Chereads / Kindred Hearts Esper Chronicles / Chapter 15 - Prizmatic Hope #5: A Miracle of Fire And Ice

Chapter 15 - Prizmatic Hope #5: A Miracle of Fire And Ice

"Well crap. We're surrounded from all sides. Ever since the security system is busted and a malware screwed our computer in the ass, we're pretty much doomed" said Irene as she dawdled inside the computer room. She almost lost any signs of hope, until she got a video call from her childhood friend Marika on her laptop. Thankfully Irene has a laptop where she used to backup her stuff, in case of any catastrophic events that costs her data like the onethat happened lately to Turquoise's main computer.

"Hello, is this thing on? Irene, can you hear me? This is your pal Marika speaking. I heard that Polaris Sanctuary is suffering from a security breach and the security measures has been deactivated without permission. Well, I got the right solution for it. I'll send you a copy of AzuriteOS, Lazuline's own operating system that's even more secure than your original one. It also comes with an antivirus and an anti malware protocol. All you have to do is to stick an USB thumb drive into your laptop, and I'll send the file" said Marika on the video call.

Irene nodded and sticked her USB thumb drive into her laptop. The file transfer commenced, but it took time because of its large size. To buy time for Irene so she could reactivate the security system, she ordered Hayato to split up the Espers into two teams. Her plan is for Kotaro, Hiroki and Lucy to fight against the Valhalla Agents, and for Daiki to rescue Gabbie from Zaphiel's grasps.

"Did you hear that? We're going to save that girl that captured your eyes! Who was her name again? Oh yeah, Gabbie!" said Draco Piscis. Daiki brandished his sword and prepared to jump into action. He felt something wriggling inside his pocket, and it was his Draco Chaser, his motorbike that could turn into a small dinosaur-like automaton, around the size of a toy. Without a word or two, Daiki released the Draco Chaser and allowed it to transform into its true form. "We got no time to spare! This is my chance to prove my worth to that girl so that I could have a new beloved one, and a sidekick! I shall decide the story's ending!" said Daiki.

"Draco Chaser! The metallic dragon that chases its prey down the streets at a breakneck speed! Let's go, Daiki!" said Draco Piscis. The swordsman then slotted one of the Pyro Enestals that he created from Akiko's Sigil into the motorbike's Enestal slot and drove into the city to search for Gabbie.

Meanwhile, Hiroki, Kotaro and Lucy are out fighting the Valhalla agents together. They're the same people Lucy and Kotaro fought before when they escorted and saved Gabbie and Amy back in Azure City, geared to hunt down and capture Espers for their master's twisted plans. There were not as many as they expected but they fought harder than they were back when in Azure City. They were enhanced by Freia herself with better combat capabilities and cloaking devices that they could use to turn themselves invisible.

"Pfff, these guys aren't a problem to me. I'll cut them down like the wind I am!" said Kotaro as he felt confident with his ninjutsu and his Sigil.

Daiki drove as fast as he could down the streets as he looked for Gabbie. However, he's beset not by Valhalla agents, but motorcycle-riding Paramecium Deviants. Despite being primitive Deviants, they somehow gained the ability to drive motorcycles, presumably as a result of them assimilating with former Blood Gear grunts who used to be biker gangs. They emit shrill and frightening laughs as they attempt to attack Daiki with knives in their hands.

"Those wimps doesn't know that I was once a cavalry commandant general. Time to shift into turbo!" said Daiki as he went even faster and aimed his Dragunbuster at the Deviants, firing at them one by one.

The Deviants' motorcycles went out of control and they crashed into each other or going off track and crashing into walls and street lights. As he drove through the streets, the road in front of him is blocked by a horde of Paramecium Deviants. Not willing to lose early, Daiki charged his bike and rammed it towards them. He then hopped into the air and executed his finisher mid-air as he descended towards the Deviants. The horde was decimated easily and Daiki hopped back into his Draco Chaser.

"Is that all you got, Zaphiel! Hahahahaha!" said Daiki as he drove to an abandoned warehouse. "I sense someone is inside, get ready!" said Draco Piscis within him as he arrived there. He felt something twisted is going on inside, until the lights went on. To Daiki's shock, he saw an unconscious Gabbie tied up on a chair. Guarding her are Zaphiel's lackeys, Bongo Anderson and Althea Davis.

"Look what we got here? A nerd who call himself a Dragonic Swordsman and killed lots of our comrades and friends with his two wretched weapons!" said Bongo. His face was burning with pure rage and hatred.

"It is him. We must be careful because he took down several of our fellow Deviants. If we're not careful, we might end up as his next victim" said Althea. Unlike Bongo, she prefered a careful approach.

"I don't care, Althea! I'm going to take him down here once and for all. You're not getting this blonde bitch back without getting through US first!" said Bongo. He then called upon three powerful Deviants to help him: a Bull Deviant, a Piranha Deviant and a Hyena Deviant. Upon calling the three, he then ordered Althea to guard Gabbie as Bongo himself morphed into his monster form to join the fray against the swordsman.

