Chereads / Evo-lution / Chapter 213 - 211: A Company of Fools: Titania; Genesis of The Fairy Queen I

Chapter 213 - 211: A Company of Fools: Titania; Genesis of The Fairy Queen I

"A duel! You have to be joking!" Aziza laughed. She looked Jane up and down and then looked over to Bo. "Sister get your classmate before I stomp the little kid."

"That is your sister." Bo replied pointing to Jane. He then looked to me and frowned.

"Chase can you undo the spell! I'm tired of being a girl!"

"Wait what?!" Aziza yelled. I ignored her outburst and shook my head.

"If I do that now the clothes Jane has on will tear and she'll have nothing on." I said pointing to Jane.

"Can't you just make a spell that prevents that?" Bo asked.

"Hold on…" I said then bit my thumb and started writing runes on my forearm. As I channeled mana into that arm I started chanting. "Hither to dither, flights of fancy, return their forms and clothes of…yancy?"

"Yancy?" Iris repeated.

A axiom spell sigil formed in front of my hand as well as a utility spell sigil around the first. Two purple beams of light shot from my hand and flew to Bo and Jane. Two pillars of purple light erupted around them and blinded everyone but disappeared after a few seconds. Bo and Jane emerged from the pillars in their correct bodies with the correct clothes on.

"That's better!" Bo exclaimed as he stretched. Everyone looked astonished except for the girls, Bo and I. Jane smoothed out her dress then glared at her sister.

"Now Aziza, do you accept my challenge or not?" Jane asked her. Aziza smirked cockily at her sister.

"Why should I, it's already known that you can't beat me. In the eighteen years that you've been alive you've never beaten me once. Also from what I hear your track record for duels is rather shitty as of late." Aziza taunted.

"Because I'm putting my claim to the crown on the line." Jane said calmly. The room fell silent as Jane's words sunk in.

"YOU CAN'T DO THAT!" Turak'Kahn bellowed.

"I can father." Jane replied calmly, giving her father a sideways glance. "It's is about the one decision I can make that you by law are not allowed to overrule. So you have a choice, father. You can punish Aziza like the murderer she is or you can stay silent and watch as I kick her ass!"

"My, my! What foul language. Certainly not deserving of the royal princess." Aziza taunted.

"Shut up bitch!" Jane snapped govong her a sideways glance. Aziza's eyes grew to the size of saucers as she gasped. Bo, Iris, and I all laughed as I felt atwinge of pride swell in my chest.

"She's finally learned how to say fuck politeness…" I said with a fake sniffle.

"They grow up so fast…!" Bo gasped and fake cried.

Jane ignored the both of us and turned to look at her sister. The steely determination in her eyes caught me off guard for a moment. It looked similar to the one she gave me when she challenged me to a duel, filled with anger and rage but there was something else about it, something familiar.

"So sister, what is your decision?" Jane asked. Aziza pretended to think it over then frowned and pointed a finger at Jane.

"You are putting up your claim to the crown but what am I putting up?" Aziza asked

"The only thing of yours that is worth anything…your life." Jane replied.

"MY LIFE!" Aziza bellowed. "So you can kill me if I lose?"

"No sister, I won't kill you. I'll simply have control over you life. Who you marry, how many children you have, where you go, what you do, how often you breathe…everything about will be mine to control. A fair trade for the right to rule, don't you think?" Jane replied.

"JANE!" Turak'Kahn bellowed. "Are you out of your mind making such a demand?!"

"It seems reasonable Turak'Kahn." Viola said. Turak'Kahn looked at with horror in his eyes.

"VIOLA!" Turak'Kahn barked. Viola glared at Turak'Kahn with a glare that froze the very air.

"If you won't punish her for what she's done and let her do as she pleases then give Jane the same curtesy." Viola said. Turak'Kahn gritted his teeth but stayed silent.

"Thank you father…well Aziza?" Jane asked.

Aziza stayed silent for a long while, the look on her face made it apparent that she was thinking carefully and weighting her options. However there was only one option for her, she has to take the duel. She was responsible for the death of Yurkid, and while I'm sure Turak'Kahn would protect her, Aziza had no other allies in the castle. Nobody would trust her ever again and if given the chance I'm sure everyone in the Philari family will definitely kill her. She had to accept the duel, being the crowned princess was the only way to survive in the long term.

