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Phantom's War

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Rudo, born psychic, was trained her whole life to join a Secret War against the enemies of humanity, the Phantoms by her Uncle Mugen, a member of the Crow Secret Society that combat these monsters. However, she never took her training seriously until the day she fights an actual phantom.

Chapter 1 - Part 1: Love, Death and Rudo

''One day, Rudo, you will be called to save the world from Phantoms with your powers. You must not falter in your training until that day.''

That was one of the first memories Rudo had of her powers, her Uncle and the Crows' war with the Phantoms. The Crow Society was a secret society occupied with the goal of eradicating Phantoms from the World. Their ranks were mainly composed of psychics and other superhumans. Phantoms, on the other hand, were former humans who became monsters when they cheated death by means of wanting to live when they should be dead. As a result, they became supernatural creatures of the night that haunt and terrorize on unsuspecting humans. The Crow Society prevents these monsters from doing so while keeping their own existence a secret from the public.

Rudo was born a psychic and was wanted by the Crows. Despite being trained to join their ranks by her Uncle Mugen, she didn't care about the war between the two. She felt that there were more important activities at hand such as high school exams and despite being adept at using her abilities and combat, she slacked off.

''RUDO!! BREAKFAST IS READY!! COME AND EAT, I MADE YOUR FAVOURITE: JAM, EGGS AND TOAST!!!'' bellowed Mugen from the dining room. He held a frying pan and wore an apron.

''Gosh. You don't have to shout Uncle. My room is right here! Who the hell shouts at eight in the morning?'', snapped Rudo as she got out of the room. At 18 years of age, the ginger girl was a beauty with emotional issues.

''You know your not a girl anymore, right? You can't walk around the house in your undies anymore!'', replied Mugen. ''And you know we're practically the same age if we go by looks right? So, you have no place telling me that.''

Rudo was well aware that her Uncle was far older than she was. Like, at least three centuries older. It was as a result of his immortality. The very immortality that would earn him a place in the Crows as a Suit(agent of the Crow Society).. His youth was a symbol of it. She was just teasing.

Mugen was offended. ''I pay for everything in this house and this- this is how you treat me???'', he weeped. '' Damn teenagers.'', he muttered.

''Remember Uncle, we're practically the same age'', Rudo bellowed while eating a slice of toast and jam. Mugen's spirit was broken.

Rudo's ginger pigtails danced in the wind as she raced to school on her moped. The sight of a ginger was a rare sight but Rudo didn't care. Rudo did what Rudo wanted to do whether anybody liked it or not.

Rudo passed an accident on her way to school. It involved 3 cars. Rudo could tell that at least 5 people were in critical condition. However, she was running late and didn't want to get involved.

St Thomas College was a prestigious high school on Dodon Island. Held in high regard for its outstanding academic performance and sports acumen, it was a common reason why many visited the Island and their teachers were came from every corner of the planet.

Rudo walked into her classroom. Class hadn't yet begun meaning that she beat the time. As their teacher hadn't arrived, her classmates were gathered in groups having discussions. It was a regular event that Rudo was used to but she never engaged in conversations with them. It wasn't because she was anti-social; rather, it was because of their thoughts. Despite their smiles and laughs, none of them had good thoughts. Their thoughts were negative and very unkind towards one another. Just being in the same class with them was a burden for her. Their thoughts clouded her mind to the point there was no space for her own thoughts. So she kept to herself.

'Hey Rudo!' shouted a girl in her class. Rudo recognized her a Mina, a very popular girl among the boys. '' Why don't you come and sit with us? Only loners sit alone.''

''Sorry. Being a loner suits me.'', Rudo replied.

Rudo sat in the back of the class and brought out a book. She refused the offer because she could sense that Mina did not mean well at all. Despite Rudo being psychic, she didn't really enjoy her abilities. It made it hard to socialize with others when you know what they're thinking, what they've done and you can see their memories. Because of that, she often sat alone and minded her business.

The day was full of pop quizzes, then lunch, then pop quizzes again. No lessons at all. Class was rife with boredom and a cloud of depression. 'This is so unfair...'' was the common thought of everybody in the class except Rudo. She apparently enjoyed the tests knowing full well that she was going to keep her streak of top student going. No test could cheat her psychic ability.

