I hate computers! Why do they always malfunction around me? I pounded the keyboard in frustration. After a couple of days in a sick bed with a well-meaning roommate, I relished the idea of being at my keyboard. Now my computer decides to be a pain in my butt.
"Hey, hey," a joyful voice announced. The person needed no introduction, I shot to my feet and met her halfway in a tight hug. I felt her soft chuckle, "I missed you too, Grace."
Dinah and I were roommates in college. Our friendship was practically instantaneous when we found a mutual love for old movies. Specifically an appreciation for costume designer Edith Head. She was an unhappy business major at the time and filled her hours with designing. I asked her about it and she told me that business was going to be her bread and butter. Little did we know that three years later we would be going into the fashion industry together.
I pulled her in for a hug, "You've no idea how much I've missed you." I took in her fresh tan well accentuated by an olive green blouse and black slacks. She must've stopped by the house to freshen up after the returning flight because she sported fresh makeup and her blow-dried straight brown hair fell from a loose ponytail. She wore her red-framed glasses which told me that she'd been thinking about a design or working on one when she decided to take a break.
Her chuckle turned into a laugh, "I've got a pretty decent idea." She suddenly took notice of something and shot me a mischievous grin. She spoke up in her most obnoxious British accent. "Darling, I simply most know, WHO are you wearing?"
I quickly understood she was fishing for some flattery. So I dipped into a southern accent and replied, "Why Sweetheart, don't you know? Why I am wearing a creation by the daring Dinah Deerrich. She is the latest thing down in New Orleans."
"All kidding aside, that blue looks divine on you." She made herself comfortable on my desk as I walked back to my computer.
"Thanks! I couldn't let all those pretty outfits go to waste, you were so kind as to save them for me." She seemed quite pleased with herself. "It was fun to put one together for my blind date. I took a picture don't worry."
"Speaking of those dates," she began. "How is that going?"
I shook my head and delved into the first of, what I assumed would be many, disasters.
"He left you with the check," she repeated angrily. It was nice to finally find someone with a shred of sympathy. "That is awful."
"That's what I thought!"
"What a way to start out your re-emersion into the dating world." She seemed to mull it over wondering what to do about it. "I knew I should've insisted on vetting him. I love your mom but after being spoiled by Jerry, she is a little too trusting."
"You know," I interrupted her thought process. "I just wish I would've been this observant when dating James."
"No," Dinah protested, "don't do that! You were young and impressed. He took advantage of your youthful blindness. You aren't naive anymore."
"But that's my point. Why is it that I had to experience the bad before I was able to see it?"
Dinah took my question seriously and thought about it in silence for a minute. "I guess it's like sin, it's sugar-coated to be tasteful and pleasant, but once the consequences set in you recognize it for the arsenic that it is. If you're a child of God you'll see the warning for the next time."
I was truly impressed by the thoughtfulness of her statement. I knew I'd have to write that down somewhere.
It wasn't all bad," We were interrupted. Dinah and I looked to the door again and found a model staring back with bright blue eyes. Olivia continued as she moved to hug Dinah, "I mean some random guy bought her some cheesecake."
"Really!?!" Dinah eyed me.
"Yeah," I shrugged, "he encouraged me to enjoy my dessert and drink, then next thing I know I have a bill that is half of what it should've been."
"Yeah, he paid for my date's half and my cheesecake. I call him Mr. Cheesecake." I related, writing the experience off as if it were no big deal, hoping that she wouldn't dwell on that last detail. "So enough about me, I want to hear about you. How was the model scouting?" Olivia took her place on the other side of my desk.
Di took a deep breath and answered, "The scouting in Italy was fantastic and Mark gave us a little free time so I took advantage of some sightseeing. Oh, by the way, I found you both a couple of souvenirs, they're at home."
"Thanks," Olivia smiled. "How was the time with Jack?"
She released a long and heavy sigh, "I quit! He's so oblivious! I'm right in front of him and he can't see me so obviously pining away for him." She balled her fingers into raging fists, "I know that his profession requires him to be a flirt, but there were times I wanted to scream at him for leading me on, but I know it's unintentional."
