Everything froze in an instant. The air, my evos, the subject, and myself. Locked in a singular moment in time for what seemed like an eternity before everything faded into nothingness. I floated in that sea of immaterial, unsure of which way was up, how long I had been there or where I even was. All that existed was nothing, until something else came into being. My oldest and most persistent friend: Pain.
I opened my mouth to scream and wail but no sounds came out. Only more pain followed with each attempt but I couldn't stop myself from attempting. Something was urging me on to keep trying, no matter how in vain, to keep screaming.
With each passing second, I became more aware of myself and the limits of the world around me through pain. Pain told me how long my legs were, how wide my mouth was, how long my tail was, and how large my world was. Pain taught me why I had to scream, to allow the burning fluid into my mouth and my gills so I could breathe. To feel pain was to breathe, to breathe was to live, and to live was to be in pain.
'Wait…gills…fluid…tail…?' I thought despite the excruciating pain making the simplistic of thoughts nearly impossible. 'I don't have a tail…or gills…humans don't have those…I'm human! I'm a splicer! I'm Chase Gaelbor Kingston!'
In a flash I found myself standing in the bottom of a massive gestation tank with all the fluid drained out of it. The walls of the tank were made of glass but I couldn't see past them, above me the tank stretched on into infinity offering no escape from above.
"NO! STAY AWAY! MONSTER! AAAAAAAAAHHHHHHH!" A voice screamed as the sound of tearing flesh and snapping bones filled the air.
I turned towards the source of the sound and saw a infant ancient Liger shark ripping a man in a lab coat to shreds. Even as an infant the evo was still larger than eight feet.
I didn't feel fear, or sadness, or even pity for the man that the subject was feeding on. I knew full well he wasn't real, at least not anymore. I then suddenly became aware of the fact that I wasn't alone in this tank with the subject, there were others men and woman. Some dressed in labcoats, other in civilian clothes, some in military uniforms but all of them watching the subject feed on its victim with speed and precision.
The faces of each person was blank, no facial features to be seen, but they didn't need any. They weren't people or even memories. At one point the subject had probably killed the real man this phantom and all these people had represented but now they were nothing more than scraps of a shattered mind that the subject was trying so desperately to hold onto.
This tank was the subject's last ditch effort to hold onto it's sanity and keep the precious few genuine thoughts it had safe. However by condoning it's sanity off from the rest of its mind it was also starving it, forcing it to feed on the very thoughts it was trying to protect.
The subject replied in a deep and calm voice that was a startling change from the frenzied voice I had come to associate with the evo. It stood up straight and tilted it's head to the side. <…strange…I thought myself too far buried into my subconscious to be reached…to think a strange creature would find me.>
The subject replied then turned to look at me.
I started only to be cut off by the subject.
I muttered through gritted teeth.
I muttered.
In the blink of an eye I felt Bahamut's presence disappear completely. Every memory, sensation, and emotion I felt vanish as if it never existed. It wasn't just his presence, the tank I was standing in disappeared as well. I was floating in a void once again only this time I didn't feel anyone else's emotions except my own.
'He's gone…' I thought, oddly feeling small pangs of grief for the loss of a evo I had only known for a few moments at most. '…please be at peace…'
I opened my eyes and found myself floating in a dark and lifeless ocean. No longer holding onto a warped fetus but the militarized body Bahamut. It floated lifelessly in front of me, alive only in the sense that his heart was beating.
I blinked a couple times and realizes Bo and Alberto were floating beside me, each holding onto Bahamut and channeling mana into him. My evos were floating protectively above us, watching intently.
Bo whispered. I shook my head, mostly to shake off the tears that stung the corners of my eyes and threatened to fall.
I croaked then cleared my throat.
I recalled the lysdale script I had made for Madilyn to look over then channeled flesh attribute mana into Bahamut's body. Thanks to Bo and Alberto also channeling mana into his body his genetic structures separated line by line without coming apart completely. This was thanks to them only channeling attributeless mana while mentally reciting the lysdale script from memory.
Subject XX01 was the combination of a Megalodon, lion, siberan tiger, and Kamodo dragon. It was the first techno-spliced tier four evo and the blueprint for the ancient Liger sharks that Justice Technologies was selling at Evo-cution. My lysdale script was a plan to turn Bahamut into something the world had never seen before, something that would be impossible with splicing or techno-splicing alone. A tier five evo befitting the name of the god of dragons and destruction.
'Let's get rid of all these lion, siberian tiger, and kamodo dragon genes. Too many redundancies and kamodo genes are fighting with the Megalodon genes.' I thought as I erased all the sequences with the aforementioned genes in them. 'Redundancies take up space and we'll need all we can get with this monster!'
"KINGSTOOOON!" Beaufort bellowed as soon as he saw me walk into the war room. I bit back a groan and saluted the president.
"You called for me sir?" I asked. Beaufort smiled devilishly at me.
"Grab your squad! I have a mission for all of you!"