The long day eventually ended and Class 3-C were engaged in a classroom clean-up. It was customary in St Thomas College to clean up classrooms after school for 30 minutes( mind you, school ends at 4pm). Rudo's gloomy classmates muttered and chatted about the day and suddenly somebody asked about a boy called Ken. '' Guys what happened to Ken? I didn't see him today'', asked. ''Neither did I. His seat was empty today and his phone wasn't ringing.'', one boy said. '' At least he missed the pop quizz. What a lucky guy...'', another chuckled. ''Guys less talking and more action! I wanna leave.'', snobbed Kiki, the richest girl in the class. She sat atop a table, with legs crossed and filed her nails. '' Then you should be helping us!'', they shouted back. ''And get dirty? Not me. I'm not made for that. Now clean faster!!'', she barked.

Rudo didn't like her at all. Of all her classmates, she couldn't stand her. Her flashy lifestyle and her snobbish personality irritated her. Yet, her classmates sheepishly followed and obeyed her. Eventually Rudo threw a duster at her.

''Wha- Why did you do that! You got powder all over me!!!'', she whined.

'' Then clean it off, miss High and Mighty. Then when you're done with that, come and join us this said. We could 'really' use your help.'' said Rudo. The sound of laughing emerged from the mouths of everybody in the class. It was rare to hear Rudo's voice and even rarer to witness somebody that could actually bring Kiki down from her imaginary throne.

Kiki surprisingly began to dust the tables and chairs to the surprise of everybody. Even Rudo was surprised. Kiki was enjoying the clean-up more than everybody and soon dusted off every table and chair and even window panes within a space of 5 minutes. '' Is that it? I thought there'd be more. Guys lets do this again tomorrow!'' she smiled. '' That's what we do everyday Kiki!!!'' shouted everybody else.

Rudo smiled and she hoped that this change would last. However, she suddenly felt a chill run down her back and could hear footsteps as everybody got ready to leave the class. It was probably just a nerve but she was sure something was wrong. All of a sudden, the window opened. And standing in the opening was Ken, who had not attended school during the day. He was a bleeding mess with bits of flesh hanging, torn up clothes and dried blood. He looked like a zombie holding a bouquet of flowers. ''Kiki! I am here!''

Everybody turned around and saw their classmate. Seeing his present form made them gasp. ''Ken! What happened to you?'' ''Nothing a little love can't fix.''

'' Are you sure? You've got bits of flesh sticking out and dried up blood. You need a hospital.'', replied Kiki. ''Ahhh, Kiki, you always know just the right words to say! That's why I couldn't let myself die during the accident this morning. Please accept this token of my love!!!'', bellowed Ken barely holding up the bouquet of flowers.

There it was. That was what caused alarm in Rudo. Ken was involved in that accident in the morning and probably should have died due to the intensity of the collision of the three vehicles. Yet he didn't due to his infatuation with Kiki. A girl who did not even look in his direction and could return his feelings no matter how much he tried. Rudo felt sorry for him but right now she sensed danger. She opened her mouth to speak but no words came out.

''So, what will it be Kiki? Yes or No?'', asked Bekka, a classmate. ''It's a no. I don't know what made him think that escaping ER was romantic. In actual truth it's not. So sorry to say, but Ken, I don't like you.''

The cold truth hit Ken hard. So hard in fact that he clutched his chest and started coughing. It was a dry, raspy cough that released blood. His classmates flinched at the pitiful sight of him. Somebody wanted to help him down, but then Rudo suddenly slapped their hand away.

''Everyone, stay back! Don't touch him! He is too dangerous!!''

''Dangerous? What are you talking about? Ken looks like he can barely stand up! He clearly needs help!'', shouted a boy called Erik. The class muttered in agreement. ''You might not agree with what I'm saying but trust me, the Ken we knew is gone. This isn't Ken. It stopped being him this morning. Try getting close to him and you'll die. So I suggest you all leave. NOW!'' They looked at each other in confusion. Sensing their disapproval and hearing thoughts like: '' I prefer when Rudo doesn't speak, to be honest'', '' When did Rudo start drinking? '' '' Rudo better hook me up with her drug supplier... heehee'' and ''What a bitch!'', Rudo decided to send an image of their deaths if they didn't leave into their thoughts. All of a sudden, they picked up their bags and headed for the door.