Everyone knew about Dinah's affection for Jack Healey, Classic Fashion's leading photographer. They make a great team, but Jack is completely unaware that they could be so much more. Olivia and I have prayed many times that God would open Jack's eyes or give Dinah a peaceful heart.
My screen still showed that stupid circle of slow death, the loading signal that didn't really load anything. I tapped angrily on my mouse wishing it would do something!
"What did the mouse do to you?" Olivia giggled.
"My computer froze again," I growled. "Di, will you dial four? That goes straight to Link."
"What do you want me to tell him?" Dinah obeyed.
"You won't really need to say anything," I replied.
Sure enough on the other side of the phone, we heard the receiver pick up and a voice simply state, "I am on my way, Grace," and the dial tone quickly took its place. I tried clicking and moving my mouse around while Dinah caught Olivia up on life in Italy, and Livi took the opportunity to catch Di up on their quest for my soulmate.
A faint knock on my door caused me to turn, "Well that was fast… Grant?"
I met the confused blue eyes of Grant Grayson. "I'm sorry, were you expecting someone?"
"Oh, Link our I.T. guy. He needs to come to fix my frozen computer." I smiled at my office guest.
"Good," Grant exclaimed, "I need his help getting my computer set up on the server." I waved Grant inside to meet the two gawkers. I made the introductions just in time.
"You know Grace, I'm half tempted-" Marshall Lincoln stopped mid-thought as he recognized the crowded office. "Um… hello all." He stood awkwardly in the doorway at a height of 5'10'' with a nervous smile on his softly rounded face. He wore a black vest with a soft blue button-up underneath. His dark auburn hair was just long enough for him to play with as he got frustrated or antsy, but he never let get to the point where his natural curls would take over.
Di and I looked at Olivia and watched her bite her lip as her eyes lit up. Link looked between us all watching for his cue to move again. "Good morning, Link," I greeted and stood to hug him. "You are this girl's hero."
He smiled and stood a little taller, "You're lucky I had a quick minute, I have to meet with our guest from Woodworth Gaming."
"Well allow me to introduce you to Grant Grayson, Lead Game Designer of Woodworth Gaming." Grant reached out to shake Link's hand.
"You are Grant Grayson?" His voice sounded soft, as if his mouth had just gone dry. Grant nodded, he wasn't expecting the question of recognition.
"Have you heard of me?"
"Heard of you?!? You are the creator of one of my favorite gaming characters," Link jumped into a rant about how beautiful and precise Grayson's artwork was and that his effort did not go unnoticed. Grant seemed slightly uncomfortable but accepted the roundabout compliment. I had moved towards the door and Di had followed suit. We watched Link go into total fanboy mode, but the best part is that just behind them you could see Olivia watching the I.T. guy with a slight twinge of jealousy.
"Um, Link," I broke into the conversation. He looked at me as if he were realizing where he was.
"Oh Grace!" His cheeks colored red. "I'm so sorry. I will get started right away." He sat in my seat but before turning to the computer he announced. "I will be over to help you in a minute, Mr. Grayson."
Grayson chuckled, "I don't stand on professional formalities with co-workers, Link. You can call me, Grant." Link nodded excitedly and turned to the frozen screen.
Grant came closer to Dinah and I, and I whispered, "Looks like you just met your biggest fan?"
"He definitely knows his stuff," Grant smiled. "Oh I almost forgot--"
I put a finger to my lips and pointed to Olivia and Link. Olivia had reclaimed her spot on my desk, she carefully watched Link work his magic. She made flirtatious comments that were totally lost on the computer geek. I almost felt bad for her. She tried so hard to get the boy to react, any proof that he wasn't completely immune to her, but it was like he had her on mute all the time.
"Would you look at that," Grant whispered.
"Now that is a real show," Dinah quietly replied.
"You were going to say, Grant," I spoke normally.
