Looking around, I saw the dean who carefully examined me, then, getting up from his chair, he came up and looked into my eyes, interest was visible in his eyes.
- As I understand it, you accepted her mark and became the chosen one, didn't you? Ama'Layne asked in an interested voice.
- You are right Ama`Lane, I became the chosen one of the goddess Ges and she answered some of my questions regarding this world. - I answered standing up and suddenly noticed that I had become taller, my eyes began to notice the circulation of magic, my hearing also became aggravated allowing me to hear what was happening behind the door, thinking about whether this is called the mark of the goddess? What I became I could only see the hands and other parts of the body but I could tell that they had become darker and red ran through them dressed in a uniform I turned to the dean.
- I do not know what is written in the books of the light elves about the war of the five races, but I can tell you what the goddess Ges told me. - I spoke in a calm voice, but noticed that he became more melodic, throwing out questions about changing his body, while I tried to remember what Ges told me.
- In our books, what I told you earlier is described, I want to hear the version of the goddess, perhaps this will shed light on how we can return the former magic. - The dean said thoughtfully, continuing to examine me, which made it seem to me that I was like a funny little animal for him.
- All races disappointed the gods, when they saw where everything was going, they redirected magic to some other world where those races that disappeared during the war of five races were resettled. - Trying to summarize the information received from the goddess, since it would take a long time to retell the whole conversation, I saw the dean flinch and anger flashed in his eyes.
- Disappointed, yes? They are too arrogant to allow the races to become less dependent on them and therefore simply took from us what is ours by right! - Annoyed said the dean and continued.
- You said they redirected magic to another world, did you meet the goddess in that world? Did you feel the magic change in that world?
Watching how the dean behaved, I tried to calm down and remember the sensations from magic. But I couldn't tell if it was that world or this one, I started seeing magic only recently and I couldn't compare the fluctuations here and there and give an affirmative answer, shaking my head seeing that the dean was waiting for an answer from me, I began to think how to explain to him.
- I can't tell you in what world we had a meeting with her, I don't know it was night around and there was only a fire, only after she accepted me as her chosen one I was able to see mana fluctuations. - Putting my hand on my chin, I began to think, but really in what world did we meet with her? Could the ritual break through the wall between the worlds to accept someone as the chosen one, if yes does not mean that you can open a portal to that world?
- What else did she tell you? Do they plan to send the Chosen to other races again? - Asked the dean, it is clear that he began to calm down after I told him that the gods were disappointed.
- She said that they were watching the world and us but she didn't say anything about their plans but that cannot be ruled out. - I answered thinking about her last words that everything depends on me, I did not say this to the dean because I had no idea how he could react.
- Do you believe her words? Do you think we have a chance to regain the magic that those greedy gods took from us? - He asked, it was clear that this question was important to him, whether it was related to the fact that the light elves lost light magic or another reason, I did not know.
- Blind faith can lead to death or fall, but I would listen to her words, the dean, there may be a chance, but like you, I do not know what to do. - I said looking directly into his eyes, I could not tell him that at the moment I do not believe that the races have any chance to return the former magic back, they did not learn what the gods wanted to say.
- Words of wisdom from a young man like you but I agree with you so if you have any ideas how we can get the magic back let me know. - Nodding his head at my words said Ama`layn.
I could only chuckle, the dean was trying to play on my little experience in the world to manipulate me, even if he knew where and who I don't think he could assume that the improvement was not only external, but also my brain began to work differently.
- Of course, I'll let you know if any information comes up. - Agreeing with him, I bowed, thinking that our conversation had come to an end, about to leave, he stopped me.
- Trey, remember don't tell anyone what happened here, this morning there will be a meeting of students for distribution to classes after you have changed, few people recognize you, so try not to draw too much attention to yourself in the lessons, do you understand me? - The dean asked in a serious voice.
Bowing my head, I did not quite understand the words of the dean of class distribution? But doesn't the talent check indicate that I should be assigned to the swordsman class, and now it turns out that there will be more class assignments.
- I see that they didn't tell you everything, the talent check does not indicate which class you will be enrolled in. The fact that today many new stufons were assigned to some class does not mean that they cannot be transferred. The academy nurtures talented magicians and swordsmen only after passing the distribution classes will be fixed for a year. - Seeing my misunderstanding, the dean decided to explain the situation.
I could only take a deep breath, my stay at the academy was already reminiscent of a big test, so now even this morning there will be distribution by class.
- How will the distributions take place? By talent or what? - More and more not understanding, I asked the dean.
- The talent may be great, but the person or a member of another race will be weak and unable to demonstrate its scope, so the talent will not affect the distribution by class. - The dean answered, touching the ring, he removed his chair, looking at the circles, he whispered something and the floor became clean again.
- Can you elaborate more? So far you are explaining very vaguely. I said, feeling irritation in my voice.
- I can't tell you everything, otherwise you will get an advantage over other stufons, I can only say that there will be three stages. The dean shook his head.
My irritation intensified, I didn't like it when something was hidden from me, but it reassured me that everyone else was in a similar situation, which means we were in the same frame.
- Now you can go, last advice trust your instincts tomorrow you as the chosen one can do a lot without even realizing it yourself. - The dean said after examining me again, going towards the door without waiting for my answer.