Chereads / You are Unlovable / Chapter 6 - Chapter

Chapter 6 - Chapter

I head out and stand there. It's a nice weather, It's almost time for sunrise and I get the perfect idea. I lock the door and head to my car. It's been so long since I saw the morning world. I mean early morning. And I'm in good mood so. I start and drive on 40. I can just roam around the city. There are 1 or 2 early birds jogging along the pavements already. I head to the downtown. It's so quiet and dark. I roll down the windows, mmmh cool wind. Why didn't I do this before. It's making my mood. I'm driving on the streets now, passing the closed stores, buildings and apartments. Dogs are the only ones awaken here. I take a right after sometime driving straight I take a left, I drove here before but just for passing, so I check out the surroundings. Oh, that is the Avenue. I drive forward, houses are far away from each other here. After driving more inside, there are several alleys. I drive nonchalantly. No one and nothing. The sun is still nowhere to be found. Wait, there's a man, I can't see him, I stop my car. What is he doing? It's back of a bar, enclosed by walls except where it's facing east. Hmm. Not my buisness. I touch my keys but I turn to look at him one more time. "Jesus!" I close my mouth instantly. What in the duck? What am I seeing, am I lucid dreaming? Why is he floating in the air!? How is he floating in the air? "My my oh my gooood" I peep out just a little to see more clearly. Yes, floating in the air. Oh-oh! the sun's coming up. I half expect him to burn. But no. It's rising further up.  Dressed in a hooded coat. What the hell! He's glowing. I'm not sure but I look around if there's anyone else watching? I sigh, wautvwhy am I relieved?? Hey, he's turning and glowing still floating. Is it a demon? Ghost? Some kind of superhuman? I focus my eyes but is -is that? shit! it's eyes, they're glowing orange like fire, shit! I am seeing it's eyes meaning... I start my car, fuck it was looking at my way. But I don't think it could have seen me inside my car. But I quickly step it down, the car halts. I swing the door open and run back, run towards where he was. There's nothing. I walk more close. My whole body freezes at the appearance of fierce hot red-orange light/body. I stare holding my breath. I feel like I should run.

"I saw you!" My mouth is real dry. He lands down, just a few feet infront of me. I swallow the air hard in my throat. The light fades slowly. "I am right!" I exclaim. Looking into his now changing eyes. I recognised them. What do I do now? I took a step back cautiously. Uhm I think it was not so wise although I know now, it's him. "You." He exhales. Eyes focused on me, aimed at me. "Alex." I find my voice. How did I not know! Yeah he's a disguise. "What are you?" I scurry my eyes if there's anything I could use to defend myself if, ahem. "I'm not a threat." He walks forward. I take a step back tentatively. He stops. "Horror stories convince you otherwise." Is he really not bad? Well he's definitely not a creature of the night, he likes sun too I guess. "Did you suspect me" he asks gauging my thoughts. "No, I-" I find my courage "you were good" there don't become the prey. He smirks. "I guess not" he pulls his hood down. "Don't be afraid I never hurt people" he steps forward again. "You're willing confessions even before I raised the question " I accuse. He smiles  " mm, well this situation is not something I faced often. " He puts his hand forward I try not to flinch. He gestures me to take it. This could end up bad. "I'll keep your secret" I assure him. He laughs a bit. I put my hand in his and he grips it. His hand us toasty warm. "I guess you're filled up with questions"  I stay silent. "Dani I'm really not going to do anything." He puts his other hand over and then lets go of mine. "Maybe I can explain in my house" he asks, almost looking very much like he did till yesterday. I nod. See, something's started now and it's irreversible. I walk first, to my car. He looks at me and then sits beside me. I drive to his house.

When he gets out, I think about starting the car and driving off. "Want some coffe?tea?" He puts down his coat down in the table and brings me a cup. Pulls my hands and places it in my hands. He sits on the table, facing me. "You're not human?" I make it sound more like a statement. "I'm not, well ultimately. " My heart's beating real fast. "Do you want to go? Are you afraid?" He asks me rather concerned. I nod no. Yeah heroines are stupid. "Okay. But if you do, I'm just gonna sit here" he adds. "What are you?" I ask. "Mmm, I knew it would come to this, so. I am a descendant of a pheonix force. " Pheonix? Force. Descendant. It's officially a movie now, my life. I'm glad I didn't sip the coffee. I would have probably be spitting it out if I had. " You're a bird? " I ask now just a tad not on guard. He scoffs " no, men git to know little things about the world but what they think they know it as, it's nature's plan." I raise my eyebrows. "A little history. You see, humans" he smiles at me and I smile back. "humans still don't know the exact history. The comet, the end of the world and dinosaurs, that's when we took birth, born from raw force of death, we were born from it." This is way more unbelievable. "We were but just, rays and energy; force. World evolved so did we. We took life form. For several centuries. The sun is our source. Then again we evolved in time. Finally becoming the pheonix. Not a bird, not so sure though, we don't, it's almost as we've turned air into creatures. We don't know about anything until our actual life- you know being born, living, learning... "

Whoa!  " How old are you? " Why don't he mention that, I have to ask? "Don't know exactly but, from when I actually was intelligible probably 12 eons. I can't really remember my first 4 but, I just know I existed before." Holy fuck! Not centuries!!! This is insane. He laughs. "Yeah it's crazy " I smile at him and take a sip of the coffee, it brings a little of my life back into my body. "So, you.. live like a human?" He eats and sleeps and even works right? "I am a human. So yes" uhmm, I'll get it. "Wait! How many are there, you people?" His family is same I suppose. "Mm, last counted 37" "in the whole world? " oh my, they're incredibly scarce I atleast expected in hundreds. But he nods. "You live with them?" I finished my coffee. "No" he frowns. "I think maybe I should just tell the whole plot here, you only exhaust yourself waiting to ask next question each time" He smiles fondly, sweet this is how the protagonist should be like. He is the protagonist yes, he's got powers, he's not human and he's good. I clearly hope this is the case. He smiles and begins his story. "So. As I already mentioned we evolve, first time was when we could have our firm and next, it's all a process, complexity mixed in. So. We can die, we have a life span of 300 years theoretically it's still being studied" he smiles to himself. "Someone studies you? " I can't wait until the end to ask my doubts. "Yes, our kind obviously but I'll get there" huh. "But everytime we die, we come back to life" Ofcourse!! Pheonix, but not birds. "It's as if we really got a soul, that soul is our core life force, the pheonix force within us. When we die, body here in our case and that's an established fact, the soul searches for a new life to combine with." he pauses, checking if I understand I think. I nod and concentrate again. " our memories are intact it's part of the soul. And next we evolved again, that's actually pretty recent from our 5th eon of time we get to choose, but not us really. oh this hard to explain now. " I smile curiously. " like the heart part of it does, the mind part of it doesn't get to do it, something like that." Wow that's one hella creature existing, here I thought spiderman was amazing. I mean he still is. " Ever since humans existed though we mostly, chose our life form like this. So we are humans I must say. We are born like every human will, but with our memories of precursor lives, grow up, then we can die human, old age, accident, get killed, overdose" I laugh when he does. " So you lived 300 years? I mean without dying?" it's just a random thought. His face turns grim. "No, I never want to live that long" mmh, see protagonist hates what he is. But I don't know for sure yet. His smile is back but with something sad accompanying him. "That's why we don't live together, we die, gain birth, grow and have different lives seperately." That makes sense.