The guards trembled more and more, casting glances at the guards standing nearby who slowly began to lower their weapons down and lower their heads down.
- You must be ashamed! You, as the first line of defense, succumbed to emotions of fear that could destroy the inhabitants of the city! - The guard continued to shout, knocking out swords and spears from those who did not lower their swords. - I'll take the half-elf Rikua to the elders, while you take Milon and take him to the doctor. Everybody's Free!
Watching with interest as the guards obediently began to walk towards the lying young man and the rest began to disperse the residents, I followed the guard who sometimes looked back at me with one hand holding the hilt of his sword.
- You understand that if you try to grab a sword, you will die? - I asked the guard who only chuckled at my question.
Walking through the city, the residents of the city looked at me with fear; those who walked towards us pressed themselves against the walls and looked down, trembling. How quickly the news of what I did with the young man quickly spread throughout the city.
- Is it true what you said about the huntress Lualia? - The quiet voice of the guard was heard.
Frowning, I got tired of explaining that I didn't do anything with the girl I left the city with earlier.
Trying to calm down and speaking so that only the guard could hear my voice, confirming that I did not do anything with Lualia and thought that she would return to the city, but it turns out that the girl did not return and disappeared somewhere.
- I hope she returns safe, few of the other hunters returned. - The sigh of the guard was heard; in the distance the buildings where the elders were were already visible. - Do you think the elders will allow your companions to stay here?
Shrugging our shoulders and remembering that the guard did not see, we slowly approached the building near which there were residents who wanted to talk about something with the elders.
- I don't know, but I think your city needs experienced guards. - I answered thoughtfully, looking at the standing residents who, seeing us, looked at me and the guard with interest. - What is your name?
The standing residents looked at me and the guard with interest, many began to speak displeasedly when the guard began to say that the elders would first accept me and then the others.
The guard looked from one dissatisfied person to another; it was not clear who he was, but the residents began to fall silent and just look at me displeasedly.
Opening the door and inviting me to come in first, once inside we found ourselves in a corridor that was already familiar to me. Near the door where the elders were supposed to be, there were two guards on each side.
- Minlou, what are you forgetting here? - One of the guards asked in surprise as he examined me and the guard. - You're at the gate today, aren't you?
There was a sigh from the guard, whose name I understood was Minlou, turning to me and pointing his hand at me.
- This half-elf is Rikua and he wants to talk to the elders. - Answering the guard's question, Minlou apparently decided not to talk about how I got into the city. - I don't think they need to introduce him to them; he was in the city not long ago.
The surprised glances of the guards turned to me, one of them frowned, trying to remember something, when he wanted to say something, the sound of doors opening was heard.
Turning my gaze from the guards to the one who opened the door, I was surprised to recognize the one to whom we brought the carcasses with Lualia. The old man coming out was dressed in the same clothes when he went out to get his prey.
There was surprise in his gaze, but apparently he didn't consider it necessary to talk to me, so he didn't say anything as he walked past me.
- Who's next there? Launch them or him. - An irritated voice was heard from the room where the elders were sitting.
Looking at the guards and Minlou who looked at each other, deciding what to do: let me through or not.
The guard with whom I came approached the one with whom I had spoken earlier and whispered something to him, which is why the latter's face began to change, nodding and allowing me to pass.
The surprised partner tried to ask a question, but the guard only clenched his fist, urging him to shut up.
I had assumptions that Minlou told him, taking a last look at him, I went into the room where the elders were sitting.
Walking into the room and looking around at the elders who were surprised and shocked to see me.
One of the places was empty where the elder who wanted to bargain with me was sitting. According to the looks of the elders who glanced at the empty place, they also remembered what happened then.
- Elders, I came to you not to seek quarrel or enmity, but on the contrary. - I addressed them in a calm voice; I could see how some flinched when they heard my voice.
Some elders narrowed their eyes but said nothing, expecting what I wanted to offer them.
- I brought to you a girl and a light elf who are looking for a place where they could live. "I said with a sigh, looking from one elder to another. - They are not robbers, but simply lovers who want to be together.
The elders who looked at me warily were still silent, some began to whisper with those sitting next to me.
- If they are lovers, then why are they looking for a place in our city? - One of the elders asked. - They can find a quiet life if they haven't done anything.
It was clear that the elder was trying to find out more about the past of Aueli and Ru'El, which was not of interest to them yet, which is what I wanted to use.
- You are right and no, one of them broke his oath; he left his post as a guard to save his love. - Smiling, I tried to give my voice a sympathetic tone. - You are probably more interested in how they will benefit you?
Asking the question directly, I saw how many nodded at my question, as I remembered from Lualia's words, here everyone does their job. And the light elf who most likely served as a guard for a long time was very useful to them.
- One of them is a guard who served in the city of Midgen, he will be able to train your residents who work for you as guards to carry out their tasks if there is an attack. - Speaking the last words, it was clear how the elders tensed when they heard about the attack. - And his girlfriend knows certain information that can help you avoid an attack.
I remembered that the girl had not heard the plan to attack the city, but only about the plans of the alliance of forest robbers to attack the city of avel.
- Attacks? You're probably kidding, our city is located on a hill and it's impossible to sneak up on us unnoticed. - Another elder spoke, who supported his head with his hand.
From his behavior I saw that our whole conversation was not interesting to him, continuing to smile and looking away from the elders, I thought about what their faces would be like.