"I accept, on the stipulation that should by a miracle you win you cannot order me to die." Aziza said finally. Jane simple smirked and looked at her sister with a devious smirk that made mine look down right innocent.

"Sister, there are far worse fates than death…but I accept that stipulation." Jane said.

"Fine…we'll use the underground coliseum…" Turak'Kahn said in a slightly defeated voice. He snapped his fingers and the whole room started to shake as normal.

As I looked around and saw the door to the throne room was now sealed off I noticed that Rowad and a quite a few more guards had entered the room. I didn't remember them following the girls and me in and I thought I didn't see any more come in when Aziza came in either. Before I could question their presence in the hall Aziza spoke up again and grabbed my attention.

"Rules?" Aziza asked.

"Anything goes, we keep fighting until one or the other gives up. No killing, since you were so afraid lf that earlier." Jane replied.

"Fine!" Aziza replied. Jane turned to me and held her hand out.

"Chase can I have my mana-lock back please?" Jane asked.

I nodded and opened my void pocket and then pulled it out and headed it to her. I had a really creepy feeling that something wasn't right but I couldn't quite put my finger on it. I held my finger up to stall her then went rummaging through my void pocket some more until I felt what I was looking for. The eye of Ammuhnset.

I couldn't just hand it to her however or her father would realize what it was and why it was such a cheat item to have. So instead I grabbed a satchel that I kept inside the void pocket and dumped all the contents out into the void, it was just a couple million worth of diamonds inside so nothing too expensive. I then put the eye inside the satchel along with a short sword I enchanted and pulled it the whole thing out of the void pocket and handed it to Jane.

"You keep dropping that thing when you fire it so I thought to add a close ranged option." I said with a smirk then switched to Torapos. "I added the eye in with the sword. Use it of you must. Say 'Crystal Genesis Activate'"

I then quickly did a bunch of random hand movements and then rubbed my thumb across her forehead to make it look to everyone who didn't speak Torapos that I was just blessing her or something. The glint in Jane's eye told me she understood.

"Got it Chase. Where was this blessing when I was fighting my mother?" She asked taking the satchel and slinging it over her shoulder.

"I wasn't going to bless that fight. I like your mother. Your sister…" I looked away and curled my upper lip.

The throne room finally came to a stop. Turak'Kahn and Viola stood, the guards at the bottom of the stairs to the throne stepped to the side and the two of them made their way down towards the door to the coliseum. Everyone stepped to the side to let them pass and Jurirai and Ultia both quickly moved to follow them. The guards at the bottom of the stairs followed after the guardians, with Rowad and the other guards near the door falling in long after them.

Iris, Bo and I all followed after Jane as she and Aziza walked into the coliseum. The three of us broke off and moved to the stands once we reached those stairs but kept close to the railing to be able to cheer Jane on. Put the corner of my eye I saw the Pharaoh and Queen sit down in the 'Emperor's box' at the high end of the coliseum, surrounded by their guards and guardians.

Inside the arena Jane and Aziza both stood facing each other, I wondered who was going to referee the duel when I saw Rowad walk out into the arena and stand between then.

"Princess Jane Solomon has challenged Lady Aziza Isorzia, Pharaoh Turak'Kahn's eldest daughter to a duel. The princess has put her claim to the crown on the line and Lady Aziza has bet her life. This is a no holds barred fight where each combatant is allowed to us any means to make the other submit." Rowad explained. He took a couple steps back until he up against the wall of the arena. "READY? BEGIN!"

"Dooie danser!" Aziza exclaimed as a crystalline structure shot from her mana crystal and landed right behind her. As it shattered my eyes grew wide as I saw Necrolymth emerge. The ugly thing flew around Aziza in a prote time manner and she just smiled at Jane.

"A Necrolymth!" I exclaimed and pointed at it.

"That's impossible, you can't make them anymore!" Iris exclaimed.

"Impossible my ass! It's right there!" I yelled.

"Quiet!" Bo shushed me. I frowned at him them looked back at the field.

"I figured you had one. You've always had a morbid taste in evos. You used to rave about how much you wish you could have seen a necrolymth during the second world War. When Chase told me he'd been attacked by one…that's when I knew that you were behind the attack." Jane said. Aziza laughed and shook her head.

