5:18 pm and they are still on the road Alfred and they are about to enter the province of BALINAO province.

Alfred turned the string of his vehicle to the right so that they could continue to enter the town of BALINAO province.

Shania is busy preparing what she will wear on the day of their town or their Fiesta tomorrow.

So she took her cellphone and called her friend to see if she had chosen to wear it or not.

She called a few times but she couldn't contract her friend's cellphone so she just let it go, she took her clothes and chose what she would wear for tomorrow, it was ready.

And she chose to wear her 'Magenta pink lace'sheer lace top and put it on the hanger and she separated it.

When she finished, she immediately went downstairs to see if her parents had returned because they had not yet returned from their hacienda.

They sent Shania first so that she would be ready at home to eat.

"But until now they still don't have it?" Shania asked herself and because she was just contemplating the absence she just took her cellphone and called her second brother.

And because her older brother didn't answer, she already knew why she couldn't answer because he was busy with his work.

She put her cellphone back in her pocket and just prepared their food at the table so that in case her parents came, everything was ready.

Alfred and he stopped in the middle of the road because the engine of his car did not start because it overheated and the engine had to be watered to start running again.

But since there were no people, he could not find a source of water because no one lived near where they were.

"Why sir what's up?" Merna asked her boss.

"I'm sorry, you're still in trouble with no one else" Alfred said annoyed.

It's not that hot yet when Alfred says what he said suddenly a tricycle passed by.

"Wait" said alfred to the tricycle driver.

"What's our problem sir?" Driver's question.

"Uncle, I don't know where to get water because my car overheats and doesn't want to start" he explained to the driver.

"Joseph there's some water left in the container jag, that's all you have to give him" said the woman without Alfred even noticing that someone was with her.

"Yes, go ahead, thank you," said a man named Joseph

"Thank you so much" Alfred said and drew delight on its lips.

"Where are you going?" The woman asked him.

"In BALINAO po," he answered without hesitation to the lady.

"We also live there in BALINAO" said Joseph.

"Son, who's with you?" The woman asked him because she noticed Merna peeking.

"Manang Merna works at my house" Alfred said and then Merna came out.

"Sir is everything all right? ' Merna asked.

"Yes, Mang Joseph is already putting water" Alfred explained to Merna.

"Manang merna her name is" and Alfred looked at the woman because she didn't know what her name was.

"Rowena Sanchez DOMINIQUE" said the woman.

"Manang merna ma'am Rowena Sanchez, and then his name is Joseph?" Alfred said because he also didn't know what Mang Joseph's last name was.

"DOMINIQUE" Joseph said and that's it by putting water in his car.

"Thank you very much because if you hadn't passed by maybe we would have had breakfast" said merna to Rowena.

"There's no such thing as who else will work together if it's not just us" said Rowena to Merna.

Alfred went inside his car and took there their take out food and gave it to the couple.

"Here's for you" Alfred said and handed over what they bought at the restaurant earlier.

"Then thank you very much for helping us and I will be very grateful for it for myself" then took out his wallet and took out the money there.

"Please accept this" Alfred said to Joseph.

"Thank you very much but, I can't accept that money, thank you very much, it's really okay that you gave it enough, as my husband said, who else will work together if it's not just us" said joseph.

"All right sir, we'll go first" Joseph said and said goodbye to them.