Regulation of the software industry:
In 1998, Gates rejected the need for regulation of the software industry in testimony before the united States Senate. During the Federal Trade Commission's investigation of Microsoft in 1999s.
Donald Trump Facebook ban:
On February 18, 2021 after Facebook and Twitter had banned Donald Trump from their platforms as a result of the 2020 United States president election which led the 2021 United status Capitol attack, Gates set a permanent ban of Trump.
Patents for COVID_19 vaccines:
In April 2021, during the COVID-19 pandemic, Gates was criticized for suggesting the pharmaceutical companies should hold onto patents for COVID-19 vaccines. The criticism came due to possibility of this preventing poorer nations from obtaining adequate vaccines.
Bill Gates opposed to the Trips waiver. Bloomberg News reported him as saying he argued that Oxford university should not given away the rights to its COVID-19 information, as it had announced, but instead sell it to a single industry partner, as it did.
Bill Gates is critical of cryptocurrency like Bitcoin. According to Bill Gates, cryptocurrency provide no valuable output contribute nothing to society and pose a danger especially for smaller business.