"I'LL TEAR YA FROM LIMB TO LIMB, AND EAT YA FROM TOP TO TOE!! RRRAAGHH!!" said Bongo as he and his four Deviants charged at Daiki. He was outnumbered, and he didn't have any Enestals except for the Pyro and Cryo Deviants. Despite that, he fought them all by himself with his sword and pistol by his sides. However, things didn't went well for him as the fight turned into a curb-stomp with Daiki receiving fatal blows from his four opponents. Althea smirked as he saw the fight ensued.

"You're such a nuisance, girl. A useless piece of shit, a waste of oxygen too. Once that nerd is gone for good, you will be as good as a tool to Lord Freia. Especially.. this thing" said Althea as she teased and mocked Gabbie with her sharp tongue. She then reached for Gabbie's heirloom as she slipped her right hand through her scarf.

"This is the very thing that our Lord needs to revive our kind who has fallen many years ago. There is one place that served as their tomb, and only this can bring them back to life to bring forth a new dawn for Deviant kind!" said Althea again. She then cackled maniacally upon that.

"Ugh.. hands off.. the girl.." said Daiki as he could only watch Althea toy around with the unconscious Canadian girl as the Deviant Trio and Bongo beat up of the weakened Afilian swordsman. He tried to reach for his sword, but the Hyena Deviant stepped on his right arm. The Piranha Deviant attempted to rip his legs off, but he kicked the fish-like monster away. The Bull Deviant tried to step on his stomach, but Daiki rolled to his side. However, he then fell prey to Bongo in his hideous monster form. His sharp claws pinned Daiki into the ground as he attempted to feast upon the Afilian, but Daiki retaliated by pushing Bongo's head away. "Do something, or else we'll be this bastard's lunch!" said Draco Piscis inside him.

"RAAAGH!! LET ME EAT YOU FOR FUCK'S SAKE!!" said Bongo angrily before he slashed Daiki in the chest.

Daiki howled in pain as Bongo's claw shredded a part of his jacket. He writhed in pain and could only watch the four Deviants laughing at him. "Look at him, what a wimp!" said the Hyena Deviant before he cackled loudly like his DNA base. The swordsman felt sad, as if he failed to protect Gabbie. Meanwhile, Althea has already stolen Gabbie's heirloom, Aurora's Breath. "With this, the reanimation of our kind is inevitable! We won! Hahahahahah! And as for you, you'll become our Lord's greatest asset once she's done with you in her Elimination Chamber!" laughed Althea.

In his mind, Daiki saw manifestations of Euphemia and Ken. The two could only cheer him up as they're already sacrificed their lives to protect Afilia, but Daiki felt as if he was a failure. He could not slay the four Deviants and instead, he was curb-stomped and now he's in the verge of death with Gabbie falling into the hands of the Serpentine Cartel and the Valhalla Consortium. Just before he could give up, his Pyro and Cryo Enestals reacted to each other.

"Look! The Enestals that Akiko and Yukiko gave to you!" said Draco Piscis. Daiki opened his eyes and saw the two Enestals merging into one.

"Behold, the Freezeburn Enestal. Two rivalling elements as one, joined by an unshakable bond as if they shook hands with each other. Akiko and Yukiko were like twins, yet they were not related by blood. I can sense your bond with Gabbie ever since you assisted her that day and may she become your sidekick and companion one day, so grab that Enestal and FIGHT BACK!" said Draco Piscis again as the Dragon Deity's spirit cheered up Daiki.

The swordsman nabbed the Enestal and stood up. "I will not fall in this foreign world to a bunch of monsters like you.. However, I will decide the story's ending! Burst up!" said Daiki as he slotted the Enestal into the Dragunbuster. An aura of fire and ice engulfed him, and after he fired his Dragunbuster, his outfit turned into cyan with orange trimmings and his irises turned half cyan and half orange with cyan tips on his hair. A fiery dragon's insignia replaced his dinosaur-like insignia, and his wounds healed instantly. Bongo and his Deviant trio watched in fear as Daiki gained his new powers.

"Yo! Super Hot Combination! Crunching! Boiling! Elemental Swordsmaaaaaaaaaaaan!" said Draco Piscis enthusiastically as he felt the aura from within.

"I'm boiling up! Let's go at once!" said Daiki before he fought all four Deviants at once. Thanks to the Freezeburn Enestal, he managed to overpower the Deviant Trio with a combo of fiery slashes and icy shots from his Draco Alchemisaber and his Dragunbuster. "Hahahahaha! Go for it, buddy! Teach those wretched beings a lesson!" said Draco Piscis as his soul cheered up Daiki. Gabbie suddenly woke up from her unconsciousness as she felt the cold and warm air engulfing her.

"Ugh.. where am I…?" said the blonde Esper as she woke up and found herself inside the abandoned warehouse.

"She's reacting to your aura! Now's your chance while those three Deviants are weakened!" said Draco Piscis. Daiki then prepared his new special finisher: Sosetsu Ryuuhazan, or the Double Dragon Breaking Slash. Two dragons made of Ice and Fire-elemental auras roared as they flew from Daiki's sword, destroying the weakened Hyena, Bull and Piranha Deviants. The three Deviants then screamed in pain before they exploded together.

