Chereads / Herald of Chaos / Chapter 175 - The Baron receives disturbing news part 2

Chapter 175 - The Baron receives disturbing news part 2

- Baron Falo is waiting for you in the hall, I will escort you. - The captain said, offering the deputy head of the mercenary guild to follow him.

Ingor nodded at the words of the captain and they went inside the castle to the hall in which the baron was waiting for him.

Approaching the hall, the captain opened the door to let the deputy head of the mercenary guild pass through and entered himself, examining the hall in which the light fell from magic lamps. In the middle of the room stood a large table at which sat a gloomy baron.

- Leave us alone and don't let anyone in here. - Baron Falo ordered his captain.

After waiting for the guard to leave and close the door behind him, he shifted his gaze to the deputy of the mercenary guild who sat opposite him and was visibly nervous.

- What happened Ingor, why did you come here at night? - The baron asked in a suspicious voice.

If Ingor arrived in the middle of the night, it meant that something had happened to his youngest son.

He had no idea what exactly if his son explored the world for everyone, only a few people knew that his son was hiding in the forest with robbers.

- On the gang where your son is located, took the tasks of the stufon. - Said the deputy of the mercenary guild, glancing around.

The mercenary guild had an agreement with the baron that they would not give out tasks to anyone for this gang and make it difficult even to try to take it.

And Falo provides them with more gold to improve the mercenary guild and promote the head to the city council. Everything was as they agreed, but the appearance of this stufon could ruin everything.

- As a stufon took this task, you assured that it was not available for taking in your mercenary guild! - Uncomprehendingly asked the baron, hitting the table with his fist.

He was a little worried about the stufon, but if he took this task, then what to say about others who could destroy the camp where his son was? And then the unpleasant truth for the baron and his family will be open.

- He took tasks not from the mercenary guild, but from the head of the caravan, we could not prevent this in any way. - Answered Ingor trying not to look into the eyes of the baron.

The baron only grunted at the words of his interlocutor, considering the possible consequences, he doubted that the stufon would return from there alive.

- Is there someone behind this stufon or why did you come here? - Asked the baron relaxing in his chair while looking at the deputy of the mercenary guild.

Sighing, Ingor began to explain that after the message to the academy that the stufon had taken tasks, white death arrived in the city.

Watching Falo's expression change. He did not need to be told what the dark elf was famous for, and according to the deputy, she did not plan to leave the city for some time.

- Certainly a worrying situation for us, but you've done your best, I doubt she'll be looking for the gang. - Falo said thoughtfully, rubbing his chin with his hand.

Observing the behavior of the baron, the deputy shook his head, thinking about how to say the rumors that had reached him.

- You see, certain rumors reached me that it was he who killed Rual. - Perhaps it is not so simple. Ignor spoke his fears, clasping his hands together.

The baron, who had been sitting relaxed until then, tensed at the words that the head of this gang had been killed.

In fact, he did not care about the life of this robber, but if he was killed, the life of his youngest son was in danger and not because of the stufon.

- How did Ruala even find this stufon? - The baron asked incomprehensibly, remembering the last conversation with the leader of the gang.

When they last spoke to him, Rual said that they did not plan to leave the forest, after the recent attack on the caravan, they had everything in abundance.

Falo urged him not to leave the camp until the city guards calmed down. They made too much noise in their latest attack.

- You have not been informed yet, but part of the gang under his leadership tried to attack the caravan and Rual, like all the attackers, died. - Replied the deputy guild of mercenaries examining the face of the baron.

It was noticeable that the baron was surprised by what he heard, not only that the leader of the gang had died, but that other robbers had also died. The participants were not weak and their continued success spoke to their experience and skill.

- And according to the words of the chief, the guards of the caravan of the leader of the robbers, it was the stufon who killed him. - Adding said Ingor looking at the face of the baron is becoming more and more pale.

The lost baron looked incomprehensibly at the man who told him that the leader of the robbers was killed by some kind of stufon.

He did not believe in this, Falo admitted that stufons are future talented magicians. But kill an experienced warrior and then go to destroy the bandit camp?

- Let me know if any information about this stufon appears or the white death will go to the forest in search of it. - The baron said thoughtfully, getting up from his chair.

He was absorbed in his thoughts and did not tell Ignore that the conversation was over. The mercenary guild's deputy observed the behavior and didn't need to announce that their meeting was over.

Leaving the hall, the baron went to his room with thoughts that tormented his head.

If the stufon was able to cope with Rual, then how sure was he that this unknown person would not dare to test his strength in the camp where Falo's son was hiding?

He needed to contact his son as early as possible and warn him of the possible danger.

And it's better for him to return to the castle at all, he, as a father, fulfilled his promise, allowed him to live in the forest with the robbers, but now it's time to return.

Returning to the room, examining it in search of a rune stone, he did not find it for a long time.

But after some time, he managed to find the cursed runestone. Raising it in his hand, he began to quickly search for the name of his son.

Find the name, he pressed it, waiting for an answer, the baron did not notice how the remnants of sleep left him. Time passed, but the baron did not receive an answer from his son, putting the stone back, he thought.

What can he do in such a situation? He will not be able to send his squad as a baron until the robbers attacked the village or city, his hands were tied.

He gave the order to the city guards not to leave the city, and if now he gives the order to leave the city and go to the forest, it will look strange.

Unable to find a place for himself, an anxiety appeared in him that he was not able to describe.

Raising the rune stone once more and clicking on the name of his son Falo, he waited for an answer, but again it did not follow.

- Where are you my son? - Baron Falo spoke with concern in his voice, looking at the name of his son, which was also blinking.

He continued to try to contact him all night but received no answer. His sleepy face and his gaze fixed on the stone made him a sculpture that breathed. Sighing, he had no choice but to wait and hope that everything is in order with his son