after the venture everything remains quiet as military suppressed any information related their experiment and military personnel that were with this experiment they were detained and locked or either completely removed without any information alex came back to the institute and he is in regular contact with mu Ning xue and xinxia reassuring them that mofan is perfectly fine and he will be back in a year.
this year goes quite peaceful as alex solved few cases with lingling and kept his company with mu Ning xue and xinxia to relieve their anxiety. mu Ning xue got close to alex due to her attraction and ice physique she is used to always feel comfort and safer near alex as her elemental torment became less and less when she was with him.
alex didn't sit ideally he always takes brakes for his cultivation during the year and rarely visits university he is guiding his fire element he already visited flame forbidden valley for flame belly but she isn't born yet but alex had fought with her guardian and showed her future possibilities and threat lurking around her which she appreciated and showed him the time for which flame belly will be born. he was very curious and excited to know about the child of nature he wasn't able to suppress his curiosity and greed to improve quickly as he was still an intermediate level for fire element so he get the better of it and visited before mofan had the chance to acquire knowledge. he even wanted to go for tiansing mountain but even forbidden mages can't fend off white tiger totem so, after contemplating that he wasn't born with MC halo of luck like mofan he dropped his pure suicidal idea and pursued a little safer route. his space element was at threshold but he still can't breakthrough he is quite frustrated as it has been 4years but still he hadn't achieved it. when he had time and he is in university he did train with mu nujioo and give her some insights and he for his grandfather mental piece he had attended some social events where he can meet with some mage court officials and try to form some connections he mostly ignores everybody but to show some respect he always had a polite smile on his face in this gathering he did met with Ai Jiang tu and they quite hit off together well as they both becomes friends and alex like his personality for being straightforward. he even met with Ai tu tu quite childish but he likes her and even treated her like a little sister. they both are contender for world mage competition as Ai Jiang tu is a representative from military and alex from mage court. he did get troubled due to his half decent and not enough reputation and contribution towards the society but due to his grandfather boasting and his information that he is already a high tier mage for fire element which was his first element in front of public he did made a permanent participant of Chinese team.
a year has passed with these events and mofan is finally returning as alex has his eyes on earth elemental spirit seed which is taken by monkey as same in the canon he didn't change these events because he find it's rather irrelevant as doesn't need earth spirit seed. mofan's doesn't come directly to the city first he departs to meet xinxia where he beats the shit of her admirer alex was there as he was informed before that mofan is already on move from monkey. he let them share their moment after he decided to have a friendly chat mofan was delighted to see him and express his gratitude in helping his family and not telling about his demon element. after reconnecting with and giving a brief discussion about what he had missed. alex decided to pay his visit to totem snake and tangyue he didn't want totem to suffer same painfull process of remould and mage court betrayal so he beforehand took down corrupt officials and confronted city mayor and military chief who will be incharge in dealing with totem and after enough evidence about their creation of viruses and their plan to spread among common folks he did get them detained and severely punished. after spending some time with tangyue and totem alex is back in university where mofan is trying his luck whether he can represent his university for world competition alex didn't need fight for as he is already a member of the team same for Ai Jiang tu. Dean xiao offers quite generous rewards for mofan so he accepted it and transferred to the fire department on which his 1st day he had acquired 100th position of the college. fire department head face was a sight to behold his ugly expression and mofan's teasing got the best of it he even swallow the pages that he has in hand out of anger. alex had a hearty talk with mu nujioo and offers his help for whatever problem she is facing. mu nujioo promises that she will take care of it and kisses him on the cheek for help. alex still held her hand and after hugging her he consoles her with says to her to stay strong and be herself. Next day alex takes a flight to ancient city where the peace will be broken soon.