The fire spread, illuminating the room, it's heat rising with every second. The air filled with the smell of burning wood. From the calculation, the fire alarm would chime in 3, 2, 1....
"Woooooo... Woooooo... Woooooo..."
I sweep my crying child out of his cot, burying his fragile body in my chest.
Bang Bang Bang
The door cracked.
"Did you fucking set a fire?" he yelled. "You are so foolish choosing to burn than to return to the crib."
I ran out of the balcony, edging forward, my child crying in one hand.
"Help!!!" I screamed. "Fire!!!"
I could see the nights on the neighboring apartment turn on one after the other.
Crackle!!! The flames had engulfed the door and spread to the walls. Suddenly, the bangs stopped,
Did he leave?
Suddenly I see a familiar car, the brothels car, drive off. He left. Now I had to find a way to quench this fire or escape.