Chereads / Evo-lution / Chapter 310 - 306: A Plague of Phantoms: A Banquet, Seasoned With A Pledge III

Chapter 310 - 306: A Plague of Phantoms: A Banquet, Seasoned With A Pledge III


'I am done with this bullshit!' I thought as I sipped on the champagne that had been handed to me over half an hour ago. Normally drinking wine at these parties and banquets were the only thing that made them bearable. Today however the wine only tasted bitter like sludge and it was all thanks to Chase.

'Fucking crystal cursed…'

"Careful now, with grip that tight you'll end up shattering that wine flute."

I nearly jumped out of my skin when I heard that voice come from behind me. I spun around and saw a Japanese splicer dressed in a military uniform. His face was expressionless which made it impossible to judge what he was thinking.

"Sorry!?" I said with a slight snap.

The man pointed at my wine glass, I looked down and saw that I was gripping it so hard that it had cracked at the rim. I relaxed my grip and eyed the man. He looked familiar and the name tag on his uniform read Ascred, which didn't sound like a Japanese name.

"Did you need something?" I asked curtly.

"No, I do not. I just didn't wish for the observation deck to get sticky with wine." The soldier said then started to turn away only to stop and narrow his eyes on me. "Oh, you're Chase Kingston's brother."

"Half brother!" I barked sharply and a lot louder than I would have liked. The eyes of nearby CEO's, splicers and world leaders turned to look at me with looks of confusion, annoyance, or interest. I gritted my teeth, mentally cursing myself for letting the mention of Chase to rile me up.

"Apologies, I did not know that distinction was so important to you westerners. Chase Kingston does not seem to mind it though…" The soldier said.

"My half-brother and I are not on good terms." I said, remembering the ass kicking that he gave me and my fellow soldiers, not to mention what he did to Private Oliver.

"I understand…" The soldier said then glanced behind me.

I suddenly became aware of a presence behind me and looked over my shoulder to see my father. He had a pleasant expression on his face as he looked at the soldier.

"Hideyoshi Ascred, we meet again." Dad said. Hideyoshi bowed slightly at Dad.

"We meet again indeed. Mr. Kingston, I'm surprised to see you here without your president." Hideyoshi said. Dad's jaw clenched slightly at the mention of Beaufort's absence, as well as the implication that he was constantly up Beaufort's ass.

"President Beaufort is dealing with an urgent problem. I am here in his stead." Dad replied. Hideyoshi quirked a brow at that response.

"Here in his stead? He is the leader of your country. His attendance wasn't necessary, I'm just surprised you are not with him. I have rarely seen the two of you apart." Hideyoshi said.

"That is none of your business." Dad said sternly. I flinched at the bark in his voice, while Hideyoshi seemed unaffected by his tone.

"I meant no offense." Hideyoshi said dryly then turned to walk away. "I can see where Chase gets his temper from though."

With that Hideyoshi walked off and I stood alone with Dad in the middle of the sea of splicers and CEO's. Most were pretending to not be listening into the conversation while everyone else was wrapped up in their own little world.

"Logan, follow me." Dad said then turned and walked towards the edge of the observation deck where there were less people. I followed after him and the two of us stopped at the end of the deck and leaned against the railing overlooking the other side of the mountain.

Dad stayed silent for a few moments and stared out into the sprawling valley before us but that was only to let the conversations of those around us get amplified by the silence.

"…can't believe that the lieutenant couldn't do anything against his brother last night. We were completely fucking helpless."

"…some fucking hero, all he's doing is getting drunk instead of taking our pride back from the splicers."

"…American' s greatest hero…what a fucking joke."

The voices were coming from nearby Americans. Most of the Americans were congregating near the railing of the deck as the splicers were mostly scattered near the door to the observation tower. There were a small few Americans who were near the table that had refreshments; sake, smelly cheeses, and some other Japanese dish.

The truth of the events of Chase's raid on our hotel last night spread like wildfire among all the American companies and soldiers alike. Chase had handed my squad their asses single handedly and didn't even break a sweat. He'd brought backup with him but they weren't needed, just there to further humiliate us.

Overnight all the popularity, sway, and influence I had gained by being the hero of St. Louis vanished. I was now a joke, a laughing stock to everyone around me. Especially my squad. It was why I was here alone and my squad was at the hotel with Beaufort.

