Chereads / Evo-lution / Chapter 109 - 107: A Company of Fools II

Chapter 109 - 107: A Company of Fools II

"I can't believe we're actually on time for once." Iris said as she held the front door of Baset's auditorium open for Jane and I.

"And I can't believe how late we got home last night. It was almost midnight." Jane said walking past Iris and into class. I followed after Jane and scowled at her.

"Well we would have been home at a decent time if it hadn't been for someone chasing me around campus and chucking ice balls at me trying to turn me into a snowman!" I snapped.

"Iris please inform Chase that I am not talking to him right now after the rude name he called me yesterday." Jane said to Iris and then walked to her seat. Iris turned to me and smirked.

"Chase, Lady Jane says you're a fucked up idiot and she doesn't want to talk to you." Iris said.

"Tri-clops that's not at all what she said!" I snapped.

"It's what I meant." Jane said as she took her seat. Iris stuck her tongue out at me as she walked over to our table. I paused and looked around the auditorium. Astrid and Damon were in their seat but Alberto was nowhere to be seen. They both looked preoccupied and unaware of the girls and I. Baset was nowhere to be seen as well.

"Hey where's Alberto?" I asked Astrid as I walked to my seat. Astrid looked up and seemed surprised to see me.

"Oh, what?" Astrid asked. I pointed to Alberto's empty seats and her eyes dropped.

"He's taking a few personal days…back in Spain." Astrid replied. I paused before I took my seat and looked at Astrid.

"His dad?" I asked. Astrid nodded. I sighed and shook my head.

"His father came to see him later that day and tore into him pretty bad. Apparently he talked to the dean and got permission to take Alberto back to Spain for a week or so." Astrid said.

"Egotistical ass!" I snapped as I took my seat.

"While you're talking Kingston, this is sort of your fault…" Damon said snidely. "…why did you have to antagonize not one but two paragons?"

"To be fair Loki started it." I said.

"Unfortunately he's right there…" Iris piped up.

"Still though! I expect him to be graceless and disrespectful but that was a lot even for him." Damon said.

"But is it though…?" Jane, Iris and Astrid asked in unison.

"Either way, he didn't make the situation any better." Damon harped.

"You're right…" I admitted. Damon paused and narrowed his eyes at me. He looked like he was about to say something Baset walked into the auditorium with Nigel and the examiner that was with Astrid and her group.

"Nigel!" The girls and I exclaimed when we saw him. He followed Baset closely as she made her way down the stairs towards her desk. Nigel smiled warmly as he passed our group but kept following Baset. When she stood behind her desk Nigel and the other examiner flanked her on each side.

"Well class the examination the other day was…eventful. I'm sure by now everyone has heard about Alberto's…temporary departure from our class. I am told he will be back before the winter break in a few months." Baset announced.

"Winter break!" Astrid screamed. "I thought he was only going to be gone a few weeks?!"

"Yes…well Alberto's father thought it would be beneficial for him to complete a work-study back in Spain. The dean has approved this and for the time being, we will be with Alberto but the class will move on as usual." Baset continued.

"Fuck…" I muttered.

"Now I know that this news is a little distracting, especially for Damon and Astrid but we must keep moving along and in the spirit of that I am going to tell you what your final will be."

"FINAL!" Everyone yelled.

"We're barely two months into the school year and we're already talking about a final!" I exclaimed.

"The five of you will be glad Baset is giving you such advanced warning when you hear what your final is." Nigel said with a smirk. The other examiner popped Nigel in his arm and frowned at the older man.

"Nigel it's Lady Baset in front of others." He said.

"Yes, you're right Isaan, sorry…Lady Baset." Nigel replied. For a split second I thought they were both serious until Baset reached back and slapped both of them on the arms.

"Smart asses…" She muttered but smirked despite herself. She quickly collected herself then looked to us. "Nigel is correct. All of you will need the rest of the year to finish this assignment and pass your final. I'm sure all of you; with the exception of Chase; are aware of the festival held once a year?"

"The Battle gods festival?" Astrid mused.

"Yes, exactly." Baset affirmed. Jane and Iris looked worriedly at each other and I arched a brow at them.

"Do I really have to ask at this point?" I sighed.

"No I'll explain it." Iris said. "The battle gods festival is held once a year, two weeks before summer break and is a week-long festival. During this festival the campus is closed and all classes are canceled. A series of events are held across the campus that students can enter for prizes and prestige. However there is one event that is more important than all of them: Andromeda Grand Royale…"

"Yes! The Andromeda Grand Royale!" Baset exclaimed cutting off Iris. "That is the event that will determine your final grade!"

