Every girl wants her dreams to come true And let every girl fulfill her desire And we girls are very sad in life
Our families have a boy, not a girl, at birthš
We girls are a burden on our families
But we girls also put all our dreams and desires aside and make our families happy
but it's not for to girls
Why do we girls have to suffer?
But they should have the right to fulfill every wish We girls also want to fulfill our desires.
And we girls can't even get married
Every girl has a dream and she wants to fulfill her dream Every girl wants to be something
air hostess
business woman
restaurant girl
visitor to every countries
Every girl wants to fulfill her dream
But no, our families don't do that. Girls don't talk loudly. Boys can't make friends Can't be filled
How will she fulfill her dream if she is not satisfied?
tell me?
But when our families do not fulfill our wishes and just say that now you have to get married
Then at the same time our dreams are shattered and then we just say everything and get married
Here are some of my ones I found to be interesting:
All I want to say is let the family give their daughters the freedom to fulfill their desires.So that he will never be disappointed
if you agree girls we need freedom š