The poor boy as think that he make his future he start his study day at night and some time he help his family .he do part-time work when his study is finished he got some good jobs and some benifts.which he thought for his future.even that time he decided that he want work very hardly.when he collection some money.he want to buy house and bring their family to the that time he help him sister.brothers . their family depends on him he makes his brother like him he may use his collection to study of his sister they will complete their education.after that he see his sister and brother marriage.he face all these things so after that he makes his marriage and he complete their whole family.....
The rich boy think and depend on his father and grandfather.he can't be struggle for their future plains.he know that he is one who can next King of his family.he can no depends for his sister or brother he us his expensive more than his need ......
Thanks and regards
Rahim Gul