"Don't act as if you know me Jane! You've spent your entire life pretending that you are better than everyone else! Most of all me!" Aziza yelled.

Aziza's farm crystal glowed and more than three dozen crystalline structured shot from it. The structure landed in a circle formation around her and shattered.

"What the…?" I gasped as I saw corpses of men, women, children, and some of the mercenaries that attacked the ball emerge from them. They were all in various stages of decay but none of them were too decayed. They all suddenly started moving as the Dooie danser's eyes glowed. One by one standing and moving to form a closed circle around Aziza.

"She had corpses in her farm crystal!" Bo grimaced and then shivered in disgust.

"Some of them were at the ball!" I exclaimed. Iris gasped and covered her mouth. I followed her eyes and saw what had shocked her.

"That's…that's…" Iris breathed and reached her arm out towards to the arena. Standing at the front of Aziza was Yurkid's corpse. His lifeless eyes staring blankly ahead.

"AZIZAAAAAAAAAAA!" Jane bellowed, her farm crystal glowing a bright white color. "AYIA'LIAH! PLEASE!"

Ayia'liah's crystal structure shot from Jane's farm crystal and shattered in mid-air. She floated in mid-air for several seconds, scanning the battlefield before floating down and perching on Jane's shoulder.

Ayia'liah said.

"So you managed to find a evo that's willing to follow your orders. Judging by the looks of it you didn't splice it. All that royal blood and no talent." Aziza ribbed. She walked over to Yurkid's corpse and lightly stroked his face. "While I'm talented enough to find a way to revive a extinct insect, learn a forbidden revival spell and plan the deaths of my family. All to get the throne that is rightfully mine. While my plan might not have worked out, once I beat you I get the crown. And all it cost me was a few insignificant pawns."

"YOU BITCH! I'LL KILL YOU!" Iris bellowed and tried to climb over the wall of the stands but Bo and I grabbed her and tries to calm her down.

"IRIS! IRIS! CALM DOWN!" I yelled and was elbowed in the nose as Iris almost broke free.

"HE WASN'T INSIGNIFICANT YOU SPOILED WHORE! HE WAS MY BROTHER! YOUR GUARDIAN! I'LL KILL YOU! I SWEAR I'LL KILL YOU IF IT COSTS ME MY LIFE!" Iris roared. Bo was nearly flung into the arena thanks to Iris rage filled strength and I was elbowed in the nose again. Only this time I head a loud and wet crunch and felt blood running down my face.

Ignoring the broken nose I looked up to where the Pharaoh and everyone else was to see if we could get some help restraining Iris but they had their hands full with Ultia, who was screaming curses and trying to get down as well.

"IRIS!" Jane yelled, snatching the manic guardian put of her grief filled rage. "Can I put him to rest?!"

Iris stilled and looked at Jane. Tears flooded her eyes as she then turned to look at her brother. She gritted her teeth then looked back at Jane.

"Please! Let him rest! She had him in life, let him rest in death!" Iris responded.

Jane nodded and a cold, impersonal air seemed to envelop her. She raised her mana-lock, holding it in both hands and aimed it a Yurkid. She pulled the trigger so calmly and swiftly, like a seasoned gunman. A fire bullet fired from the mana-lock and struck Yurkid squarely in the middle of his forehead.

"Ah!" Aziza screamed as Yurkid's head jeered back and she stumbled away from him. A split second later his body erupted into flames that quickly ate away and reduced Yurkid's body to ash.

As he his corpse fell to the ground I could have sworn I saw a smile tug a the corner of his mouth just before the flames engulfed him entirely. It had to have been a trick of the light because I seemed to be the only one that saw it.

Iris watched silently as her brother burned away to nothingness. She cried silently, almost as if she was paying tribute to her brother by not making a sound. I noticed that both Ultia and Jurirai were doing the same, crying without making a sound.

"So what? You destroyer one useless thrall? I have plenty more!" Aziza yelled as even more crystalline structures shot from her farm crystal and a small army of undead thralls surrounded Aziza.

Jane stowed her mana-lock inside the satchel I gave her then in a uncharacteristic move, cracked her knuckles.

"Ayia, I need you to deal with all these walking corpses and that Necrolymth." Jane said.

Ayia'liah asked.

"Kick my sister's ass…"