"I never thought I would see the day that were you the embarrassment of the Kingston family and not Chase." Dad said in a low but harsh tone. I meant to shoot my father a glare but when I turned to look at him, the cold steely look he was giving me gave me pause.

"He's a monster…" I said pitifully. Dad eyed me for several seconds. His cold unwavering stare bore into me, making my skin itch, before he finally replied.

"Yes, even other splicers say he is unusual. I always knew he had intelligence far beyond his years, never thought it extended beyond science and to these…splicer talents." Dad mused, glancing off towards the valley again. "Letting him go to that college was a mistake. Confined to a lab he could have theorized hundreds if not thousands of lysdale scripts for evos that would have made us billions. Or had he been normal and trained to be a soldier…the name of Kingston would be sung in the mead halls of Valhalla for all eternity."

'So you wish I had been the one born a splicer, huh?' I thought as I bit back a growl at that last remark and struggled hard to keep my expression neutral. Dad suddenly laughed and shook his head.

"I never thought as an American I could feel pride for a splicer." Dad said. I looked at my father like he'd grown a second head, and he might as well have for the absurdity of his words.

"You're proud of him! That bastard!" I hissed in a low and grating tone. Dad chuckled again, this one sounding less hollow and self degrading than the first.

"How could I not be! Only nineteen and has the world bowing and scraping at his feet. Kings, queens, and warlords coming to him on hands and knees just to beg for his used scraps. Enough power in one hand to demolish an army and more brains than every member of Justice Technologies R&D department combined…mine included. He's what every splicer here wishes their children were: A genuine threat." Dad said.

"Unlike a fake like me…" I whispered under my breath.

"I'm not so rude as to point out the obvious." Dad said. Shocking me once again. I didn't think Dad would say that either, while it wasn't news to him that I didn't do anything that people claimed in St. Louis he'd never spoken or alluded to it.

"He needs to be stopped…everything we've been working towards will be destroyed at this rate. Pat yourself on the back for your mistakes later." I said harshly.

Dad looked at me drolly, like he did whenever he heard one of his scientists made stupid comments about deadlines. His eyes then focused on something behind me. I just barely caught movement in my peripheral vision and turned around to see another splicer walking towards me. This one was unfortunately one I had no choice but to associate and be friendly with.

"Lord Caldifax." Dad said in a softer tone than what he used with me.

"Thomas…" Simon Caldifax, The CEO of Caldifax Security and America's greatest benefactor. Dad smiled politely and inclined his head slightly. Simon then looked to me and smiled with the same slimy smile that I had grown to hate in the last two years. "Logan! Good to see you again my boy!"

"Been a while Sir." I said politely as my dad. Simon discreetly glanced down at my hands, my eyes followed his and landed on my ring finger. When he looked back up at me, his expression was one of questioning.

"There a reason you're not wearing your…" Simon started only to be interrupted by loud murmuring from the front of observation deck. I frowned along with my Dad and Simon Caldifax.

Standing in front of the observatory deck's door stood Chase with his entourage and worse of all, four of his evos. His two legged liger shark, the loud elephant rhino thing, the golden peacock, and the rare Gravegyle.

"That boy!" Simon hissed, and glared at Chase.

"My son…" Dad said softly. Simon's head snapped towards Dad.

"You're what?!" Simon hissed.

"My son…I know he's the one that attacked you and your family a couple months ago. We didn't know this then but Chase is the owner of Sho'lajah Artifact Company." Dad explained softly. Simon looked like a seething pit bull as he glared at Chase.

"And your plans to deal with him?" Simon asked, not taking his eyes off Chase.

"None so far…possibly none ever." Dad replied. Simon turned to look at Dad in exasperation.

"What do you mean?"

"He is…more than we can deal with alone. We cannot act rashly. Possibly for a few years." Dad said.

"How? He just some jumped up brat that got lucky with some thugs!" Simon growled. Dad held a hand up to calm the furious man then motioned to those around us. More than a few Americans and splicers alike were looking towards us. Simon seethed but quieted down.

"He's poweful and he has the first princess of Egypt on his side." Dad told him.

"So he's a connected upstart…." Simon growled then puffed his chest up and turned towards Chase and his group. "...Since you lot seem incapable of putting this bastard in his place, I will have too. Watch how a nobleman deals with the rabble."