'I think... it's in this way.'
Even though Hisaki doubted she could meet her old man today, she at least wanted to see the place where he was currently living. It might look newer right now.
Heisuke and Mrs. Saeki rented an apartment unit from Shuuya. Shuuya's family owned several two-story traditional apartment and commercial buildings in this town.
"I think the river is on the left..." Hisaki murmured quietly.
The apartment faced a river with a vast grass field between them. Hisaki had always loved the view from Heisuke's apartment balcony. She had visited it a few times before.
Heisuke's apartment unit was vacant after his mother started living in the nursing home but, Shuuya didn't rent it to anyone else. After Heisuke left the prison, he continued living there until the two of them got married.