Everyone's eyes widened and a look of horror spread across their faces. I sat in my seat looking confused and dumbfounded as always.

"You seriously mean you want us to enter that?!" Damon exclaimed jumping out of his chair. "Seniors and alumni usually make up the bulk of people that enter the Royale. We'd never make it through the qualifiers let alone the first round!"

"Not to mention the mortality rate is higher than in any other event!" Jane added.


"The festival isn't fucked up Chase. It's a time-honored tradition here at Andromeda that has gone on for centuries." Baset said.

"Any tradition that ends with a bunch of students dying is a fucked up tradition!" I snapped. Baset and everyone frowned and looked at me sideways.

"Student deaths?" Baset said softly. Nigel chuckled and shook his head.

"I think you have the wrong idea Chase. The mortality rate isn't for students but their evos." Nigel said.

"You say that like it's any better!" I grumbled then looked down at my crystal.

"To clear up any misunderstanding on your part I'll just tell you what the final is. Each team is required to splice a brand new evo to enter into the Andromeda Grand Royale. You don't have to win the Grand Royale but at least make it past the qualifiers." Baset said.

"Lady Baset this is insane! We'd be going up against seasoned splicers who specialize in evo to evo combat! We're still freshman!" Damon exclaimed.

"Which is why I said you didn't have to win, just make it through the qualifiers. Once you're done through the qualifiers then you can bow out if you're worried about your evo being killed." Baset said.

Jane and Iris both shared a look like there were about to have a full blown freak out.

'I've never seen the girls all riled up like this, even Damon seems worried…' I thought.

"What exactly are the rules of this Grand Royale?" I asked.

"Glad you asked. Two splicers fight using evo teams of two. The fights are one on one, there are only two rounds where winner takes all. No magic, not help, usually no mercy." Baset explained. "This is another great opportunity for you all. While technically the campus is closed there will be a lot of giants in the splicing world coming and going. Another great chance to leave an impression."

Everyone's eyes turned to me and then back to Baset.

"You do remember Chase is in this class, right Lady Baset?" Astrid asked pointing rudely at me.

"I feel like I'm being attacked today…" I muttered to myself.

"Yes I remember, which is why Chase will also be entering separately with an evo of his own creation." Baset said.

"WHAT?!" I bellowed and jumped out of my chair. "THAT'S BULLSHIT! I KNOW HOW TO EVEN SPLICE!"

"If I remember correctly a month ago you couldn't cast a spell or knew how to modify one and since then you've beaten the world's foremost living expert on the Runic language and spellcraft. Somehow I think you'll find a way." Baset said in a taunting tone then chuckled lightly.

"Bullshit…" I grumbled.

"Wait does this mean that Chase isn't a part of our group?" Iris asked.

"Technically yes. His final grade will be based on how well your group's evo is. Him entering by himself will have no bearing on his grade." Baset said.

"Then what is the point of me entering by myself?!" I snapped slamming my hands on the table. There was a moment of silence in the room and I swore I saw a flash of guilt in Baset's eyes.

"This isn't your idea is it?" I asked. Baset shook her head.

"In the coming months, you'll become a talking point Chase, especially when the events at your assessment come to light. Splicing is more dangerous than you realize Chase, and I'm not talking about the physical act. You publicly humiliated not one but two paragons. You've made two powerful enemies and a lot can happen to you outside Andromeda's walls. A lot of people need to see that you are well protected, that you have might or else you could end up dead by summer…at least that's how it was explained to me by Dean Baxter."

"He's trying to protect you Chase…." Jane said. I frowned and looked the other way.

"Fine! It's not like I have a choice." I muttered. 'There is always a workaround…'

"Thank you for not being difficult. Now for the reason I brought Nigel and Isaan with me here today…." Baset snapped her fingers and Nigel walked over to the girls' and mine's table while Isaan walked over to Astrid and Damon's table. Nigel pulled three vials of a bright red liquid from his pocket and placed them on the table and walked back over to Baset.

"Is that blood?" I asked poking the closest vial.

"Yes, it is! Blood from the komodo dragon, Tasmanian devil, and Cuttlefish. These are freebies, you can use these samples to start your splicing experimentation or sell them to get different samples. What you do with them is up to you!" Baset exclaimed. "Nigel and Isaan however will be checking in on each team periodically to check on their progress."

I looked at Jane and Iris and was surprised to find them both transfixed with the vials of animal blood. They treated each vial as I'd it was a precious metal or a diamond.

"Okay! Now that all the formalities are done with I can start class…"