He had to think for a second, "Oh, yeah! I wanted to invite you all to our Woodworth Gaming Night a week from Friday."
"What is that," Dinah scoffed.
"Once a month we have a video game night in the studio theater and this month we are testing our latest first-person shooter game," Grant explained. Link turned to us with eyes wide, but no words came from his moving mouth.
"That sounds interesting," Olivia added. "Am I invited?"
Grant nodded happily and emphasized that we were all invited including Link. The I.T. guru quickly pulled out his phone and entered the date into his calendar. His schoolboy enthusiasm was endearing, but so odd to witness.
"I guess it could be great research," I commented. "I'll be there."
"Research?" Di seemed to like that excuse, "I am in. I could use some new ideas. I will drag Jack along, I think it would be good for him to be there too."
"Sweet," Grant closed, "It will be great to see you all there. I have a meeting with Henry in a minute, so I will see you all a little later." My breath hitched at the mention of Henry, but thankfully no one noticed. Grant looked to the wide-eyed Link and suggested, "Link, just come into my office as soon as you're done."
He left with a smile and I heard Dinah whisper, "Don't think I didn't catch that."
"Catch what?"
"The small hitch in your breath when he mentioned Henry." I glared at her as she continued, "That's Mr. Cheesecake, isn't it?"
I turned, "Hey Link, you were saying something when you came in, what was it?"
Dinah hissed, "I knew it!"
"I was saying something," Link questioned. "Oh yeah! I was going to say that I am half-tempted to give you a typewriter instead of a computer. It would at least solve this freezing problem."
"I would gladly except the offer, but then you'd have to learn how to fix a typewriter."
"Yeah, that would be a pain. I'll stick to what I know." Link turned back to the computer.
Olivia giggled out loud, "I thought you knew everything. Wouldn't fixing a typewriter be a good challenge."
Dinah and I shared a questioning look as Link smiled at our roommate. "It would be a challenge, but why make life harder for ourselves?" Livi shrugged and just continued watching. Is Link really this dense?
Link's fingers worked their magic and quickly made his way to Grant's office. I took my seat back just in time to hear Olivia mumble, "You will notice me one day, Marshall Lincoln." I tried not to laugh at how villainous that sounded.
Dinah didn't hold back, "At least I'm not the only one that is getting ignored."
"Well, maybe I should set up a groom-fest for you two," I growled.
"Why?" Di smiled. "We know what we want and we are pursuing it."
"Plus, do you know how degrading that would be," Olivia jabbed. I bit my lip and tried to just let it go as the girls giggled. "Hey what are we going to do tonight to celebrate DD being home?"
"That new Disney movie just came out last week," I shrugged.
"YES!" Dinah and Livi happily exclaimed.
"What are you ladies doing?" This came from the booming voice of Uncle Mark.
Dinah froze in place as whispered, "Don't move. It will eventually go away."
I heard Mark huff as we girls dissolved into laughter. "Don't you three have work that needs to get done?"
"I'm waiting on development," Dinah explained.
"Jack is still set up for the new shoot," Olivia replied.
"And I'm entertaining them," I winked.
"Yeah, yeah," Mark grumbled. "Grace, have you seen Henry?"
I felt my eyes widen involuntarily, my heart beat a second faster and I did everything I could to make these changes invisible to everyone else. "Um… no. I didn't even know that he was supposed to be on the premises today."
"Hmm," the old man huffed, "he's supposed to be meeting us with the contracts so that we can get this issue to the storyboards."
"I'm sure Henry will be here as soon as he can. He doesn't strike me as a guy that likes to flake out," I assured my boss.
"Especially when there is the promise of seeing a beautiful woman," Henry announced as he came up behind Mark. His smile got wider when he noticed the rest of his audience, "Or should I say, beautiful women?"
I fought every inclination to smile at the sight of Mr. Cheesecake. I broke eye contact just in time to watch Mark roll his eyes. "Grace," Mark barked, "you should be a part of this meeting. We have some forms to sign."