somewhere else and the wielder's leg. I shot it and saw him go down, dropping his firearm. I glance into the dugout and see that the battle has turned into a melee.
I walk in briskly with sights aligned and trained on the other side of the entrance, recalling there were two of them on me. I glance closer and see that the other one is already gone. I enter the dugout and see the chaotic close quarters fighting. Six of the same uniform as myself overpower their four. It is a man-to-man fight; bodies being pummelled extremely close together and the victor is he who manages to beat the fight out of his opponent first. I take aim at one of them that got kicked off a comrade. Ended him and cocked the rifle. Next, another one beating a friend on the ground, I pull the trigger and only hear a click. Without fixing it, I instead ram my rifle into her, spearing and pinning her down with the bayoneted end. It didn't finish her because someone jabbed my stomach, throwing me to the ground.
My vision goes blur and my mind bounces around. I see someone running towards me with an arm raised and return the blow at the last second. A boot straight to the face fell him over which I continue with a step to the neck. He's out of breath, good enough, move on to someone else. I reassess where the battle is going, two left with five of ours. We quickly overpower by them with a deep stab from behind for one of them, whereas the other is pinned down.
At ease, the fight is over. As the surviving foes are being tied up, I report myself to the guy with an officer's cap. "Sergeant Adiline. Valentine Adiline. 1st Battalion, A Company, 4th Platoon." I detailed.
"At your leisure, sergeant. A Company, huh? There are a lot more wandering about then I initially thought," He responded with disbelief, "you're one of how many?"
"Haven't seen anyone else so far. I've been on my lonesome since the charge."
"Figured. Anyhow, Captain Cromwell Meyers. Was leading B Company but now commanding two platoons, the 1st and 2nd, from your company. You're welcome to join us for company. Better than having to stride alone, eh?"
I chuckled, "Naturally I'd join. I can only fend for myself for so long. Although ironically, I haven't seen their soldiers either."
"Same goes for us, the heaviest fights we've got were just pockets of resistance. Quite odd how this even happened."
"Odd, lieutenant?"
"Yes, consider it. They retreated before we reached their lines, but still managed to make it seem as if they were trying to hold. Yet, few of them still stuck around the trenches with quite the equipment. In contrast, the things they pulled back were thoroughly evacuated. It's not becoming of them."
"Maybe they volunteered to stay back or the sort? But that doesn't really warrant these kinds of heavy weaponry."
"Exactly as you said, it doesn't warrant it. Personal backpacks, rifles, a dozen clips, and half a dozen grenades should be enough for a final stand. Even more so if you don't expect to survive," he lectured, "We have no answers temporarily, so we'll just have to live with it."
"Understood, lieutenant." I acknowledged.
"Good. The day has aged long enough and it'll be too dark for us to continue further. Since you're one of the two sergeants I have now, you have the authority to take charge of 2nd Platoon. Of course, under my moderation. Regardless, shepherd them appropriately."
"Will do, lieutenant."
"Great, let's introduce you to the two platoons. Who knows, someone might recognise you."
Improbable, I thought to myself, but I'm a little hopeful.
After we've sent the prisoners of war to walk back towards our trenches blindfolded carrying a white flag, buried and bade our unfortunate fallen farewell, they lead me to their encampments in the trenches. It mostly made use of the existing bunkers but since the threat of an all-out attack was slim to none, some mattresses looted from the bunks lie clustered around the officer's quarters.
The place is lively. People are moving about, talking to one another, I even saw a group prepare supper for this half battalion. Salvaged oil lamps are placed in lots of places in the trenches, illuminating the walkways clearly. This is warming for a war zone, and I'm surprised they're able to requisition the things they have in a single day.
Lieutenant Meyers summoned me to be quickly introduced to 2nd Platoon.
"This here is Sergeant Valentine Adiline from 4th Platoon," he announced to the platoon, "she will be attached to you as my second-in-command. Abide by her orders."
2nd Platoon is relatively massive. I count at least 40 of them. Their survival rate is very high if only some tens of them have gone. Although, they could've also been consolidated from other platoons, but the newly formed platoon usually would take the largest initial platoon, either way.
The gathering is short-lived and Meyers left me to assimilate with the 2nd. Most of them break off to go back to doing whatever they were initially doing. A soldier walks up to me and asks, "Sergeant, were you one of the first out of the trenches earlier?"
"Yes...?" I answered curiously. What a peculiar question, is he hinting that he knows me? I returned the inquiry, "Did you fall on a ladder before the charge?"
"Yes. Yes! That was me. Private Comet. Victor Comet from 2nd Platoon. I didn't get the chance to detail myself before."
"Comet, huh, what a name." I sarcastically remark, "Digressing, I wouldn't have expected you to survive the offensive. You were shivering your life away before the attack."
"Yeah, it escalated once I was over the ladder. I stuck close to the ground most of the time as everyone else was running past me. Someone tugged on the back of my collar and ordered me to stand and move up. After that, the thought of battle just consumed my mind."
"Nicely done, you'll be even more used to combat soon."
We chatted the evening over supper about various topics. Comet's only 17 and he's already enlisted in the army. Well, not too far from I am. Unfortunately, right after the 6 month training, he was directly assigned to 4th-con, or The 4th Continuation. Was this offensive supposed to be an actual push or just another throw away? We don't know.
I've exhausted myself after supper, all of us were. Comet led me to the 2nd's cluster and handed me a mattress from their stockpile. I still cannot grasp how impressive they are to be able to accumulate this many in stock. I locate an empty area to place my mattress and part ways with Comet.
The day is nearing its end, only to birth itself anew not long after. This perpetual cycle is what I expect to have on 4th-con.