Chereads / Evo-lution / Chapter 85 - 84: Star Child: A Keepers Past X

Chapter 85 - 84: Star Child: A Keepers Past X

"I'm going to be sick!" Louie exclaimed.

"Not on the aivard" I yelled over my shoulder. Louie clamped his hand over his mouth and swallowed the bile that rose in his throat.

"Fuuuuuuuck….!" Louie groaned then looked over the side. The factory was below and the swarm of thrads were still wreaking havoc on the remains of the facility. All except for one thrad. I looked down and saw the ascended thrad looking up at the sky at us. It stood looming over the mosh pit of evos that clawed and bayed for its attention, while it's attention was fixed sorely on us.

It tilted its head to the side like it was rolling a idea around in its head, trying to force a understanding to pass. I felt a cold feeling grip the hand my crystal was embedded in.

"It's thinking…" Louie said. Verbalizing what I was going through my head. "…that ascended is vastly more intelligent than the others."

"All the more reason to hurry!" I said urging the aivard to fly faster. It barked a affirmation and sped up a little.

It only took a few minutes for the aivard to reach the Arch and the towns borders. I scanned the grounds below for a place for aivard to land when I saw the town's sheriff office just off the river near the northern edge of the town. I guided the aivard to fly towards the sheriff office.

Down below people and steed coaches were pulling to a stop and looking up at what they must have thought was a rogue evo that escaped the factory fly over town.

"Chase are you sure? You know they are just going to blame you for everything." Louie said.

"A little late for that now. Like I said earlier, I can't let everyone die." I replied with a shrug.

We flew over the sheriff department office and saw a small group of sheriff's clamber out of the building and look up at the sky and the aivard's silhouette in the sky.

"Land down there." I told the aivard, pointing at the street. The aivard came about and glided down onto the street, landing as gracelessly as could be expected from his first landing. His first two wings touched down and braced for the others to touch as well only for its second set of wings to get tangled up with its third set and come crashing into the ground.

Louie and I screamed as we were thrown from the aivard's back and sent crashing into the ground, tumbling and rolling to a stop at the feet of the sheriff deputies that had been gawking at the aivard descending to the ground.

"Fuck…." I muttered as I looked up and saw three snarling faces looking down at me.

"Look at this shit! The filthy splicer ran off with one of the factory evo!" One of the deputies snarled. His leg shot back then snapped back as he kicked me square in the temple before I had a chance to say anything.

My head snapped back and I rolled onto my back as the three deputies surrounded me and started kicking me in the chest and ribs.

The aivard let out a ferocious growl as it sprang to its feet and charged the deputies, who all screamed and stumbled back. The aivard crouched on top of me protectively and glowered at the deputies. War crimes appeared at the aivard's flank and snarled as well.

The deputies all fumbled with their duty belts trying to draw their guns. Louie jumped up from the ground and rushed between the the deputies and the evos holding his hands up and screaming.

"WAIT! DON'T SHOOT!" He hollered.

"Out of the way labcoat!" A deputy shouted using the common term for scientists in the town and pointed his at Louie.

"You can't worry about him right now! The factory is under attack!" Louie shouted. The deputies all froze in confusion their eyes darted to me and steeled in anger.

"What did that disgusting splicer do to the factory!?" A deputy demanded then took a step to pass Louie but Louie moved to stop him and placed a hand on the deputies chest to still him.

"Nothing! Nothing! It's not him it's evos. They're banding together in a massive swarm and destroying the factory."

At this point the remaining deputies came shuffling out of the building. They all looked at the scene and saw their fellow deputies; guns drawn and pointed at Chase, war crime and the aivard; Louie standing between then trying to keep the peace. They made the only decision open to the splicer-phobic deputies. They drew their guns and pointed them at me, shouting at Louie to get out of the way.

"AAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!" A terrified shriek echoed down the street. I turned on my back and saw a woman carrying a child covered in blood running down the street. Behind her was a couple of thrads hissing and giving chase.

"WAR CRIME HELP HER!" I ordered. War Crime rushed forward and darted around the woman and jumped onto the face of the thrad in the front of the pack and scratched and bit it's face. The aivard jumped over the woman and took a defensive stance, acting as a bulwark between the thrads and the woman and her child.