"All so I can protect the ones I cared, that's the only reason I fight. Right now, I feel like there's no way I can lose!" said Daiki as he won against Bongo's Deviant Trio.

"Looks like I'll have to help out my pal too" said Althea before she morphed into her monstrous squid-like form to assist Bongo. The two Deviants then fought Daiki, but the swordsman countered their attacks almost perfectly. Althea screamed in pain as Daiki severed a part of her tentacles. Bongo then tried to go for a quick kill on Daiki using camouflage, but his aura weakened Bongo's camouflage ability and he was struck by Daiki with his sword.

"And now, to end you both for what you did to that girl!" said Daiki before he prepared his other special finisher: Reinetsu Dohatsuen, or the Freezeburn Infuriaton. Two bullets of ice and fire danced in the air as they're about to hit both Deviants. However, Bongo pushed Althea out of the way and shielded the squid-like Deviant as he took the blow. Bongo was both burnt and frozen alive as the bullets slowly claimed his life. The clawed Deviant then froze into a huge icicle and exploded violently. Althea was then injured by the icicle's shards, dropping the Aurora's Breath from her hands.

"No… NO!! NOOOOOOOO!! BONGOOOOOOOOOOO!!" screamed Althea as she reverted to her human-like form. She could only saw what remained of Bongo, a huge burn mark on the floor. The female Deviant cried and mourned at the loss of her friend. Daiki then grabbed the Aurora's Breath from her as she writhed in pain on the floor. He then untied Gabbie and returned her clan's heirloom to her.

"Thanks… I don't know how to say it but.. I'm still not used to talk to other people. Leave me alone.." said Gabbie with a pout on her face.

"Come on, not like that. Can you smile, please? Smile, smile!" said Daiki. Gabbie was still sulking, even after she was saved. After he freed Gabbie, Daiki walked together with her out of her warehouse. Not used with the swordsman's kindness, Gabbie prefered to walk alone. The swordsman followed her from behind, trying to gain her attention.

"Ello? Peekaboo! Ooga booga! Hahahaha, here comes Dat Boi!" said Daiki as he tried to get Gabbie's attention. She then turned her back and slapped Daiki for being an attention seeker.

"You're embarrassing me. Now if you please.." said Gabbie before she continued her walk. Daiki felt heartbroken when he heard that. Once again, he was rejected by the Canadian girl.

Meanwhile back with Hiroki and co, they finally managed to cleanse the city off of the Valhalla agents and thanks to Marika, Polaris' security system was restored and Zaphiel's plot was thwarted. Reiko regretted that she could not execute her plan with Zaphiel and retake the rescued Espers including Gabbie, and pulled out of Hokkaido with her remaining Agents.

"We did it, we saved the city together! All is left is to wipe the smile off of Zaphiel's face, and we can finally kick back and relax!" said Hiroki.

"I wanna go to a festival!" said Kotaro.

"Tch, whatever…" said Lucy.

Hiroki and the others returned to the Polaris HQ. Hayato thanked Hiroki, Lucy and Kotaro for their bravery in their fight against the Agents, and Daiki for his bravery in saving Gabbie and defeating Bongo and Althea. "Good work, brave heroes. Thanks to you, Polaris is once again a safe place for Espers. However, our fight is not over yet as Zaphiel himself is still at large. Therefore, our final mission is to eliminate him for good. Once he's dead, then we're free from those Deviant scumbags!" said Hayato as he praised Hiroki and the others.

"Looks like it's not over yet. I hope you still got your Freezeburn Enestal to teach Zaphiel a lesson. And I can feel that bond getting stronger. Just a little more and that girl's yours!" said Draco Piscis from within Daiki.

Althea was left alone without a friend. She left the scene after she lost both Bongo and the Aurora's Enestal. A feeling of regret began to flare within the heartless being, as if Zaphiel used both her and Bongo as his lackeys. "Fuck you Zaph.. this is all your fucking fault! I lost my pal, my dignity and soon my life too… I'll make you pay for this!" said Althea as she walked through the alleys of Polaris while limping. In front of her stands Zaphiel himself.

"I cannot tolerate failures like you. Therefore, I must eliminate you for the sake of myself. Now you can join Bongo out there, as the both of you has outlived your usefulness" said Zaphiel.

"No.. no… wait! NOOOOOOOOO!" screamed Althea before she was killed by Zaphiel with his scythe-like kusarigama, previously owned by Blood Gear's leader Christie Myers. The Deviant girl fell to the ground, clutching her body in pain before she finally exploded harmlessly.

"With these three weapons in my possession, all the memories of my fallen comrades are with me. Christie, Janis and Lethe.. I know what the red-eyed reaper has done to you, but this time, I shall revive you three once I get that crystal off of that bitch's neck. After that, Aomori and Azure City shall fall, along with those Takahitsuji and Futaba scumbags!" said Zaphiel before he disappeared into the darkness.