- The girl was in a camp of bandits who were discussing an alliance with other camps to attack you. - Shifting my gaze, I could see how, upon hearing about the alliance, many began to frown and look at each other in surprise. - She will tell you what she knows as soon as you swear to me that they will live in the city and will not be threatened by anything from you or other residents.
While speaking out the conditions, many began to look even more intensely at the other elders. I was mindful of the need not to leave room for the other party to plot something against them.
- What if we break our oath or refuse? - The elder asked with fear in his voice.
Expecting this question, I released fluctuations of magic that forced the elders to press themselves against the tables at which they were sitting; all their attempts to resist were in vain; realizing the hopelessness, they stopped resisting.
- If you break your oath, I will return, and then you and the residents will not be saved by my good attitude towards the huntress Lualia. - Speaking in a cold voice, I called upon the tormentors who sowed fear in the eyes of the elders even more. - And refuse, let it be so, when you are attacked, tell the survivors that you refused me.
Calling off the tormentors and removing the fluctuations in magic, the elders began to glance at each other.
They did not try to hide their fear and what they discussed among themselves, they did not like both possibilities that I voiced to them, the difference was that allowing two lovers to live in the city or losing the lives of residents during a possible attack.
- Well, half-elf Rikua, we agree to accept your companions in our city. - The elder said to me and looked at the others and saw their nod of agreement. - We swear not to harm them.
I was ready to turn around and leave, but the last words prevented me from doing so, shaking my head and grinning at the elder.
- There is no need for elders to try to deceive me. - I said in a calm voice and slowly walked up to the place where one of the elders was sitting. - You all must take an oath.
Looking from one elder to another, I waited until they all swore an oath, making sure that they did everything as I demanded, smiling at them, I was ready to leave when I remembered.
- Guard Minlou escorted me here and I will hand over my companions. - As I addressed them, I saw anger appear in some of their looks. - And remember, you are responsible for the residents of the city and your decisions can destroy it or not. When I come back here next time.
Without waiting for an answer from the elders, I closed the door, the guards who stood near the door looked at me in disbelief.
They heard the last part of my words, turning their gaze to Minlow who was looking thoughtfully at the door and then to me.
- Did you hear what I just said? - I asked him after waiting for confirmation and grinning at him as I headed towards the exit. - Then let's go, I still need to go back.
I decided not to tell him that Auel had to tell everything she knew about a possible attack by the robbers; she would rather tell the light elf everything.
Returning to the gate, I met residents who tried to go out in front of me, but one glance at them was enough for their courage to disappear.
Returning to the gate, which was still open, none of the guards dared to close the gate next to which the wyvern was.
Minlow shook his head and said something in a whisper and it was difficult for me to understand what he was talking about.
- Wait here, I'll bring them to you now. - Addressing Minlou, some guards froze when they heard my words and looked expectantly at the person I was speaking to.
Guard Minlou winced and nodded and began shouting at the frozen guards, ordering them to get down to business.
Coming out of the gate and approaching the wyvern, which spread its wings and let out a strange roar.
I approached her and ran my fingers over her scales and saw Auel and Ru'El who were looking at me with concern.
- Don't worry, they are ready to accept you as residents of their city. - Smiling at them, I could see how their views and faces began to change. - Ru'El will train the guards and do his usual work for himself, and you Auel will have to tell him everything you know about a possible attack and the alliance of robbers.
The girl, hearing that she would have to remember her experience again, became gloomy, but feeling the touch of the light elf changed her face.
- Now come down, I will introduce you to the guard who will be responsible for you - Turning to them, I extended my hand, helping first the girl to come down and then Ru'El.
Once on the ground, they began to walk strangely, thinking about the reasons for their strange behavior, the thought came to me that it was because of the flight and being on a wyvern.
- Wait Trey, we'd like to talk to you. - Auel said confusedly in a quiet voice.
Surprised by her behavior and stopping, I looked back at them, they were both acting strange, something happened while I was gone? I had doubts that someone was threatening them when the wyvern was nearby.
- We are very grateful to you and Keirin and we are indebted to you forever. - Ru'El turned to me, who was just as nervous as the girl. - Will you allow us to become your servants?
Do they want to serve me? Without holding back my laughter and laughing, I could see how the looks of the girl and the light elf standing in front of me began to change to shame.
- I told you Auel that I am not of a noble family and I have no need for servants. - When addressing them, it was difficult for me to hold back my laughter while watching their faces. - Keirin may be my servant, but in reality she is my partner. Do not bind yourself to serving me because of what I have done for you.
Raising my hand up calling them to be silent, I could see that Auel wanted to say something, but I hadn't finished yet.
- If you want to swear allegiance, I don't know a better candidate than Keirin. - Stopping laughing and smiling at them and looking from the girl to the light elf. - She was worried about you, and if it weren't for Keirin, I think this conversation wouldn't have happened, but now let's go.
Without waiting for an answer from them, I turned and walked towards the gate where Minlow was waiting for us, looking from the girl to the light elf and then to me. I approached him and waited for the silent Auel and Ru'El, who tried not to look at me.
- Meet Minlou, the guard of this city, he is responsible for you. - As I spoke, I saw the guard frown but remained silent. - The girl's name is Auel and she will tell the light elf Ru'El everything she knows. Now goodbye, it's time to go back.
Surprised by my behavior, the guard tried to say something, but I didn't listen to him. It was time to return to the camp and return to the academy.
Having climbed onto the wyvern and made sure that the girl and the light elf had disappeared behind the gate and ordering the wyvern to rise into the air, I headed back to the camp where Keirin remained.