It all started in a year 2001, when her husband died in after a long term sickness. He died leaving her with
eight children four boys four girls.
Life was meaningless to her and her children at the early days of her husband death.
She started catering for the family because there was no one to help. All her husband's relatives decided to stay away from her and her children.
Before the husband's death, seven of her children were enrolled in private schools except the last one who was just a year older.
Life was good for them until the husband's relative decided to intervene in the family, and that was when they ask her to move our of the house so could sell the house and shear the money to the children which the woman was against it.
It all happened when the relative decided to call the two oldest sons who were from a different woman because the man was married to two wives. The first one was having three children, a girl and two boys while the second one was having five, two boys three boys.
The relatives met the two sons and started talking to them about their father's properties because their mother had not been in the house (divorced) and got married to another man in a different town. The relatives realised that if they can talk to the two oldest sons of the family, they take away everything from the window and her children and even send her away from the house
As time goes on, the two oldest sons were convinced by there uncles and decided to......... To be continued