As the car entered the residence Vincenzo was a little shocked . It didn't look like the home of a farmer who was just starting up .

The fountain in the middle of the driveway made it all look like it was some ancient house as he stared at the gargoyle.

The house looked ancient probably something that had been passed down from ancestors ,even though it was old it had been maintained .

He could see some worked who were heading somewhere which he figured was maybe the store where they kept the produce .

His visit had been impromptu he didn't know how Me Suarez was going to take it but he had figure that since he was around for other businesses he would drop around and see how the preparation of the first shipment was going .

He alighted the car and no one came to greet him. He looked around and decided to find where Mr Suarez was .

The corridor was quite the only sound being those of his shoes tapping on the maple floors .

He could hear sounds but he couldn't quite figure out where they were coming from.

Were they in an argument ?

By the way the voices were rising he could tell the people were arguing and he didn't know what it wa about or if he was intruding but if it involved their business then he had every right to intrude .

He reached a door where the voices were now loud and he opened it and this sudden motion startled the people inside and they stopped talking a Nd turned to look at Vincenzo .

The shock on Mr Suarez face was clear indication that he had been shocked to see Vincenzo at his home when he hadn't informed him he was dropping by .

"You didn't tell me you were dropping by ",was the first thing he said as she turned to look at Vincenzo .

"I was around and decided to come and see how the first shipment is coming along . I wanted to make sure that nothing goes wrong with this ",Vincenzo said as he looked at him crossly .

He looked like there was something he was hiding and he was curious to know what it was .

The other man who was in the room had not uttered a word to him . His eyes were low in the floor ,it seemed like he was one of the workers .

"Is something wrong you look like something is bothering you ",Vincenzo said ass he walked around the room looking at it .

From the look of it ,it seemed to be the cellar. Crates of wine laid around and he took one to inspect and before he could even open the bottle Mr Suarez was beside him as he snatched the bottle from his hands .

"Is something wrong with it ?",Vincenzo asked hima s he took another bottle from the crate and this time round Mr Suarez didn't bother to snatch it from his hands .

It was then that Vincenzo realized they had never really vetted the products . He had just handed the man a contract without knowing what it was he was trying to sell for him .

"Can I get a glass so that I can taste this ?",Vincenzo asked as he swung around the bottle and he could sense the tension from the way Mr Suarez was looking at him.

"Is there something you're not telling me because you look like you're hiding something ",Vincenzo said as he dropped the bottle of wine to the floor and it scattered everywhere.

"Am not hiding anything",Mr Suarez said as he clenched his fists . His hands were shaking and in that exact moment a worker came rushing through the door with terror filled eyes .

"Sir something happened ",the worker said and Vincenzo watched the two men . There was something he was missing .

"Our fields were burned ",the worker said.

"Why is someone burning your fields what are you not telling me ?",Vincenzo asked getting pissed .

"I'll tell you in the way ",Mr Suarez said as he walked out the door .

"They left a message ",the worker who had come to inform them of what had happened said as he led the way .

"What did the message say ?",Me Suarez asked .

"Don't let me repeat myself,that was the message ",the worker said .

There was a silence as they all walked to where the worker was taking them.From a distance Vincenzo could see the smoke if the field .

He wondered what it was they must have been fighting for to the point where the other person had opted to burn the fields .

He knew how much time it took to the fields and this was a kiss they were gonna suffer fir a very king time unless they found other fields to buy . It meant the business was going to stop for a while .

That didn't bother him though ,what he was worried about was what had transpired to make someone do what they ahd done .

As they reached the scene of the Crim ehe could se show stressed out Suarez looked as he saw his hard work burn to ashes .

The other workers were just standing there looking at the mess ,there was nothing they could do about it .

"Who did this ?",Vincenzo asked one if the workers who just looked at him as if he wasn't supposed to ask that .

"The Sinaloa cartel",the worker beside him answered .

The cartel ?

What had he gotten himself into ?

"When were you going to tell me that you had ties with the cartel ?",he asked Suarez who turned to look at him with a look of pure shock like he wasn't supposed to synthe name cartel out loud .

"Well it's not am involved with them ",Suarez said trying to explain himself .

"It would have been better if you were involved with them now that you think if it . There is nothing worse than being the enemy of a cartel ",Vincenzo said as he turned around to leave and Suarez was hot in his heel behind him.

What had he done ? Who had told him it was okay to do business in parts he had not ventured into before ?

It was all Anna's fault ,it had been her idea .