In the blink of an eye, Ken disappeared from the window pane. He now leaned over blocking the door. ''Nobody leaves until she accepts it! Nobody leaves till KIKI ACCEPTS MY LOVE!!!!!!'', he screamed. His eyes, formerly bloodshot were turning black and tendrils emerged from his back. '' SAY ITTTTT KIKI, OR I'LL KILL EVERYONE!!!''

The students were unsure of what they were seeing but they were sure that danger lay ahead if not sudden death. ''Just say it Kiki. Nobody wants to die.'' whispered Bekka. '' No.'' was the reply.

''Now listen bud. I felt sympathy for you seeing your condition but right now, I don't know if I can say I feel the same. Kiki just made it clear that she doesn't want your love. What's so hard to understand?'', said Erik. Classic speaker. ''As a man, we've got to know where to cross the line, bud.'', he continued. ''SHUUUUUUUTTTTTTTTTTTTT UPPPPPPPPPP!!!!'' screamed Ken once again. His face no longer looked human. His nose had sunken in and his eyes looked bulbous like an alien. His skin looked silky and his hair was falling out. The most disturbing part about his looks was his lips that were missing and his mouth that now contained rows of razor sharp teeth. ''IT SEEEMSS YOU WANNA DIEEEEE, HUH? I'LLL KILLLLL YOUUU THENNNN!!!!'', he screamed as he ran towards Erik and the others tendrils now sharpened and bared against them.

Rudo who was quiet the whole time could feel his anger and pain and had to kill him quickly before those feelings were lost and he truly became a monster. Yet she couldn't. She was stuck to the ground until she saw him about to kill her classmates. Something snapped and she threw a table at him telekinetically. Her hair was now undone and standing. She looked very frightening to her classmates and they watched as she floated past them. ''Way to go, Rudo! Kick his ass.'', hollered Kiki. ''Shut it.'', replied Rudo.

The angry Ken got up from the rubble and the girls started screaming. All except for Rudo. Annoyed with their screams, she says: Sleep and every person there is knocked out including the boys. Now her mind was clear. ''KIKIIII, PLEASEEEE LOVEEE MEEEE!!!!'', wailed the running form that was formerly Ken. ''I don't know if it's still you or the Phantom that you've become, but please shut it!'', Rudo shouts, kicking its face at full force with both her legs. The Phantom was sent backwards but once again ran forward, no longer talking but its right arm is outstretched and its screeching. Rudo prepared to punch it head on when it approached, remembering a piece of her combat training. Unfortunately, it moved quite fast and with its tendrils, knocked Rudo towards the wall of another classroom. Giggling, it rushed towards class 3- C where the others were huddled together, sleeping. However, an invisible rope held it back. Struggling to move, it grabbed ahold of the rope and hoisted very fast, pulling Rudo who created the construct and threw her into the classroom. She flew into the tables and was knocked out.

Suddenly, a hand stopped the drooling phantom as it was about to touch the sleeping children. The hand unlike the rope actually grounded the Phantom. ''I think that's enough.'' said a deep, masculine voice; no different from the boys in the class. The Phantom looked up and stared at a white-haired, purple-eyed teenager with rings under his eyes. It giggled and tried to move its tendrils to attack. However, the teenager stepped on them causing it to howl in pain. ''Sorry about that'' he smiled. The Phantom got angry and distorted its body to escape his grasp. Only for an iron stake to go through the back of its head and then out of its mouth. The Phantom was surprised. Suddenly, it caught fire and started screaming in pain. As the sun set began, it turned to ashes. ''Rest in Peace.'' the boy said.

Police surrounded St Thomas and they had all the children give statements about what took place. Unfortunately, none of them actually know what they are talking about because they were given false memories of what took place when they were put to sleep. Because of that, the school was closed down for a while.

Rudo awoke in her living room. Bruised and beaten, she was unable to get up from the couch. ''You took quite the beating didn't you?'', laughed Uncle Mugen. Her white haired Uncle's sense of humor didn't appeal to Rudo. She was upset with what had taken place. ''Not talking? Okay. Want some cake, though?''

As if she didn't hear him, Rudo asked: ''Uncle, how do I become a Crow?''