______________________________________________________________________________________In a place full of darkness all you can see is a dim blue light, slowly the light started to move
(Rudra's POV)
where am I? was the thing that came to my mind after waking , what is this place? what am I doing here? hhmm think Rudra think 💡right I died , so what am I doing here where is rob? ohh right first I must have monologue , hummp mic testing 1, 2,3 cough right there is no mic gaah am I becoming more stupid than before .
So my name is Rudra I know it sounds stupid but my father is or you should I use was back to the point my father was an American and my mother was an Indian so I got my name from my mother which means Lord Shiva's name in hindi Or so I have been told , my full name is Rudra Echevarria I was 13 years old before my supposed death and I used to go to you know those ST school yeah I used to go there and believe me it's very hard to attend those prestigious school anyway I was your average student nothing special, I loved anime , one piece the most out of the lot of them . I loved my family very much but I guess I can't escape the fate afterall I am not like luffy who is made of confidence. don't think about those depressing thoughts now , ok let's count till ROB appears. 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16,17,18,19,20..................................... 1,000,000 , 1,000,001 . "THAT'S IT WHERE THE FUCK ARE YOU ROB? " I shouted hoping the ROB hear me " I was right here the whole time '" is what I heard from behind me, I knew it ROB exists
( 3rd POV)
" Yes I do exist child " this is heard in the absolute darkness. Rudra without thinking blurt out " kyaah you pervert peeping into people's mind " cough is what's heard from the other side " child I am no pervert , please forgive if you were scared " is heard from seemingly from everywhere. " So... I am sorry for calling you a pervert, please don't cancel my once and only chance of reincarnation " and then something miraculous happened a light of rainbow colors came out of nowhere to take the shape of a ball " what is this shit? " our dense mc without thinking blurt out... again " child I am what you call ROB" replied the light, " So.. I don't mean to be rude but why are you a light " replied back the dim blue light " That would be because unlike you think, we ROB's are not like your normal God's'" is what's heard from the ball like stucture "Ohh so what's the difference between you and the God's" Rudra asked this curiously, after all he thought both of them were the same. "The difference would be we ROB's have full control of our universe , GOD's on the other hand can only control a particular thing , like God of time can only control tine not the space and I on the other hand can control everything, the reason behind this is because we ROB's are the will of the universe " is said by the rainbow light "Why are you telling me this I know I am not someone special , so whats your purpose of telling me what I can imagine as a secret? " Rudra asked suspiciously, after all there is no such thing as a free lunch . "You would be correct the reason is simple you see I reincarnate many people like you with wishes, but after becoming the strongest of the world they think they are on par with ROB's, they maybe able to handle one or two of the God's of that world so they think that they are above Us the wills of the universes, So this is to remind you to never ever get overconfidence in your power because not every ROB is so forgiving , some even erase the existence of arrogant reincarnated people, so be careful to never be arrogant " ROB replied back, " You love to talk don't you? " asked Rudra teasingly "hmm child so what are your three wishes and where do you want to reincarnate? " asked ROB completely ingnoring Rudra's comment, (How rude) Rudra thought, "Give me a moment to think will you? " said the dim blue light. "Go ahead think all you want, but wish carefully as once a wish is made it can't be undone " said the will of the universe, " My first wish Is................
there done next chapter will be out by today evening or tomorrow morning
9th July 2022