Upon my return to the palace I was summoned immediately not knowing what to expect. The king looked at me and I sometimes wondered if he can read my mind.
"Yes my lord"?
I am not sure if it is his old age but somehow feel that it changed the king. He is very in tuned with how I am feeling. Talk about how I feel looking at the one who created all of it is now sitting head bent, I can see the nervousness but she hid it well. I sat down and must have been by force which made the King jumped as well as his concubine.
"I was going to give you my thoughts today but I can see that you are in need of peace. I had that same look but what worked for me is time alone."
"I would rather be of service my Lord, alone time is not what I need right now!"
I know what you want my dear young servant therefore I want you to take your harp and go into the woods of Cedar and go and collect me the finest of cedar you can find hand-picked by only you. Mark it down for king Hiram and arrange it for them to bring it to the palace".
"Who carved out your instrument?"
"I did it myself my Lord."
"Then I am sure you will make a great choice".
"Why would you need these cedar trees my Lord"?
He said. "It is for My Lord God." With that he dismissed further conversations with him. Request me to play for him and this took him to a place of calm. I think this is about the only thing we have in common. The king fell asleep and now I have only one audience. I played the song of my desires and it transferred to her. It was with deep currents and low notes clearly communicating my want. Her eyes speak of the same. I played until my fingers hurt not wanting this feeling to end but unfortunately it was abruptly stopped by lady desire, Bathesaba. She looked at both of us and knew exactly what was going on. Again I was dismissed. I was out of breath and assumed the Temptress was too.
The night seemed to drag on and I need the coolness of it to clear my head. I found myself close to the altar. I started to speak.
"God of the people of Israel are you really here why why can I not see you. Around here I feel somehow at peace. I spoke to this Lord for hours trying to figure Him out and to understand. Early morning Abigail sends me off. I can see that this woman have so much wisdom and understanding and I knew without a doubt Bathesaba have her hand in this. I respect this woman Abigail. She reminded me of my own mother.
I greeted my mother and went on my way. I walked for days until I eventually made camp in the forest of Lebonon. I was to meet king Hiram of Tyre soon to convey the message of my King his friend.