I quickly swung the gun that was on my back off and took aim at the two other thrads rapidly approaching war crime. I took a shot and struck a evo in the neck, leaving a fatal gaping hole and making it crash into the third thrad. War crime jumped off the first thrad's face and twisted in the air, spraying all three thrads with its acidic gas. Like the thrads in the tunnel they melted in horrific fashion.

I pushed myself off the ground and turned to look at the woman, Louie had rushed to her side and tried to calm her down.

"My husband! My husband!" She screamed over and over again.

"You're husband? What happened? Calm down and talk to me!" Louie told her. She took rapid breaths like she was about to hyperventilate. Louie grabbed her face and looked her in the eye. "Breathe! We can't help your husband unless you breathe!"

She took several deep breaths as the child in her arms started crying loudly. The aivard sniffed the ground around the melted thrad corpses then growled and pointed in the direction the woman had came from like a hunting dog.

"Louie, I'm going after the husband, tell the deputies what happened and start evacuating the town." I said then slung my jasko back over my shoulder.

"Stay right there!" The deputies yelled, suddenly able to fond their voice now that the danger was gone.

'You got to be kidding me!' I thought to myself.

"I got to find her husband and this evo can lead the way." I said pointing to the aivard.

"Like I'm going to fall for that! Filthy splicer, you probably ordered those evos to attack that woman." One deputy said stepping to the front of the pack. "I'm arresting you for engaging in illegal splicer activities and the attempted murder of that woman!"

"Wait ! Stop! He's not the…." Louie started but was cut off by a deputy at the back of the pack.

"DROP YOUR WEAPON NOW AND MOVE AWAY FROM THR EVOS!" She roared, her hands trembling so bad I was afraid she'd accidently pull the trigger of her revolver.

'I'm sick of this shit!' I thought as I complied and threw my Jasko to the ground and stepped away from war crime and the aivard.

"Fine! Then I hope that while you're patting yourselves on the back for arresting the 'filthy splicer' that the literal horde of thrads that are attacking the factory waits until after I'm killed in my cell before they swarm the town a d kill everyone!" I snapped.

"That a threat!" Another deputy roared.

"No! There was a containment breach at the factory! There are literally hundreds of thrads rampaging at the factory!" Louie shouted over everyone then stormed over to the lead deputy and slapped his gun out of his hand. "Get your bigoted head out of your ass and listen to me! You idiots just stood there while a woman and her child was being attack by three thrads and did nothing while Chase and those evos killed them, those three were probably just the scouts for the rest of the horde!"

The deputy looked back at Louie with his mouth slightly open like a goldfish bobbing in the bowl. He glanced back at his fellow deputies as if asking if they could believe he was talking to him like that. Being a deputy he was used to the usually undeserved respect demanded by the badge as well as the department from everyone in town.

"St. Louis Sheriff department, departmental directive 303.6 subsection 4 paragraph 8: In the event that a representative of the Spirit techno-splicing company warns a member of the department of a containment breach or danger to the township of St. Louis involving evos, they are to cease all operations and secure the town or enact evacuation protocol." I said calmly then pointed to Louie. "He is a lead scientist at the factory, telling you that a horde of evos are attacking the factory and will soon move onto the town. What are you going to do? Waste time dealing with a splicer until you start hearing screams and see your friends and family killed and eaten alive? Or are you going to do your jobs and start evacuating the town?!"

The deputy's eyes hardened as they fell on me. He curled his lip then walked over and picked up the revolver that Louie slapped out of his hand and re-holstered it.

"When this is all over you splicer fuck, I will enjoy stringing you up from that flagpole." He said venomously, tjen turned and started addressing the other deputies. Yelling at them to start sounding the evacuation alarm and to find the sheriff.

I turned to the woman and her child. The woman looked like she was in shock and I realized that the blood all over the woman and her child was not her own or the child. I grabbed my jasko off the ground then grabbed her shoulder.

"I'll try and find out what happened to your husband, go with the deputies." I told her. She looked at me and nodded absentmindedly tjen turned and started walking over to the deputies. I looked over to Louie who was looking back at me with worried eyed.

"I got to go get my wife to safety…" He said sounding guilty.

"Go, I'll be fine. It's why you came along anyway." I replied. Louie nodded then turned and started down the street.

"Be careful! And keep those evos safe!" He yelled over his shoulder. I smirked and shook my head. I turned to the aivard and pointed at the thrad corpse slushy.

"Follow their scents."